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Hyperborean Story


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Since the narrative part of the previous session was rather hectic and wall-of-text, I thought I should make a list of the things that the player characters would know after they’ve had a chance to discuss the tavern scene among themselves and get their bearings. I’m hoping you might make some decisions here on the forum before next time, so I know which scenario to prepare for.


I would like you to read through these notes and state what your characters would like to do next. The athletes you fought are now detained at the guardhouse; it’s up to Corbenik what he wants to do with them and the player characters, so Nagas please state what Corbenik does. Everyone who participated in the fight (i.e. excluding Taitale and Dirk) gets 2 confidence, except that the heroic Fishy gets 3 (if magic creatures have confidence scores, I'm not sure).


1) Taitale has gotten hold of a leaflet that was, although in a kind of rambling and obscure way (see end of post), anti-magi. He seemed to think there was an opposition movement of some kind behind this, and that it could potentially be dangerous, but didn’t know much else. He also mentioned that people had gone missing lately, and citizens were a little on edge about that.


2) Gui thought the handwriting on the leaflet seemed familiar but couldn’t recall where he’d seen it before.


3) Gus was approached by a man who seemed to think Gus was a famed mage-slayer and invited him to join something called “the Bearers of the Lyre”. The man also gave Gus one of the leaflets and told that he should draw a lyre in the sand outside of the tavern if he wanted to join. Dirk recognized the man as Ganasi, reputedly among the finest woodworkers in the city, whom Dirk had been trying to contact lately to recruit him as a forge companion.


4) Before the fight started, the drunken athlete seemed to refer to the leaflet when picking on Gui. Apparently he was familiar with it.


Appendix: The Rambing Leaflet:


They would deduce from their dialectic of knowledge even the most sublime moral deeds, the impulses of compassion, of sacrifice, or heroism, and that oceanic calm of the soul which is so difficult to achieve, sophrosyne. Yet when the affliction strikes, when their actions turn comedy to sour tragedy, where, then, is their dialectic of knowledge? Where is it when the our homes crumble, when our world turns inside out and upside down, when our neighbors become strangers?


Heed now the summons of Apollo, the god of all plastic energies, the soothsaying god. Even under the influence of the narcotic draught that sends to torpor the boldest of men and binds them under the cross, even then, with the potent coming of spring that penetrates all nature with joy, emotions now awake, and as they grow in intensity the self vanishes to be born anew. Voices rise in chorus to deaden the weed at its root.


There are some who, from obtuseness or lack of experience, turn away from such phenomena as from "folk-diseases," with contempt or pity born of consciousness of their own "healthy-mindedness." But of course such poor wretches have no idea how corpselike and ghostly their so-called "healthy-mindedness" will prove when Apollo’s glowing light roars over them. Whimper no more, worms!

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Next time if you prepared your text ahead of the game session its might be bether to copy them in small pices and give us time to read or upload them as a letter or such.

(I.e you could read trough your own text if you just copy and past it and only when your finished copy the next part)

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I suggest a cheatsheet of relevant formulas that you would need for the session.


Fishy feels more confident and it's sleeping with Brother Gui or something.

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Corbenik would interrogate the drunks he sent to the guardhouse for what they were doing, where they are from (they theoretically should be a part of one of the blocks as average people shouldn't be able to get up here), and stuff. And, question the party about what happend (as they're some magus in the group couldn't interrogate)

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The was no magus direct in the fight only Dirk was nearby with some other watcher of the fight and he not even reacted to your command to follow and left on his own.

But I mentioned the people involfed already here: http://academagia.invisionzone.com/index.php?showtopic=2431&view=findpost&p=25777


(Sad that I didnt realised that this all was in the name of Apollo because then I would called out "Stop this in the Name of Apollo" in Hyperborean instead of just "Stop this!" and second round I actual would have done something but shrug it hapend as it hapened)

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Also, if I were to gm this plot, the city will end in flame and our boss Antonious will be wrestling with the god Apollo on top of the crumbled ruby tower all naked... probably. Calpurnia would scream for all this to stop, and I will ignore her. :rolleyes:

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Nagas: The the men are all from the Hyperborean quarter. They have various professions, but what they have in common is that they all compete in the Apollonian Games as a hobby, and that they were having an afterparty during the incident. The Games are a mix of religious festival and sports event.


The player party's impression is for them to confer. Probably something to the tune of "we were attacked by a bunch of drunkards for no obvious reason"?


Schwarzbart: Yeah, the trick with the text is that if I copy-paste it a little at a time (as I didn with Taitale's account), it tends to get fragmented between players doing other stuff. Maybe just wall-of-text less in general ;)


The mention of Apollo was rather indirect - the guy seemed to have a problem with Gui's religion more than anything else, and he was using the wording from the leaflet. The incident seemed more a drunken brawl than religious zealotry, however, but the distinction isn't clear in this case.


Still looking for characters' opinions as to what they would like to do next.

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OK I will bring this up with the other junior (player) mages that there is a strong anti crisitan movement happening right now and something apearently have trigerd it that they see the mages as standing direct on the side of the christian god.

(The letter Dirk got together with the info from Taitale leaves him come to this conclusion.)



Dirk will try to speak alone with one of the drunken athlets when they are sober but still in imprisoment.

This could be done in a PM session betwean Wits and me unless someone intent to drop in or listen.

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Had my character not been so frightened of Corbenik he might have tried riffling through their pockets,.. for evidence or something.. *cough* But that didn't happen. And I'm not going to spy on Dirk. It would be rude... and taking place in a prison, so no way.


And will probably stick to the truth if asked: We were just minding out business when these drunk guys started a brawl with (ex-)Brother Gui. We beat them though so no harm done! (Add stutter for full effect)



If we are not taken back to the Temple (and we have some time) then Bashir might have a word with the barkeep, appologizing for ruining the mood but it was over quickly and nothing was ruined... then proceed to try and coerce what he knows about this leaflet business, and if another Tavern is stealing his clientele, perhaps the more unfortunate sort of people?

(Bashir is no guard nor clad like one, so just a patron that is talkative and sorry for the troubles - though not of the Hypoborian quarter. Also stutters and would have to speak latin unless the barkeep understands bazaar chant)

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Latin works.


"Bah, it wasn't your fault. I knew free wine and that lot spelled trouble. I'm just happy you wiped the floor with 'em in short order like you did."


"I heard about that. Looks like someone has it out for the magi, but I don't know who. Can't blame 'em, honestly. The city's crumbling, maybe flipping over even, and that curse? Well, I better not say more about it. There's a sense of .. trouble? in the air."


(I don't understand the part about the other tavern)

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Sorry, poor phrasing on my part. I was wondering if he knew of another tavern that had become popular with the more Apollo-militant sort of people. (Perhaps go there to hear if anyone there accidentally let something slip about this group/cult - I'd need to find someone who speaks the local chant to translate/listen for me - if such a place existed - and not Corbenik. If no luck finding anyone else then I'd direct his attentions there. By messenger. :P )

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The sober Fishy is like "Wahhh, Momo lied. He said drinking alcohol will make your trouble go away! Now I just got in more trouble! That lying furball!"


Fishy is having a jealousy problem with Makara paying all his attention to Momo lately. Fishy have to stand out! Fishy will go to adventure like Momo and brag about it to Makara! Fishy was swimming to the prison to apologize for the drunken athletes that it defeated heroically, but it overheard the conversation of Dirk and swim straight to him to ask for involvement in this adventure sounding event!

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Adrian: He doesn't seem to know of a place like that. "They usually come here. Don't know why. Might be the name. Most people aren't as stupid as the bunch that attacked you, though. Libon tried to keep his flock orderly when he was still around."


Dirk and Fishy ask Corbenik what he knows about the people that have gone missing. This is what he knows; I presume he'll tell them unless Nagas says otherwise:


Seven people in total have gone missing during the last year or so. Two of them were from the Bazaar quarter and five from the Hyperborean. Mostly just normal people - peasants, craftsmen, and so on. The only notable was Libon, the self-styled head priest of Apollo in the Hyperborean quarter. "Self-styled" because there really isn't an organized church or anything like that - it's just followers gathering in his living room. He also used to hold sermons in events like the Apollonian Games, initiating youngsters, and such.


When the first people went missing and no one knew what was up, Corbenik presumed they just fell off the edge, were secretly murdered by foes, or some such. It's not that hard to secretly do away with someone when you can just ditch all evidence overboard. Now it's getting strange, though - the last three people have gone missing during the last few months, and the tally is getting too high for it all to be coincidence.

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"Could some of the Companion and Grog do a investigation with the families and relatives of this missing people where they missing went bevore they gone missing?"

"I will in the mean time find out if it is posible to set up a shrine to Apollo to fill the void left by the missing of Libon"


(The shrine in it self sbould be no problem for dirk but I'm not sure about the OK from our Head Mage but given the situation its probably Dirk become the OK for this)


In silent mental communication with the High Priest when Dirk get the OK

"Would you do us the favor to be the heardsmen of this lost people till we found a resonable living who can take over the place as priest?"

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Will the characters follow up on Dirk's suggestion to visit the missing people's relatives? If so, I think that'll be what we'll play next Sunday. Who do you want to start with?


As for the shrine, Antonius wouldn't care one way or another about the shrine, you think. Corbenik knows that Libon already had a shrine of sorts built in his home, but he doesn't know if someone has been tending to it after he disappeared.


"These wretches and fools must indeed be joined to the orderly chorus of Apollo!" telepathizes the priest in a disdainful color.

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Oh yeah, are you going to visit Libon's all plastered, or are you going to rest the long term fatigue off first?


Also: I would appreciate it if everyone could PM me any story and personality virtues/flaws that the character(s) they play with have, along with any abilities that I possibly should know about.


Edit: Or would it be easier to just post them here on the forums? Since we are all going to GM at some point probably, it would be good to have a separate thread for them, maybe?

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The first longtherm Fatigue is gone after a good nights rest if I remember right.

Also I suspect it was in the evening so it could be past the athletic competition and my Talk with the prissoner then in the morning.

If I remember right except for fishy who have 2 longtherm Fatigue the other have maximum 1.

So only fishy have a bad headache in the morning the other should be fine after one night rest.

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