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Combat effects stack?


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I'm trying my first playthrough. It's a bit confusing. The issue I'm not clear about at the moment is do effects over time stack? For example, I'm being attacked by some orcs with poisoned gauntlets. They claw me twice in a row (in round 1 and 2). Does the -3 for 3 rounds stack? Does it look like the following?


Round 1: -3

Round 2: -6

Round 3: -6

Round 4: -3


Or do the effects not stack, thus looking like:


Round 1: -3

Round 2: -3

Round 3: -3

Round 4: -3




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OK, that does help. Although I've basically just gotten past the guardians, and I'm already bearing 5 wounds.


I find the combat takes a lot of going back and forth, checking the combat table, seeing if boons would help, applying special damage... it's confusing and also a little tedious. I think I'm going to hold off for the app. The combat feels like it needs an app by itself, just to keep track of everything that's going on. If that was automated, I think I would be enjoying the text a lot more (and that's much more what I'm about). So far, the world is interesting, fairly funny, and draws me in. But the combat puts me off.


It's a shame, because in all other ways I'm keen to see what happens next.

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