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An Outing


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That is just it. I maxed out botany and subskill flowers. I have even maxed out my relationship with the professor. I have done this with a college that had botany as a locked class and I have tried it with a collaged where I changed my elective to botany. The only thing I can think of that may or may not have an effect is the level of mastery I started with due to background things and items. I do not know if having mastery too high may lock it. I was soo frustrated I have not tried it again without giving myself anything to unlock mastery to start

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Mastery definitely does not lock it, at least Mastery 10 doesn't. Mastery 11 might. Hmm...after a quick test I've just unlocked An Outing... on Athonos 2 after four actions spend Studying the Fields. So it's definitely not a timing issue...


What backgrounds/items does your character have?

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"System error occurred. Application will be terminated."? Hmm, perhaps clearing the cache will fix this...


Nope, I cannot load the file. I think this means that I cannot reconstruct the load environment (read: I don't have the same mods available as you have active for this save), in which case the question is: What mods are you using? Names as they appear ingame on the mod list, please.


Incidentally, I can guess from the size of the save file that the character is still in the early game, around the same location where I have...two or three saves dedicated to testing An Outing... in fact. So it's likely not a timing issue.

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Save file size puts your character in late Cheimare/early Hionosi, and in both cases I've got a character save that have An Outing... open to them, so it's likely not a time thing.


EDIT: Outninjad! This is IMPOSSI-okay I'm over it.


Well there's your problem. The Third Interlude is DLC 15, and An Outing... was added to DLC 16 (called The New and the Returned ingame).

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Ah, there's the problem than. In that case re-install DLC 16 and get the Patch 128 file (if you want it) from here. That one doesn't contain DLC 15, so there's no chance it'll overwrite DLC 16.


Incidentally, you will have to start a new character with DLC 16 loaded if you want the DLC 16 content. Save files are neither backwards- nor forwards-compatible, DLC wise.

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Cheat mod? what does it do? add stats or skills?


I think I got it(An Outing) on a few of my play throughs(all of them I believe since it was introduced), I don't tend to pick botany as a class, but I do spend some time getting a few botany skills and try to get a nice little plant for my inventory.

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  • 3 months later...

Maybe there should be a standalone adventure for people with the mark in later years like year 2 and onward where they can remove the mark, but it takes some skill to do so or you could possibly enlist help.


Or if you're a truly manipulative serpent you could fake the mark and just disable the mastery blocking part. After all, you got dragged into this because of your mastery, you might feel more or less forced into chains.


Perhaps with some possibility to study and explore the records of those dangerous past accidents when combining Mastery and Synchronisity. After all, we're supposed to both suceed briliantly and fail terribly in later years! Options would be nice.


Faking the mark would ofcourse requier very high Enchantment and caligraphy/orthography skills, by preparing a forgery you could probably make it easier to pull of a fake than actually recreating the real thing from scratch. You just have to make it seem very convincing and make sure you don't get caught using Mastery with your hands redhanded.

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But really, I would love to see options for both the student who thought, that perhaps Mastey was too much trouble, and the ones who are truly irredemable in the Eyes of the law, wanting to keep their cards open.


If you keep the mark or fake it skillfully you can keep doing quests for the Synk family, but still feel free.


They probably won't go out of their way to check the mark thorughly and run tests on it unless you do things that cause suspicion.

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I'm sure the first step of the the mark investigation Adventure could be interesting, studying the mark and it's design even if you don't remove or change anything. You might learn something from it, after all I'm sure a lot of effort and skill was put into it's design.


Also, isn't there a difference between empathy and sympahty. Clearly empaty would make it easier to reach sympathy but it's not a guaranteed result.


In WW2 there was a man who was conning both Nazi officers and Jews, he was later more or less forcefully recruited by american inteligence to infiltrate different targets.

His high levels of empathy made it easy for him to associate with any people and gain their trust.

His total lack of sympathy also made it easy to decieve, con and stab them in the back when ever the mission or personal whims dictated.


Empaty clearly wasn't the same thing as sympathy or ethics, just a way of understanding people their feelings and their motivations etz.


I would assume this secret order probably holds ethics high, and requiers it from their members.

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Maybe there should be a standalone adventure for people with the mark in later years like year 2 and onward where they can remove the mark, but it takes some skill to do so or you could possibly enlist help.


Or if you're a truly manipulative serpent you could fake the mark and just disable the mastery blocking part. After all, you got dragged into this because of your mastery, you might feel more or less forced into chains.


Perhaps with some possibility to study and explore the records of those dangerous past accidents when combining Mastery and Synchronisity. After all, we're supposed to both suceed briliantly and fail terribly in later years! Options would be nice.


Faking the mark would ofcourse requier very high Enchantment and caligraphy/orthography skills, by preparing a forgery you could probably make it easier to pull of a fake than actually recreating the real thing from scratch. You just have to make it seem very convincing and make sure you don't get caught using Mastery with your hands redhanded.

I actually see no reason why there should be such an adventure, seeing as how the PC's Mark is busted already. Besides, it'll be noticed when it's suddenly missing sooner or later.


The PC doesn't need to remove/fake the Mark in order to disable the Mastery blocking part.


Not sure if any of the libraries on the Academagia would have good information on that, but I guess if any location has that information outside of House Kazus' own library...


Why bother? Rather, why risk it? It's more than likely that you'll get caught on something trying to replicate it exactly.


But really, I would love to see options for both the student who thought, that perhaps Mastey was too much trouble, and the ones who are truly irredemable in the Eyes of the law, wanting to keep their cards open.


If you keep the mark or fake it skillfully you can keep doing quests for the Synk family, but still feel free.


They probably won't go out of their way to check the mark thorughly and run tests on it unless you do things that cause suspicion.

The latter already exists, it's called Slip the Master's Mark.


Free to use magic that, lore wise, you shouldn't be able to effectively use due to your studies of Sync? Sure.


They won't for Nhordum's botched Mark, unless you point it out yourself (assuming the game gives you that option).


I'm sure the first step of the the mark investigation Adventure could be interesting, studying the mark and it's design even if you don't remove or change anything. You might learn something from it, after all I'm sure a lot of effort and skill was put into it's design.


Also, isn't there a difference between empathy and sympahty. Clearly empaty would make it easier to reach sympathy but it's not a guaranteed result.


In WW2 there was a man who was conning both Nazi officers and Jews, he was later more or less forcefully recruited by american inteligence to infiltrate different targets.

His high levels of empathy made it easy for him to associate with any people and gain their trust.

His total lack of sympathy also made it easy to decieve, con and stab them in the back when ever the mission or personal whims dictated.


Empaty clearly wasn't the same thing as sympathy or ethics, just a way of understanding people their feelings and their motivations etz.


I would assume this secret order probably holds ethics high, and requiers it from their members.

Who's Mark would you study if not the PC's own, and if so what's the point of studying it?


True, which is why House Kazus makes it a point to teach their students Ethics in addition to Empathy.

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