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Black Chicken Studios Forums

New Download Link?


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I just got a new computer (YAY!), but I can't find the old receipt for this game. I bought it on the academagia site, but I can't figure out who to contact going about trying to prove that I paid for this game (actually I've paid for it twice but that was a weird, long story that was caused mainly by my own stupidity). So... I could do this the really hard, convoluted way of somehow copying over all the files... or someone could help me out in telling me who to contact?

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Unfortunately, it really depends on where you got the game. Some places like impulse are near impossible to reclaim the game now. Do you still have the old email address you used back then?

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You can either contact bmtmicro your self think this its the mail cservice@bmtmicro.com or PM the Legate of Mineta her at the forum giving him your e-mail adress that he should request them to send you a new download.


Edit: if your unsure about the e-mail you used check this site https://info.bmtmicro.com/ there you can look what games are bought via a e-mail.

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