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The Daily Song Thread - Post Your Day's Tunes!


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A short, yet sweet music that Extra History made for their take on the man behind our "beloved" Bismarck.


"Bismarck has a plan... Bismark ALWAYS has a plan." - I'd laugh if BCS used that meme on one of her dialogues, or one of her acquaintances.

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Just imagine you are a captain of the INPF.
You and your ship are harboured in port and your Walküre went on a stroll to look for the exciting new harbour, and also she found a way to take walks at least in the entire harbour.
But it's getting late and go and get your Walküre, when you walk into the harbour bar, where to your surprise several Walküren hang out.
And the moment you walk through the door something like this happens:




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Okay, this shocked me a little. There is a very famous song, sung by students who take long walks or soldiers or anyone strolling around beautiful landscape here in Germany. I even know a Kindergarten variant, describing ironically the day of a child who goes to Kindergarten. Because the refrain is so easy and enjoyable. And you probably all know this song. Not the verses maybe, but the refrain. And this truly innocent song, so I've heard, is in France and Poland equivalent with the Wehrmacht! Another cultural crime commited by the Nazis. Not a big one, but a crime nontheless. Please take in the text before listening: Ein Heller und ein Batzen (you can switch to english on the left, sadly polish is the only version without the text)


Under civilian circumstances it is only sung without instruments.

A military version the actual song starts at 00:10:

Also an alternative verse:
"Die Zeiten gehen vorüber, die Zeiten gehen vorbei (vorbei).

Wo früher stand ein Kirchturm, steht heute eine Brauerei."

"The times they are changing, times are passing by.

Where once was a churchtower, stands now a brewery."

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