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The Daily Song Thread - Post Your Day's Tunes!


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This is just a fun nonsense thread! Post your song of the day and maybe give a short description on why you chose this piece for the day. Review and critique the songs, if you guys want.


I'll go first...and I'm posting this BECAUSE IT'S ALMOST SUMMER! :D


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I'll be posting mostly GuP songs :P (which is basically military marches and songs from various countries).

let's start with GuP's most well known song, Katyusha.


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No one cares when it's cute.




^ This


Couldn't care less about mangling language. It's cute.


I certainly hope that is not the approach the developers take with this game.... in fact I thought a key draw of the game was for at least 'authentic' (if not realistic) accents and dialogue. Problem with Katyusha is that I don't think there's a version done decently in Russian that isn't like a modern 'pop' remix....


My song choice: Battle hymn of the republic (instrumental)



Fun fact: Pretty sure this song was used in NZ in a seatbelt ad lol.

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I certainly hope that is not the approach the developers take with this game.... in fact I thought a key draw of the game was for at least 'authentic' (if not realistic) accents and dialogue.


Considering Kirov(who I've been told has very mangled Russian) and say, La Motte-Picquet(who definitely sounds like someone fluent in French), I'm guessing they're going for a mix of approaches, depending on the Belle.

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