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Trespassing, and how to avoid it (when possible!)


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There have been times I've been reprimanded for trespassing, and thought *I wasn't aware that was off limits to students*. I know some places are off limits to students, but there have been times I'm been punished while exploring the grounds or other areas that I assume are safe, but get punished anyway. Is it *any place that isn't Academagia proper might get you in trouble for trespassing*, are there certain areas that only certain schools can go to but others are forbidden (you're from Hedi? TRESPASSING!! Only Durand students can go here!)? I'm aware that there's a student that can snitch on you and SAY you are trespassing if you and she aren't getting along, but I've only seen her snitch on me once...


I'm aware you won't be able to avoid trespassing completely, but there are times I swear I'm just getting REALLY unlucky at getting caught...did I tick off a member of the Thief's Guild?

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Any location that isn't labelled as a public area, like I believe the Great Hall and the Admiratio, has a chance of getting you reprimanded for trespassing if you don't have formal visitation rights. The chance is usually slight, <10% in almost all cases and <5% or even <3% in most cases, but that's still a potential risk that applies to well over 90% of the locations in the game. You can check a location's Chance of Detection (I.E. Chance Of Getting Reprimanded For Trespassing) in the Lore tab under Locations, and your personal modifier to CoD in your inventory. The two numbers are simply added/subtracted to calculate your chance of getting caught: A -5% CoD modifier means you can visit any location with a base CoD of 5% or less without risk of getting reprimanded.


Until that student you mentioned, Cosetta Re, comes into play, but she's in a league all of it's own. Keeping her risk down would require very...drastic measures...


If you want to avoid getting reprimanded for trespassing I suggest you buy some stuff that lowers your CoD. Even just -2% will greatly reduce your chance of getting into trouble for day-to-day activities (like studying in any reasonable location :)). If you want to not get in trouble while exploring you'll either have to account for the worst-case scenarios (and there are locations with a base CoD of 25% or more, so...good luck with that) or explore indirectly, since your character will happily bumble their way into the headmaster's office while the big cheese is sitting right there. For the latter I'd recommend Historical Tendencies, assuming you're in History class.

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I think there is also some hidden increase in CoD like your Glory. The only real way to complete avoid reprimand for Trespassing is only using Location where you have visitation rights. Some visitation rights can be gained from backgrounds, other from paying a tuition and some just from using the right ability for this location at the first visit other can gained in adventure.

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Got reprimanded because I had too many plants, are they worried I'm going to turn into another flower child? :P


If the chance of discovery is 16 that means that there's a 16% chance that I'll be caught, right? Also curious, why is it sometimes I'll discover some place but won't be able to get to it afterwards? Do I need some other event to happen first?

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Got reprimanded because I had too many plants, are they worried I'm going to turn into another flower child? :P


If the chance of discovery is 16 that means that there's a 16% chance that I'll be caught, right? Also curious, why is it sometimes I'll discover some place but won't be able to get to it afterwards? Do I need some other event to happen first?

Breaking dress code is different from trespassing, but you can be reprimanded for breaking dress code, yes. Get some extra Strength and Finesse if you want to carry more stuff, or stuff with lower Encumbrance/Concealment values.


That's the location's base CoD, yes. Your personal modifier listed in your inventory will be added/subtracted from that, based on what equipment/active abilities/spells/what have you that you have (or don't have). For the second question(s) Schwarzbart is right - there are...'bout a half-dozen locations with associated "adventures", and you have to do the adventure before you're able to use them, but those are few and their adventures will trigger automatically.

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