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Clique questions!


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In a clique (someone befriended me) and I'm used to seeing all of the other cliques have a 0 next to them, (it's what happens when your start date is the second day!) I noticed one of the cliques had a one next to them, but both members of the clique I still have no relationship with...what causes one clique to increase friendship with another clique?

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There might be the odd thing that still changes relationships between Cliques, as opposed to the individuals in said Cliques, but I don't know. Those relationship values are effectively dummied out values the Team didn't remove from the UI, same the the Patrol Bonus.

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The end of your Clique, yes, but the number next to the other Cliques listed below yours are (or rather, were supposed to be) their relationship value. In practice it's always 0.


Hrm, I thought that number was other cliques relationship to your clique...I'm sure I've seen a number other than 0 there. <checks DLC16 save> Yup, I do have clique with a score other than 0. I don't think I took an timeslot to bump it up though but it's been a long time.


IIRC the clique relationship number was for Clique on Clique rivalries but I think that feature is more of a artifact for possible future years. From a scan through of the wiki there are a few actions\abilities that will target a clique but I have no idea how that relationship number got nudged. I wish we could see the relationship numbers of students we're informed of because I'd hazard a guess that it is the lowest relationship number of your clique member with that of the other clique and vice versa (which would explain why anything but a 0 is rarely seen). Or it could just be a bug :) .

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So whatever it was intended to be got cut out? Dang...was wondering if Clique A and Clique B could hang out together!


One other question, I've noticed that when you are on adventures (maybe RE too) there will be the option to sacrifice a member. I've never actually sacrificed a member, so... Does that mean the other person in the clique takes over for the remainder of the adventure, is it a *hey, help me at this spot!* only, or what?

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