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broken event


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I just had an event where a student was on a branch on a tall tree threatened by a talking, black snake, and I had three options: challenge the snake to a contest of wits, distract it, or use magic. I chose the first, and got a blank screen where I could only click the confirm orders button. Once this was done, the event ended, and I ended up with +1 relationship to Marchant as well as +1 to my Lie skill. Yeah, something went wrong there.

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Thanks for the report, though in the future could you please use F12 to check the event's modtools name? The modtools have no more (useful) searching features than the game itself, sadly, and there's rather a lot of events that one could be.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Okay, Random Event Defensive Spells 2, just had a minor glitch where the random student name didn't show properly at the end. I'd successfully done the sensory skill check (can't remember which skill it used and it doesn't say in the dialogue) and then did the mud boots spell, it worked, and I got treated to an odd final paragraph with the student's name missing from 2 sentences where it was supposed to be... Much more minor but thought it wouldn't hurt to mention it.

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Another: Random Event - Evelien van Strien just had a glitch where it literally showed "&Player Name&" where my name was supposed to be, three separate times. Also, not sure if it's intentional or not, but Gasparo Vasari doesn't seem to be listed in my Relationships list (is he an older student or something?). I chose Etiquette, passed the test, and my name showed correctly in the resulting dialogue.

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