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@Legate of Mineta: Inspired by your recent comments about my "Game Ending with No Familiar", I readed through it again in order to make some changes. I was able to edit its contents about Pelia (I hope) in a better way. Alas, I could not change its material about Uliva, Zoe, and Rikildis directly, wherefore I write these changes here for your consideration.


how is your trip home plan?

Should be

what is your plan to go home?



few people are contend living with no friends.”

Should be

few people are content living with no friends.”



Maybe you can right an article about my sacrifice some time.”

Should be

Maybe you can write an article about my sacrifice some time.”

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  • 4 weeks later...

Let not these words from me indicate that I think that all PCs who engage in Gates and/or Mastery magic would discover that their dear friends/lovers would think that their illegal actions are worthy of acceptability. But there are ways, I think, for certain students - not a majority - to develop kinder feelings than revulsion - if they have not already.

I begin with the obvious two:

Sima Venesico for Gates Magic: Unless I am completely misunderstanding the worldbuilding, Miss Venesico is already flirting with magic that is very close to Gates when she interacts with the spirits during her efforts to create her necklace. Having a friend/lover who is a gates mage would be seen by her, I have little doubt, as a great asset to her efforts for whomever - although she might become rather testy if she were to learn that e had studied gates magic in a formal school without sharing the knowledge with her.

Sima Venesico for Mastery Magic: If Sima Venesico is not interested in Mastery Magic, then I will accept conspiracy theories about how Buddhaghosa was a crypto-Hindu - because her material in Y1 is so strongly suggesting that she is interested in it even if not practising it. Accordingly, she would probably love to have a friend/lover whom she could share her interest with. How much, if any, knowledge/suspicion she has about the Purple Academy of Thei, I know not, but she would probably regard helping a PC who helped her in Y1 with the necklace in passing the Purple Academy of Thei's tests as appropriate recompense - both dealing with evil spirits and possession, after all.

Lambert Cobo for Gates Magic: Lambert Cobo is the only Y1 student (aside from the PC, possibly) to practise gates magic. He would probably only be angry with a PC for concealing the Schohanwicht school, but would then try to figure out how to get there himself.

Lambert Cobo for Mastery Magic: I highly doubt that Lambert would trust any person using mastery magic, if conspiracy theorists are any inspiration for his character (which I, for my part, think - even referring to him as "the Academagia's consiracy theorist" in private notes that I write for my published material).


Then there are the less obvious but still almost certainly friendly:

Uliva Valaresso for Gates Magic: Uliva is so blinded to common fears by interest in serpents that I think that she would only oppose a gates mage PC if e were to make clear that gates magic cannot help her with her ophidiophiliacal researches.

Uliva Valaresso for Mastery Magic: Two words: snake charmer.

Magsa Nembo for Gates Magic: Magsa seems to be less interested in whether anything is right or wrong than in whether it will benefit his plans (and those of his siblings). A gates mage PC he would regard as a useful asset and a dangerous potential foe. Probably, he would try to learn negation magic against gates magic in such circumstances.

Magsa Nembo for Mastery Magic: See above, replacing gates with mastery.

Oriabel Sidot for Gates Magic: The Team has already hinted that Miss Sidot will become involved in Gates Magic, and her Y1 adventurew, suggesting that her father is somehow in proximity to necromancers in the palace guard (at minimum!) suggests ways in which she could join. A PC who would have experience in gates magic she would regard as a useful ally.

Oriabel Sidot for Mastery Magic: Ghosts can be fearsome, and mastery magic can make everyone so friendly.

Tabin Furenzti for Gates Magic: Magsa and Tabin are alike in this, but Tabin would probably be more calculating.

Tabin Furenzti for Mastery Magic: Tabin seems interested in simulating mastery magic, but having a friend/lover who could do the real thing would be a very useful - and interesting - thing for him, I think.

Flore Yveuillet for Gates Magic: Flore wants to be seen as a bad girl and openly speaks against the ban on gates magic to a certain extent. Unless it is just an act that she does not want to go beyond in a certain degree, I think that she would love to have a gates mage friend/lover.

Flore Yveuillet for Mastery Magic: The same desire for independence, I think, would cause within Flore even greater revulsion than average towards people using mastery magic.

Aaran Ledale for Gates Magic: He is already an outcast struggling with strange magics that he does not understand and having a larger than average knowledge of the crminal underworld. Joining in friendship or love with some gates mage PC would be in keeping with this pattern.

Aaran Ledale for Mastery Magic: Content cutted from Y1 would have involved him and the PC learning mastery magic. Need I say more?

Miya Hikari for Gates Magic: Miya is willing to help a friend join the thieves' guild with her, so I see little reason why she would object to a friend/lover being a gates mage - especially because she claims to come from a land where gates magic is not banned.

Miya Hikari for Mastery Magic: Miya is willing to help a friend join the thieves' guild with her, so I see few reasons why she would object to a friend/lover being a mastery mage - especially because she claims to come from a land where mastery magic is not banned. The exception, I think, is that she might fear that amastery mage would force her to do things unsuitable for princesses, but she is so playful already that I could easilyt understand if she were not to have such concerns.


I finally add in some characters whom I suspect of possibly being capable of being brought to support a PC practising illegal magic, albeit through rather strange routes:

Prudence Cossins: She is willing to defy conventions in pursuit of what is right and is a friend to Flore who seems to support gates magic. I could see her supporting a morally upstanding PC regardless of gates/mastery practise.

Girars de Periarde: Gates and mastery magic would allow him to more easily implement his vegan ideals!

Zoe Melis: She is greedy and lonely and sick, and her Y1 adventure reveals her to be willing to engage in massive fraud for money. She could think that a friend/lover practising illegal magic would be irreplaceable, able to cure her, and/or able to earn money for her.

Beatrix von Wetgen: I have already outlined why I think that she is a mad scientist type (albeit rather pleasant and athletic), so she would perhaps be willing to overlook illegal magic if her friend/lover were able to help her with her researches.

Cinzia Ammacapani: As a controlling person, she would perhaps find hilarious (and interesting!) a friend/lover as a mastery mage. Gates mafic, meanwhile, would give her more entities to control and workj with - which she might love.

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Just sharing some thoughts


Flore: There was this question from freespace, it's quite revealing on the subject

[Say, Legate, of all the Current students in the game, which one would be closest to the mindset on learning multiple pillars? (or even all of them)

"Lambert (learn whatever magic you may need to get into interesting places) and Flore (it's good to be able to defend yourself, which means a lot of Negation work and even some understanding of the totally illegal stuff)."]

So its easy to associate her with gates because of the dialectic adventure, but she might learn Mastery aswell. She is quite cynical, so i imagine if she had a boyfriend that would not learn Mastery for idealist or moral reasons, she might perceive him as too naive or weak for her. She is a complex character, its not easy to pinpoint how much mean she is or is a persona

Prudence: I Dont really believe in morally upstanding Mastery mages, especially while its banned, maybe she would, but i think with her dislike of authority she would not like a mastery partner. in event terms, she would likely lose a point in relationship. Gates at least, theres usually a romantic view on the subject, even if i myself find Gates often more disturbing than Mastery

Zoe: About her being greedy and a criminal, the thing is after the end of her adventure she show a desire to turn a new leaf and live a more quiet/honest life. This is the sucess text from the Negotiate step of her adventure:

["It was fun doing this," she says, without a smile. " But i've had enough. I'm tired of worrying so much about getting caught."

She thanks you and gives you half of the money you made together. As she walks away, you feel a little sad. You wanted to get to know her better, but it seems as though she thought of you as more of a business partner than a friend.]

Beatrix: She would probably like gates people, her love of wildlife is a bit like Eunecya and her disappearance in the wild while a professor covers for her is like a Gates school player 

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@yurisama: I thank you for your interesting thoughts. You make very good points about every character whom you comment about, as I see it, except for Zoe Melis. The passage that you quote from her adventure does not have her expressing qualms about what she was doing was wrong (either morally or in terms of rules), and she even says that she had fun doing it. Rather, the only objection that she has is that she worries that she might get caught doing it. This is not the thinking of a morally elevated personality (although it is the sign of an intelligent mind). As for why she gives the PC half of the money, they were partners, and she probably realizes that if she were to try to cheat the PC out of the money, then she would be making a dangerous enemy (cf., her comments about fearing getting caught - not every character in fear has to be unreasonably paranoid or obviously fearful).

In all honesty, I think of Zoe Melis, Emilia Strolin, and Uliva Valaresso as manifesting traits that players/readers would associate with evil over-ladies in contexts that subvert our expectations. Zoe is greedy and amoral - but she is limited by caution (due to her intelligence and sickness) and by her desire to avoid getting punished. Emilia is a schemer with a terrifying willingness to inflict vengeance upon all of her enemies and the cunningness to conceal her dangerousness from most others - but she is limited by her genuine shyness and the lack of respect that people show to her. Uliva is creepily obsessed with snakes, knows various forms of secret knowledge, and breeds dangerous magical pets for fun, but she is also cheerful, friendly, and loving.

I am guided in my thoughts about Zoe Melis in part by a book named "Secret in the Stones" (Tales of the Nine Charms #2) by Erica Farber and John R. Sansevere with a character named Zoe. Their Zoe was approximately the same age as Zoe Melis, also sought to be popular and wealthy, and found herself in a place where much magic was practised and many people were richer, more powerful, and more beautiful than she was. The two Zoes were both willing to ignore social norm associated with virtue in order to get ahead in life. Their Zoe was also explicitly evil, working with evil beings in order to get what she wanted, interested in jewels, and willing to use mind-control in order to help her evil allies (these later three traits I associate with Zoe Melis's fellow Hedi student Sima Venesico).

If this seems strange to you, you seem to perceive Cinzia Ammacapani through the prism of Ava Crescentia from Sunrider games.

As a final note, I have finally planned how to play a game in Avila focussing upon Cinzia Ammacapani.

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@Rhialto  I think it's pretty cool you actually found another character named Zoe that remind you of the academagia one, just like you said Sima Yi reminded you of this Sima.

About Uliva, theres a lot of mystical/religious symbolism with the snake, like the forbidden fruit, so i find forbidden magic for her to be quite fitting

There are lot of characters that remind me of Cinzia in some way. Satsuki (kill la kill), Ava(sunrider), Shizune( katawa shoujo), Erza(Fairy Tail), Fubuki (OPM) etc. Erza probably fit Irene a bit better, but remind me a little still. Of course they all have their differences.

One of them is Therese Voermann, the Baron of Santa monica, from Vtmb, which would be some version of an evil Cinzia, so its not that strange to see an Evil/Good Zoe, hopefully the player can help shape that. 

Also if you end up doing a Cinzia game, see if you can do Olivia Solari adventure too, i mentioned before but just in case, you learn about Cinzia's book there.

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53 minutes ago, yurisama said:

About Uliva, theres a lot of  mystical/religious symbolism with the snake, like the forbidden fruit, so i find forbidden magic for her to be quite fitting

Ah, but forbidden does not necessarily mean evil - cf., for example, Asclepius the god slain for being too benevolent (by restoring the dead to life) whose sacred animal was a snake; Mucalinda the magical serpent (naga), who protected Gautama Buddha; and Nagarjuna, who supposedly retrieved sacred Buddhist wisdom that had been guarded by magical serpents (nagas).

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@Legate of Mineta: I hope that it is not too late to make some major revisions to my adventure in which Sima Venesico investigates Zoe Melis. I have corrected some lore errors and made the memory Sima suspects to be easier to get (although still obscure).

Talking to Zoe

The rest of the story I based upon my desire to be known as more than the sickly student from the poor region whose captains kidnap crewmembers,

Should be

The rest of the story I based upon my desire to be known as more than the sickly student from the poor region which is not the poor region whose captains kidnap crewmembers,


Only in her mind, barely familiar with these people in particular and people in general, would have either Prudence Cossins or Flore Yveuillet – whom she melds into a composite character – talk enthusiastically about the need for trans-and-cis-national panhuman amity in opposition to draconic traduction, belligerence, and aggression!

Should be

Only her mind, barely familiar with these people in particular and people in general, would have either Prudence Cossins or Flore Yveuillet – whom she melds into a composite character – talk enthusiastically about the need for trans-and-cis-national panhuman amity in opposition to draconic traduction, belligerence, and aggression!


Sima’s Confrontation

If we could have evidence from more than the reddish-brown cylinder about what was in her room, certain other people would be extremely grateful.”

Should be

If we could have evidence from the reddish-brown cylinder, in addition to certain other sources, about what was in her room, then certain other people would be extremely grateful.”


If PC is student at the Schohanwicht School, then all success texts in the “pure luck” exit to the stage “Sima’s Confrontation” should have the following changes

1.       The following text


But loud screams from behind you interrupt Sima’s words. Trembling, you turn, to see that Roxan and Dacota are screaming – and that a light is advancing up the alleyway towards you. In front of the light is a doomhound, who looks at Dacota with – well, you are not very sure what its body language conveys, but it does not seem aggressive. But Dacota and Roxan are frightened out of their wits by the doomhound.

“A doomhound! Dharani-reciter, you succeeded!” Roxan wails. “Let it spare us! Take this and go!”


“O there is no trouble with that,” Sima says, and she leads you all out of the alleyway and back into the blissfully normal Academagia grounds. Aaran thanks Sima but declines to stay with her or you any longer, muttering something about needing to research glamour spells in the Venalicium. Sima then creates glamours and puts an eye to one end of the reddish-brown cylinder.

“So Zoe’s room had no legal or illegal magics that might explain her knowledge,” she says after a few seconds’ gazing as she lowers the reddish-brown cylinder from her face. “Truly, this was a waste of my time. Still, I was cautious and must remain cautious.”

You suppose that you are unlikely to get, at least at this time, any further explanation, such as why the so-called Triplets are so secretive about their relationship, or how they get such easy access to so many magical artifacts, or what they are involved in. Still, you decide to ask noncommittal questions.


You have to admit that Sima is right. Mysterious as the Triplets and the places that they frequent are, they are truly wonderful friends to you, even though they are secretive and can be strange in pursuit of a mysterious goal that you are not fully informed about. You only wish that you could better know more about the true Sima Venesico rather than the mask that she creates for those who are not her closest friends. You are glad that Sima will be spared from some financial risk. Maybe you would better serve her and other friends through more serious study of luck and related magico-theological issues.


, +1 Stress, + 1 relationship with Aaran Ledale, + 1 relationship between Sima Venesico and Aaran Ledale, end adventure]

Should be


If PC has no affection with Sima Venesico


But loud screams from behind you interrupt Sima’s words. Trembling, you turn, to see that Roxan and Dacota are screaming – and that a light is advancing up the alleyway towards you. In front of the light is a doomhound, who looks at Dacota with – well, you are not very sure what its body language conveys, but it does not seem aggressive. But Dacota and Roxan are frightened out of their wits by the doomhound. You feel inclined to join them in their fears, though. Was this a random mishap brought about by Gates magic? Such a thing could cause unpleasant investigation into you, you think with a fearful moan.

You hear Sima sigh and turn towards her, noticing that she is looking at you with puzzlement. But before you can try to explain to her, without revealing your knowledge of Gates magic nor being convinced that your explanation is correct, why everything is fine and does not involve gates magic, you hear Roxan’s voice

“Dharani-reciter, you are afraid because you succeeded in summoning a doomhound!” Roxan wails. “Let it spare us! Take this and go!”

Your jaw drops, and you look at Sima in helpless terror.

”Sima, It’s not like…”

But Sima looks at you with a focussed glance, gives to you a knowing smile, and shushes you.


“O there is no trouble with that,” Sima says, and she leads you all out of the alleyway and back into the blissfully normal Academagia grounds. Aaran thanks Sima but declines to stay with her or you any longer, muttering something about needing to research glamour spells in the Venalicium. Sima then creates glamours and puts an eye to one end of the reddish-brown cylinder.

“So Zoe’s room had no legal or illegal magics that might explain her knowledge,” she says after a few seconds’ gazing as she lowers the reddish-brown cylinder from her face. “Truly, this was a waste of my time. Still, I was cautious and must remain cautious.”

Then, Sima looks at you with the same focussed look that she used when you reacted to Roxan’s calling you a summoner.

“We should all keep that in mind,” she says. “Illegal magics can be so dangerous.”

You suppose that you are unlikely to get, at least at this time, any further explanation, such as why the so-called Triplets are so secretive about their relationship, or how they get such easy access to so many magical artifacts, or what they are involved in. Sima would probably reply by wanting to learn how much you know about Gates Magic. Still, you decide to ask noncommittal questions.


You have to admit that Sima is right. Mysterious as the Triplets and the places that they frequent are, they are truly wonderful friends to you, even though they are secretive and can be strange in pursuit of a mysterious goal that you are not fully informed about. You only wish that you could better know more about the true Sima Venesico rather than the mask that she creates for those who are not her closest friends. You are glad that Sima will be spared from some financial risk and has spared you from having to explain your familiarity with Gates Magic. Maybe you would better serve her and other friends through more serious study of luck and related magico-theological issues – such research, although esoteric, would be safer than Gates Magic and probably legal.


, +2 Stress, + 1 relationship with Aaran Ledale, + 1 relationship between Sima Venesico and Aaran Ledale, add memory Sima suspects, end adventure]

If PC has affection or love with Sima Venesico


But loud screams from behind you interrupt Sima’s words. Trembling, you turn, to see that Roxan and Dacota are screaming – and that a light is advancing up the alleyway towards you. In front of the light is a doomhound, who looks at Dacota with – well, you are not very sure what its body language conveys, but it does not seem aggressive. But Dacota and Roxan are frightened out of their wits by the doomhound. You feel inclined to join them in their fears, though. Was this a random mishap brought about by Gates magic? Such a thing could cause unpleasant investigation into you, you think with a fearful moan.

You hear Sima sigh and turn towards her, noticing that she is looking at you with concerned puzzlement. But before you can try to explain to her, without revealing your knowledge of Gates magic nor being convinced that your explanation is correct, why everything is fine and does not involve gates magic, you hear Roxan’s voice

“Dharani-reciter, you are afraid because you succeeded in summoning a doomhound!” Roxan wails. “Let it spare us! Take this and go!”

Your jaw drops, and you look at Sima in helpless terror.

”Sima, It’s not like…”

But Sima looks at you with a focussed glance, gives to you a knowing and flirtatious smile, and shushes you.


“O there is no trouble with that,” Sima says, and she leads you all out of the alleyway and back into the blissfully normal Academagia grounds. Aaran thanks Sima but declines to stay with her or you any longer, muttering something about needing to research glamour spells in the Venalicium. Sima then creates glamours and puts an eye to one end of the reddish-brown cylinder.

“So Zoe’s room had no legal or illegal magics that might explain her knowledge,” she says after a few seconds’ gazing as she lowers the reddish-brown cylinder from her face. “Truly, this was a waste of my time. Still, I was cautious and must remain cautious.”

Then, Sima looks at you with the same focussed and flirtatious look that she used when you reacted to Roxan’s calling you a summoner.

“We should all keep that in mind,” she says. “Illegal magics can be so dangerous, right dear [PCFirstName]?”

You suppose that you are unlikely to get, at least at this time, any further explanation, such as why the so-called Triplets are so secretive about their relationship, or how they get such easy access to so many magical artifacts, or what they are involved in. Sima would probably reply by wanting to learn how much you know about Gates Magic. Still, you decide to ask noncommittal questions.


You have to admit that Sima is right. Mysterious as the Triplets and the places that they frequent are, they are truly wonderful friends to you, even though they are secretive and can be strange in pursuit of a mysterious goal that you are not fully informed about. You only wish that you could better know more about the true Sima Venesico rather than the mask that she creates for those who are not her closest friends. You are glad that Sima will be spared from some financial risk and has spared you from having to risk your excellent relationship with her by explaining to her your familiarity with Gates Magic. Maybe you would better serve her and other friends through more serious study of luck and related magico-theological issues – such research, although esoteric, would be safer than Gates Magic and probably legal.


, +2 Stress, + 1 relationship with Aaran Ledale, + 1 relationship between Sima Venesico and Aaran Ledale, add memory Sima suspects, end adventure]


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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

@Legate of Mineta: In my stage of the adventure Sima's Summons named "Talking to Zoe", I make Zoe refer to knowing Cassettan Eluminian. This was when I thought that Zoe was Cassettan, but it may be inconsistent with her character according to the Team. That having been said, as a native speaker of another form of Eluminian with an interest in exotic languages, I could understand her knowing Cassettan Eluminian better than other characters, such as Prudence, Philippe, or Joana.

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  • 3 months later...

@Legate of Mineta: Here I present a location, which I hope may be useful.



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Hanse Trade Post


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The Imperial Reserve

Discovery Difficulty





Satyrs from Vilocia, whom humans call Hanse, have established this trading post near Satyrius, where they trade various goods with humans, satyrs, and fays. The portions of the trade post which are accessible to the public are constantly being used to trade goods between merchants speaking many languages.

Activity # 1




Hang out at the Hanse Trade Post



By spending time listening to the many languages spoken at the Hanse Trade Post, you can learn about them - and gain an understanding about how diverse the world's people are.



+ 1 skill step in a random language, + 1 skill step worldliness


Activity # 2




Help merchants out at the Hanse Trade Post



By spending time helping the various merchants who have come to trade at the Hanse Trade Post, you can earn money and understanding about trade - but only if you pass an intelligence, language roll of 14. Who would want help from a kid who cannot understand instructions? Succeed or fail, you will suffer a point of Stress because of the hectic pace of the work. At least the money is ample.



+ 1 skill step in a random economy subskill, + 50 pims, + 1 stress



Passive Benefits when Used as a Location for Action

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+ 1 level to Listening, + 1 skill level to Negotiation

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  • 8 months later...
  • 4 months later...

@Legate of Mineta: In my adventure "Skill in Brewing", all appearances of the phrase

"focus on a love of brewing with assuming that I was trying to flirt with you."

should be

"focus on a love of brewing without assuming that I was trying to flirt with you."


In my adventure "Learning Aklo 00", all appearances of the phrase

"you think that you may count yourself lucky if Uliva’s desires may be the sort which would lead her and you to be executed if caught."

should be

"you think that you may count yourself lucky if Uliva’s desires may be the sort which would not cause her and you to be executed if caught."

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