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Creating a Let's Play


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Like most people around here, I'm a fan of Bobbin Threadbare's famous Academagia Let's Play.  I've been thinking that it might be nice to try to create my own, but don't know where to do it, partially because there are so few around to use as an example.  Where would you say the best place to try and start one would be?


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@Greywacke: I have little experience in writing let's pays, but have written three After Action Reports in the form of letters written by my player characters to other characters. Each character has his own personality/interests.

Links: http://academagia.invisionzone.com/topic/3687-perspectives-on-academagia/; http://academagia.invisionzone.com/topic/3687-perspectives-on-academagia/?do=findComment&comment=58455; http://academagia.invisionzone.com/topic/3687-perspectives-on-academagia/?do=findComment&comment=64437

The whole roleplaying subforum may provide guidance to you.

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Based on what experience I have, if you wish to call it such, your earliest creative projects are generally the ones you'll be the most embarrassed about afterwards. So if you don't care to be reminded about what blunders it took to either get somewhere or realize you shouldn't have tried it to begin with, the best place to start would be a place you can disavow all knowledge of afterwards.

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Oh I don't expect to ever create something I won't be embarrassed about afterwards so that doesn't matter.

@Rhialto I've looked a little bit at the roleplaying subforum.  Do you think it would be a good place for something like this? I'm worried that too much of what would happen in the LP would just be reporting on what I do, regurgitating text from the game, and listing increases and such.  Plus none of the Roleplaying posts are in second person.

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Those are fair concerns to have, but unless I miss my guess most people here who read BT's LP are a fan of it, so it stands to reason that knowledge of the ingame text isn't an issue, necessarily. I couldn't say for sure if the roleplay subforum is the best place to start, but logically it should be at least able to work. And if not...I mean, an obscure place you can disavow all knowledge of afterwards...

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Because that's how Bobbin Threadbare did it.

I mean, because that's how the text is already written in the story so it's easier to copy paste without changing anything so it more accurately captures the feeling of playing the game.

I'll probably start it tomorrow in the Roleplay subforum. If you've got any other suggestions, I'd be happy to hear them. 

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