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Victory Belles' 2020 Roadmap


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It's been...well, close to 4 years since the beginning of the Kickstarter with some progress on the game since then.

I'm just curious what's BCS's plans for 2020 will be. Will we get more updates focusing on non-VN gameplay? More visual/audio media? Will this be the year where we can finally get a (beta?) start date????

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I would also like more updates on the progress. Something along the lines of the updates we would get back when there were votes on starting the beta (which now feels forever ago). Sure it sometimes was a bit disheartening when there was hardly any change on the ToDo list but not getting any significant progress updates in months is even more so in my opinion.

Just a few days ago I realized that since the Kickstarter finished I have lived in 4 different cities and moved a total of 5 times. When the Kickstarter launched I was early in my first half of my bachelor degree and now I have said degree and have been working in the field for close to a year.

I know there were issues with the games backend and as a programmer I can understand that planned releases for a feature is always guess work at best. But saying I wasn't pretty disappointed would be a lie.

Just end of the year blues I guess :P

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God, I was laughing so hard when I first read that Update.

As you all know, I *dare not* comment on timeline, but a final roadmap will be in the offing when Equipment & Store Module are complete (it's not in serial, as it turns out, both will be finished at the same time.) I can't say when that will be precisely, but I am hereby authorized to say that VB will be launching in 2020. We have the month intended, internally, but that I cannot say. :)

Unrelated, what's your degree Armnorn?

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A degree in computer science. And I am working as an IT-Consultant/Developer now. So I can completely understand things taking longer than expected (god knows I have overrun more than 1 deadline by a factor of 3 or more :P)

But at the same time the gamer side of me wants to get into the game. But if the game does indeed launch next year then the wait will have been worth it from what I have seen so far :) So fingers crossed for the final stretch I guess

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