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KS Update 224


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Fair number of new faces in there. I wonder who that one with the flat cap is...

Also heart goes out to the whole BCS team, especially those in Ukraine and Russia. Here's hoping to an end to this conflict for all of our sakes, one that ends with a Ukraine still standing

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  • 3 weeks later...

Quite a lot of work and effort put in for them all, especially considering we only got a smattering of '39 Belles revealed before the alpha and beta came out and we still got more Belles and more being shown off. It'll be interesting to see what happens after launch, if we'll get more interviews and updates. I think it'll be nice to tease Belles

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9 minutes ago, Wellington99 said:

Quite a lot of work and effort put in for them all, especially considering we only got a smattering of '39 Belles revealed before the alpha and beta came out and we still got more Belles and more being shown off. It'll be interesting to see what happens after launch, if we'll get more interviews and updates. I think it'll be nice to tease Belles

I definitely hope we get more interviews with new Belles of the 1940 class. It's also worth noting how many interesting Belle designs were left out from the interviews when I was counting them I think I had like 10 or so Belles whose designs were really fascinating, like the Conquistador one, the one with the banner, the masked one and the one with black and white hair.

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