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  1. I think I have a copy of an early beta on my old PC, and if you could get it to work then theoretically you could get an idea of which adventures and so on are original from that, but it is a tad buggy...
  2. I meant that if someone on the forum wanted help then I could easily be contacted, either by me visiting (which is most days) or by direct email. If someone on the wiki wanted me then they'd have to think to check here I guess, I wouldn't want to put my email address in a wiki For the adventure edits (on the 'to the fields' page as the 'an interesting weed' page needs deleting, if you let me know the alternate paths I will put them in, the variations will either by entered as alternate paths (if the text and options are different), extra options with pre-requisites if the differences are in outcome options, or differences in outcome if the differences are purely in outcome.
  3. I have moderate experience with wiki's and although less active now than in the past, I am happy to be an admin for the wikia age if you want. Black chicken has my private email so can always contact me.
  4. I suspect this is why I haven't seen comments about the other 'club' adventures I wrote I thought I was filling a gap when I wrote them, I hadn't realised it was a deliberate void.
  5. Dying wish 5, line 3 - 'past' not 'passed'? Enjoying despite my pedantry
  6. Great work Metis. I would however note that I generally fail the interims exams completely and have never noticed a reprimand. I do each study skill one by one to get the +1 stat bonus / other cookie, rather than doing them all at the same time so I generally go into interims with 3-4 of my study classes at zero.
  7. Hmm, first time I've seen this thread. I was asked by a friend if I could beta-test a game he was writing, and maybe write a few 'lores' for him. Oddly I didn't play the actual game for a while after, but I've made up for it since. The lores needed a <lot> of writers, which is where the number of writers (50) mentioned in the early posts probably comes from (although I'm not on the list so maybe not). Year 2 is legendary not mythic, legends have a root in reality in the odds are high that Yr 1 exists and the developers have spoken of a Yr 2...
  8. Any kind of psychological injury should be resolvable by either approach. Sync and mastery would also be able to alter the perception of the stimulus as that is all created in the brain. In terms of actual physical injury I can see either being used to trigger the placebo effect, encourage people into a comatose state, and indirectly affect the body by calming emotions, easing sleep, etc but suspect that detailed mind-over-body stuff would be beyond the knowledge of the era - in practice phsyical healing is so straight forward with negation that the much slower method of finessing the brain to manipulate hormone releases, etc to encourage the body to repair itself at a faster than normal pace or in directed ways, which are in theory quite possible with either mastery or sync, wouldn't have been discovered.
  9. Looks nice Schwarzbart, like you I tend to neglect research. Is that +1 to 3 research subjects overall? +1 random and +1 to 2 research skills already known?
  10. Hmm, I can see Rupprecht doing so - purely to 'aid the young prodigy achieve their best' of course.
  11. Looking back at my school days, and those of my parents, a certain degree of bullying/hazing/pranks/competition were considered desirable to teach resiliance and moral fortitude. There were unwritten rules on who should/should not be targetted (physical violence by a boy on a girl or someone crippled was a big no-no for example) what methods were acceptable (any sexual interplay was totally prohibited) and on how far it was acceptable for such rivalry to go, but 'mollycoddling' students by protecting them from any strife would be seen as causing more harm than good. I suspect that each regent watches over their charges, and will try to encourage 'weaker' students to stand up for themselves (perhaps encouraging favoured students to help the weakling gain in self confidence and strength), or perhaps will encourage the weakling to leave the Academagia (since the rigours of magic study may be too much for them if they can't handle a 'little childish rivalry'), some less protective regents may even encourage students with potential to seek to dominate their fellows as part of learning to become 'strong'.
  12. I suspect that the Guard are primary reactive rather than pro-active as regards crashing flyers, if you can 'persuade' those you land on not to haul you before a guard (or a professor) then you are fine, if not then detention, demerits, fines and so on probably beckon. Which sounds like a neat introduction to an adventure of course, since many apologies are best made accompanied by provision of a favour for those unable to settle debts with heavy bags of pims.
  13. It's at least kindof crazy Also, and with apologies for pedantry, I think you wrote 'errant' instead of 'errand' a few times, an 'errand' is a chore/task that you need to do. A knight errant was a wandering knight in search of adventure in medieval romance novels - both could arguably be applied to the PC but I think you meant the former. Edit: correcting my own typo
  14. arguably my terms, I think I started doing it when I added adventures to the wiki - I think I did half the adventures on it (maybe more). So don't feel bad, I may be the only person using them. Which would make the club adventures I wrote for Yr 1 a tad unwieldy posibly as all of them are 3+ phases per stage ;-) Also, caught up on reading. Twice you describe people as 'goating' Yohan, do you mean 'goad'? (http://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/goad)
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