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Käpt'n Korky

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  1. Well, those who made it here probably know what's up with the game and why I had little time to come here to finish season 4 and start season 5. But to not leave things unfinished, I will wrap up atleast season 4 in the shortest way possible: INPF1: In the end Leningrad won. Probably due to her playing only national matches, because of the war, but so be it. Most dramatic position change in the last matches was made by Canarias who almost dropped into relegation from 8th. Her counterpart is Kumano who jumped from 17th way up. The three relegatees are: Kitakami, as the only Belle with less than 1 point per match, Tenryuu and Arizona with a very tight 0,1 points behind Houston. INPF2: With her almost perfect run Antoniotto Usidimare was unstoppable to grab a promo spot. Behind her, Nubian left nothing to chance and followed her. However for third place there was a sudden drop in Hoods performance and while it looked at first as if Manchester would get it, in the end Nürnberg snatched 3rd place away from her. Both Nürnberg, with securing a promotion from 15th place and Takao, jumping from last into ver much safety made impressive gains. On the contrary, Hood was the most dramatic drop. For relegation Orion, Perth and Kaga are sent down, with Orion being the only Belle in this league with less than one point per match. INPF 3: While it is debatable who made the biggest move (see below), it is very clear that Ettore Fieramosca comes from the midfield and played an almost impeccable season in the end, thus easily taking the top spot way ahead of Stewart and Sheffield, the other two promoted Belles. And while it is clear EF jumped most successfully, Queen Mary's jump from relegation or Dunkerques jump at least in points are impressive as well and it is debatable who made the biggest jump. The biggest drop however and with the most consequences has happened to Southampton. From almost promotion she crashed right out of the league system, where she will be joined by Nevada and Maille Breze. And for very funnky reasons only for INPF 1 the points sorted correct. Hence why I only post rank for 2 +3
  2. Well the second week is gone, but it means we have the results: Coming in at Rank 1 is Italy: Rank 1 Securing the Imperial Core ""After the triumphs of the first week of the war, the battle-hardened Regia Marina turned its attentions back to Italy and the Mediterranean - where they attempted to clear the Mediterranean as they had cleared the Red Sea. Although much work remains to be done, the Mediterranean is far safer than it was from Morgana predations. Fortifications along Italian coastlines were strengthened, and as the Mussolini regime publicized the navy's successes the essential strength of the government was strengthened as well. Perhaps a hint of overconfidence was beginning to show... or perhaps it was just well-earned pride? That said, there was one unexpected consequence to the Regia Marina's triumphant return to the central Mediterranean: wounded and furious Morganas came crashing in waves against the Dardanelles, looking for easier prey in the Black Sea. A mighty malestrom travelled with them as they forced the strait, causing a heavy toll of destruction. The Turks were not well pleased, and now a dangerous enemy has been reinforced in the Black Sea..." Italy Coastal Defense: Italy +1 Propaganda Strength +1 Combat Experience +1 Political Cohesion +1 Relations: Turkey -1 Victory Disease -1 [23:15] Rank 2 was France: Rank 2 An Atlantic Offense "The Marine Nationale built upon the defense of Bordeaux the week before and struck out into the Bay of Biscay and the northeastern Atlantic Ocean, carrying the glory of the Republic with them. This gave their allies the British vital breathing room - and the French found themselves ranked as perhaps the most experienced fighters in the Atlantic. In Europe, though, clouds still gathered. The Italians were quick to declare that the ships protecting the French in the Mediterranean belonged to the Regia Marina - and though it wasn't entirely true, it struck some as true enough. As for the Polish War... the drôle de guerre has already begun, with the brief attempt on the Saar petering out without any territorial gains. Is it possible that the French, with all their advantages in men and materiel, will not prosecute the war? And what consequences might that have to an opportunistic foe...?" France Coastal Defense: Atlantic Coast +1 Combat Experience +1 Alliance Cohesion +1 Morgana Defense: Iberian Approaches +1 Prestige +1 Propaganda Strength -1 Deterrence: Germany -1 [23:16] In third place is the United Kingdom: Rank 3 Canada Renders Aid "The United Kingdom took advantage of the successes enjoyed by the French, the Americans, the Italians and even the Germans; as the major approaches to the home islands were protected, Britain seized the opportunity to increase and protect trans-Atlantic commerce with Canada. Welcome supplies flowed in, with record response from private citizens. Privately, early assurances were requested from Canadian leadership that the Royal Navy prioritize the defense of Canada. Their continued emphasis on the security of the British Isles cost them overseas, however. In Norway, it was painfully obvious that defense of the North Sea - and their own coasts - had largely fallen to the Kriegsmarine. In India, the discussion in the provincial legislatures is beginning to mirror that of the National Congress as it becomes clear that British strength is not being expended to protect Indian subjects- what is more important? The war, or independence? Is it possible that the United Kingdom could win this war without the resources, manpower and monies that has been for so long the gift of India?" United Kingdom Trade: Canada +1 Preparedness +1 Unlock Progress: Canadian Belle +1 Relations: France +1 Relations: Italy +1 Relations: United States +1 Colonial Instability: India -1 Relations: Norway -1 [23:16] 4th place is Japan: Rank 4 Cooperative Framework "The Empire proferred an unlikely deal with the Soviet Union, sponsored principally by the IJN. The proposal was to coordinate actions, open bases and pool resources in order to defeat the waves of Morganas pouring in from the north. The Soviets agreed in principle, but the negotations soon encountered delay after delay- some of which seemed, in hindsight, unnecessary. In practical terms, this meant the Japanese were protecting the Soviet pacific coastline at considerable expense without concrete aid or gains. While a brave face was put on it, the fact remains that the Soviets showed themselves to be poor partners when it mattered the most. This appeal to an international diplomatic framework was received warmly in Geneva. The comparative safety of the Japanese Home Islands, along with a string of victories in the north, was exploited for morale gains. However, the triumphs in the north came at a cost to the wider war effort against the Chinese. The Morganas freely raided and disrupted convoys, worsening both the general trade situation and the direct supply lines to China. The growing bitterness between the Army & Navy has attracted the particular attention of the Morgana Sedition, though the nature of her interest was not immediately clear. What is known, however, is that she has spared a number of fishermen, and at least one of them has evidently brought a letter to Maizuru." Japan Prestige +1 League of Nations Support +1 Propaganda Strength +1 Interservice Rivalry -1 Morgana: Sedition -1 Relations: Soviet Union -1 War Progress: China -1 [23:16] In 5th place is the United States: Rank 5 Pacific Mobilization "The US Navy turned its attention to the West Coast, where Morgana attacks had become particularly fierce - and where widespread panic had necessitated the imposition of martial law in California and Washington. Funding was allocated and coastal defences were reinforced all along the Pacific. And it must be said that all the country's armed forces coordinated effectively and without obvious rivalries in protecting the coast. Moreover, in the midst of all the battle, American overland trade actually expanded, with new agreements made with Canada and Mexico and a renewal of interest in the Pan-American Railroad. But, for all that, the American public was beginning to worry that the Navy was too busy trying to catch up to the enemy to match the kinds of victories made by the French and the Italians in the past weeks. After years of prioritized investment, a slight impatience was being to grow. Meanwhile, the general neglect of the Caribbean - by Americans, British and French alike - was beginning to breed a whole new set of concerns with rumors and reports of Morgana incursions on land in the Antilles. Certainly, it's true that some small communities have seemingly disappeared without a trace." United States Preparedness +1 Coastal Defence: West Coast +1 Trade: Americas +1 Interservice Cohesion +1 Navy Reputation -1 Vulnerability: Caribbean Sea and Gulf of Mexico -1 In 6th place is Germany: Rank 6 Assisting the Royal Navy "The German Kriegsmarine found themselves the apparent defenders of the North Sea, despite the Polish War and the presence of the British Home Fleet not very far away. Although interservice cooperation had no framework, the British & German navies coordinated as well as could be against the major Morgana fleet, with German protection of trade established northward along the coast of Norway. In return, the Royal Navy seemed to tacitly agree that obstructing German-Scandinavian trade was a much lower priority than bloodying the invaders' noses. For all that, there were downsides to this priority. The Kriegsmarine rank and file were beginning to expect that their fight would not be against their fellow human beings- an attitude that made overall wartime radio and operational discipline less than it might have otherwise been. There's no doubt that Royal Navy observers gleaned important intelligence on the German Navy. The Soviets enjoyed the freedom of the Baltic as they began a series of naval exercises off the coast of Poland, with unknown intentions. The invasion of Poland was delayed by the appearance of unknown riverine craft on the Vistula and the Warta which slowed or made more hazardous the advance. Nonetheless, it has bought time only for the Polish defenses who still see no rescue coming from France." Germany Relations: United Kingdom +1 Combat Experience +1 Trade: Scandinavia +1 Deterrence: Soviet Union -1 Deterrence: United Kingdom -1 [23:17] Last but not least is the Soviet Union: Rank 7 Anti-Japanese Rearmament "The Council of People's Commissars was willing to partner with Japan on regional security, but Japanese arrogance and triumphalism soured the relationship almost immediately. Japan became a shield against the Morgana -an effective one- and Moscow directed weapons and materiel to the Far East for a response to both Morgana and Japanese aggression. An influx of damaged and exhausted Morganas in the Black Sea meant combat experience with low losses; something the Black Sea Fleet took advantage of as often as it could. The Soviet Far East would be fortified, and it would not be friendly to Tokyo. As resources flowed eastward, Germany took note- the Soviets had commitments, and it remained to be seen if they would be the equal of them. Meanwhile, Morganas probed Soviet defenses in the Arctic Circle, little deterred by the ice the winter would bring. Finally, Mistrust, the Morgana Destroyer, appeared at the mouth of the Vistula, bringing with her fresh river craft pulled from her own superstructure. What her intentions are remain unknown." Soviet Union Preparedness +1 Coast Defence: Far East +1 Combat Experience +1 Deterrence: Germany -1 Coastal Defence: Arctic -1 Morgana: Mistrust -1 (Bearbeitet) [23:19] The League of Nations: Purposes Uncrossed "For the first time in years, the League itself began to seem... relevant. Although within the Palace the speeches and meetings continued unabated and without result, the salons were full in the evenings and the business of international cooperation began to get done. Unknown parties contacted newspapers and radio news services around the world, arguing that now was the time for warring nations to set their differences aside for the sake of humanity's survival. They flattered all the great navies in every medium, calling them the civilized world's first and last line of defense, and at least some people paid attention." League of Nations League of Nations Support +1 Prestige +1 Navy Reputation +1 [23:20] Bonus: American Captains continued to display a lack of fighting spirit and intelligent use of the weapons provided to them. The Bureau of Ordnance recommends that new Captains, with the appropriate appetite for combat, be promoted.... because absolutely nothing could be wrong with their torpedoes.
  3. Since discord is a bit flimsy even with pinned messages, I decided to hang the results of the war here as well. I think the title makes it re-findable. It is time for the results of Week 1, Captains. [05:13] Not a surprise to most, Italy Ranked #1: East African Strategy "Italy benefited from the relative security provided by the French and the British presence in the Mediterranean, enabling the Regia Marina to project its power into the Red Sea. Morgana raids around the Horn of Africa weren't merely disrupted; they were shattered. Enemy access to the Red Sea and the Suez Canal was sharply restricted by the end of the week - earning Italy gratitude from the United Kingdom, whose emphasis on the defense of the British Isles left trade lane protection significantly overstretched. Moreover, the Morgana salvage collected around the Somaliland coast may ultimately be a source of vital revenue and investment for Mogadishu (despite early concerns about potentially toxic effects of the stockpiles), and plans to build modern shipyards and an industrial base in Ethiopia suddenly began to seem almost feasible. For better or for worse, Mussolini's grip on East Africa has never seemed stronger. And, in a week when the wider world seemed in danger of falling apart, the Italian Empire can be said to have improved its global reputation for competence and decisive action. One perhaps unavoidable consequence is that the Italian public is more dismissive of the League of Nations and its various enterprises than they were in August. If the Empire has gained prestige, the people who tried to hold the Empire back have been discredited - at least for now." Italy Relations: United Kingdom +1 Unlock Progress: Scrapped Belle +1 Colonial Stability: Ethiopia +1 Prestige: Kingdom of Italy +1 League of Nations Support -1 Ranked #2 was the United States: The Battle of Belle Harbor "The United States held its own in the first week of the conflict, scoring perhaps the first organized, decisive victory against the new arrivals. The Morgana ""sneak attack"" on New York - popularly known in some quarters as ""the Battle of Belle Harbor"" after a period of sustained bombardment of a suburban neighborhood in Queens - was thoroughly repulsed in what may have been the initial manifestation of the famous USS Recruit. (Indeed, the fact that the newspapers called her ""the Belle of Belle Harbor"" after the attack seems to have led to the near universal adoption of ""Belle"" as a moniker for our friendlier new arrivals.) Belles are now all the rage in the United States, instant symbols of both glamor and heroic service, and a great deal of that public admiration has been fostered by Hollywood, which is already preparing dozens of new productions based on the careers (fictional or otherwise) of the Belles. That said, the American public was not prepared to be attacked by unknown enemies, either materially or psychologically. National moves to fortify the eastern coastline were enthusiastically embraced by the American people, but there’s still a hint of fear in the air. Might worse still be coming? Given that, it’s perhaps unsurprising that American attitudes toward the Royal Navy have been shaken; raids along the eastern seaboard herald the end of the guarantee of free trade on the high seas. Naval planners know that the Panama Canal and control over the Caribbean will be the decisive element in preserving the safety of American coasts and prosperity." United States Belle Relationship +1 Political Cohesion +1 Propaganda Strength +1 Coastal Defence: Eastern Seaboard +1 Preparedness -1 Relations: United Kingdom -1 Ranked #3 was Japan: Recall Naval Forces "Though the IJN's choice to prioritize the defense of the home islands was controversial in some circles - particularly among Army leadership, which felt that their forces and supply lines in Korea, Manchuria and China were far more exposed and more in need of support from the start - the decision proved extremely popular with the Japanese public, and profoundly beneficial to Japanese ports. Every indication is that they plan to build upon their successes, turning the finest minds in Japanese naval and industrial circles toward building preparedness against this deadly new foe. The Navy, and its political supporters, now have capital in Japanese politics that they didn’t enjoy over the summer, and if these trends continue the effects could be profound. And not just internally - reports suggest that certain Soviet Pacific assets have been forced to appeal to the IJN for protection despite decades of mistrust and hostility. The trade-off, according to voices linked to the Imperial Army, is that Morgana rampages around the Korean Peninsula and the Chinese coast have endangered the stability of Japan’s overseas projects - and, indeed, unrest seems to be markedly rising. That, however, is not a point that casts the Army in a particularly favorable light either. A looming threat to all of Japan's interests is the problem of oil. Although the stockpile is sufficient for 9-12 months, the prioritization of the defense of the home islands will degrade the security of the long routes by which oil must travel if it is to reach Japan." Japan Navy Reputation +1 Preparedness +1 Deterrence: Soviet Union +1 Colonial Stability: Korea -1 Interservice Rivalry: Army -1 [05:15] Coming in at #4 was Germany: Anti-Nixe Pivot "The war with the Morganas began at literally the same moment as Germany's invasion of Poland - and the business of conquest was slowed, though certainly not stopped. The Kriegsmarine seemed to prioritize engaging the new Morgana threat above supporting the Heer in its move eastward, and there’s some evidence to suggest that this decision was not supported, nor particularly appreciated, by Germany’s political leadership. It can’t be denied that the Kriegsmarine largely successfully protected Germany’s great ports, whose fortifications are now underway, and - perhaps ironically, given the benefits to Polish ships seeking refuge with Britain - did more than anyone else to maintain a degree of safety for marine traffic traveling between the North Sea and the Baltic. Moreover, the ferocious combat in the Baltic gave German naval forces a core of early experience that many of the world’s other navies would struggle to match. In comparison, German land forces ran into difficult problems both with the tenaciousness of the Polish resistance and also the appearance of sinister Morgana riverine craft. It’s possible that the Kriegsmarine has managed to exacerbate interservice rivalries, and to alienate their paymasters, even as they distinguished themselves at sea." Germany Navy Reputation +1 Coastal Defence: German Coast +1 Combat Experience +1 War Progress: Poland -1 Interservice Rivalry: Army -1 Political Cohesion -1 [05:15] At #5 was France: East Atlantic Strategy "Where Italy's defense of its overseas holdings seems to have been a gamble well rewarded by the turn of events, France's feverish battles for its European heartland yielded more complicated results. Her Atlantic ports were spared the worst of the Morganas' depredations through the truly heroic efforts of her defenders, but the picture in the Mediterranean was more complicated; there, French defenders seemed to be luring Morganas away from Italian waters as much as anything else, and French interests in the colonies - perhaps particularly the French Antilles - were badly served. International trade, particularly along trans-Atlantic routes, slowed to a trickle. The unexpected threat seems to have permanently suspended any attempts at the rescue of Poland, as well. Perhaps more dangerous still: on the peripheries now, there’s a fear and a discontent that wasn’t there before. Are they to be left defenseless while the nation’s defenders patrol outside Bordeaux? For all that, there were positive signs. France has been inspired to turn its energies toward preparedness; systemic work has begun on improving the nation’s coastal defenses, and French industry has begun the urgent discussion of how the Marine Nationale might best be served. The cohesion of the Francophone world may have been bruised, but the war is not yet lost." France Preparedness +1 Coastal Defence: Atlantic Coast +1 Colonial Stability: Antilles -1 Colonial Stability: Indochine -1 Trade -1 [05:15] At #6 was the United Kingdom: Home Defence "Early decisions by the Admirality to prioritize the defense of the British Isles above all else led to difficulties and inefficiencies in trade lane protection- the primary purpose of many of the ships on station outside of home waters. As with France, international trade plummeted - but, for the British, that meant blockades on both the vital supply links East and West and the looming specters of famine and industrial collapse. The defense of home waters was magnificent, however. The North Sea was held against impossible odds - albeit with some help from Germany, of all nations - and Britain’s great ports and industrial centers remained largely undamaged, even when poison mist made them unsafe temporarily. The decision by the Kriegsmarine to focus first on the Morganas has benefited British security. But the two nations are still at war, and direct cooperation is impossible. And, of course, the performance of HMS Bulldog, as well as her inspiring speech, will doubtless be remembered in Britain for generations. The British people seem resolved to face the challenge ahead of them. Some even argue that this is, in fact, an opportunity for the Royal Navy and the British Empire to seize their destiny and to prove that they will never be surpassed, nor fall into twilight. There is no doubt that the savagery of Morgana raids on Calcutta, Bombay and Cape Town will long be remembered; there are many who wonder where the Royal Navy was as hundreds were taken. There are even some who say this single week has done more damage to the whole idea of empire than any series of events since the independence of Ireland." United Kingdom Political Cohesion +1 Navy Reputation +1 Trade: North America -1 Trade: East Empire -1 Colonial Instability: India -1 Colonial Instability: South Africa -1 [05:15] And finally, at #7, was the Soviet Union: Baltic Sea Strategy "From all accounts, the week was a struggle for supremacy on the seas. With assistance (perhaps accidental) from Germany, the Morgana threat in the Baltic Sea was kept some distance from Leningrad - and in hurrying ships into battle before their intended commission, the Baltic Fleet may have sparked the awakening of Belles they would not otherwise have seen. Small Morgana groups seem to have operated in the Black Sea with minimal challenge to their plans, and appear to be growing in strength. Sevastopol and Odessa each sustained several raids despite heroic defense from both military and civilian populations, and early reports from the Pacific suggest frankly nightmarish conditions around Vladivostok and the Soviet Far East - with some signs that local Soviet forces have even been forced to call upon the Imperial Japanese Navy for assistance. Given a lack of coordination and a series of shared defeats, relations with Turkey are strained. Fighting is only getting fiercer in the Black Sea and the Pacific. The naval trade lanes to Germany are as secure as can be in the present crisis, however, and the Morganas have not seriously threatened the strength nor the stability of the Soviet Union." Soviet Union Unlock Progress: Baltic Fleet Belle +1 Coastal Defence: Black Sea -1 Relations: Turkey -1 Coastal Defence: Far East -1 Morgana Defense: Black Sea -1 [05:16] Reminder: you can expect these results to slowly, and over time, affect the world state, campaigns, rewards and future options. Enjoy! Ah, someone just pointed out that I didn't include the League of Nations in the bulletin yesterday. Without further ado: To End All Wars "The paralysis that afflicted the League of Nations in the aftermath of the Abyssinia Crisis was broken by a surge of energetic action by the junior diplomats in Geneva, under the leadership of Sean Lester. The clear need for a framework to govern national cooperation against the Morganas, despite the current situation, was all that was required to restore some semblance of action to the Palace of Nations. Germany, Italy and Japan augmented their unofficial delegations as well, recognizing the need for some kind of co-belligerence. The INPF is on the way to becoming a recognized part of the world's war against the Morgana, with all the attendant benefits this may bring, instead of an ad hoc and de facto organization. The ability of the League to forge future, and more lasting, consensus remains subject to debate, however. The inertia, and perhaps the fatalism, of the leadership in Geneva may be the largest block." League of Nations League of Nations Cohesion +1 Recruitment Drive +1
  4. So, with the long, long winter break over. More or less monthly updates will resume. Look at what happened since November: Direct Matches: Parishkaya Kommuna 4:2 Dunkerque Cossack 2:1 Moskva Velasco 1:1 Canarias Queen Mary 1:2 Southampton Queen Mary 1:2 Manchester INPF 1: Last time Leni fought off Belfast and kept her table lead. This time she again plays a strong matchday with 15/18 points. But that's not enough for today! Her contender #1 makes 20 points, but oh what a long way she needed. Look at the new match count dicrepancy. Belfast's hope is all but slim. AGS, for now, takes it slow, but has a perfect 3 matches matchday. Maybe slow and steady wins the race? LMP on the other side shows off a huge performance. Of 36 possible points she gets 26 and shoots past AGS and now Leni and secures second place. But she now also has very little left in terms of matches. Since English leagues tend to stop for no one, Exeter easily manages to get her last 10 matches under her belt. And she's finished. Look at it and make your bets you deep she will be pushed down. Her relatively mediocre performance, means she can't keep up with the top 4 at all. Moskva quietly plays on and 7/15 is not nothing, but also not much and the defeat by Cossack certainly doesn't help her mood. Conte had a bit of real world trouble recently and not a perfect match record here, but she has made an impressive harvest of 31/42 points. This brings her back up into the top group of the table, where she is a well known guest. Next active Belle is Gneis. Nice. But 7 points in 7 matches is less nice. It pushes her at least past the defenseless US Belles in front of her. Canarias has a matchday like Conte, but only makes 20/41 points. At least enough for a quiet midfield spot. P-K actually not only manages to beat INPF 2 Dunkerque, but doesn't loose a single match, thus bringing home 23/27 points. This shoots her up from lowest bracket firmly into safe space. Algerié wasn't that good, but with 14/27 good enough to escape the danger zone. For now. Since all Belles (US and IJN) below her are inactive for now. INPF 2: The middle ground gets comfortably topped off by shooting star AntUsi. She came straight outta 3rd division and now rockets with 100 points as final count into 2nd league. Probably a record for the ages. You do the math if she can even mathematically be intercepted anymore. I guess not. Which brings us to Argonaut for now. She takes a severe performance hit and can only add 4/18 points to her tally. This opens up a big opportunity for her pursuers. First and foremost Lady Hood. The Lady doesn't ask twice and brings her tally from over 30 to over 50 points by adding 18/39 points to her name. Nubian however surpasses even that and with bringing an amazing 39/45 points to her name. Scharnhorst also makes it past Argonaut with adding 11/24 to her tally, but with such a mediocre run that currently just basically keeps her in the league. Verdun on the other hand has a whooping 14 matches under her matchday belt and the harvest was plenty. With a 27/42 reward she now creeps up behind Hood and threatens her position with three more matches to go. Her compatriot Béarn had a slightly smaller matchday, with 11 matches. But with 15/33 she may look safe for now, but a lot of inactive Belles will want to have a word with her later in the season. Zulu however shows weakness. Her 6/18 only gets her past Chiyoda who can't do much about it. But even this can be underperformed as Köln shows. She makes only 4 points with also 6 matches and doesn't even pass Chiyoda. With this in mind we meet another two digit matchday Belle: Manchester! And boy does she have a run. After a so and so start into the season, she now catapults herself from the lower bracket into the promotion fight with an impressive 29/33 performance. Somethign Nürnberg certainly can't say about herself. Her ladies have only four matches and strike off half the points. At least she gets above Aoba. In the danger zone we start with Orion. She has a huge 13 matches matchday, but also disappoints heavily. She only ties with Kaga and Aoba, failing to even sack Nürnberg and thus stay in a precarious situation. Last, but no longer least, comes Perth. She brings home 15 points of 30 possible, which is certainly not the worst performance of the day and enables her to be counted as she finally gets past the 10 matches minimum. So now the race to the bottom is really on. INPF 3: Since Stewart is at port, Cossack kicks off the matchday. And quite well. 15/18 points and a victory against Moskva would've granted her the spot at the sun for now, if Sheffield wouldn't finish her season in one go. And with quite the run. in 13 matches she is dealt only one defeat and two draws and thus is now firmly at the top. And done. Her fellow townclass sister Eddie is not quite as lucky and finishes her seasno with a mixed bag, earning her 57 points total. Marsellaise makes a solid run and gets 28 points to her name. She places herself thus firmly in the promo race bracket. Dunkerque has a mixed matchday, overtakes the inactive Belles in front of her and starts the midfield. Velasco meets with Canarias and a lot of other teams and can't quite get a grasp on the situation. 12 points in 12 matches is hopefully enoug hto avoid elimination. Pola struggles as usual, but manages to make at least 8/18 points. Which is good by her standards. In the actual INPF 3 match Southampton keeps the upper hand and manages to get from the bottom of the midfield, to the top of it. EtFi gets a solid 18/30 points under her belt and also cracks the 10 match mark, thus avoiding auto-elimination for sure. Her compatriot Bolzano starts with a lot of draws. But a point is a point is a point and she keeps up with the pack at least. The danger zone starts with Maille Breze and she can only reaps 7/36 points, so she stays in acute danger. Especially since Shropshire makes clearly more than 7 points and leaves the others in the bilge. Which brings us to Queen Mary who loses not only against Southampton, but also Manchester. Over all she at least keeps up with Shropshire, but both might be in very false safety. Volta, as African Celle, finally gets her season fully going and firmly places herself in the fight with a solid show of power, keeping the fight for the death interesting.
  5. Lads and Lasses, we have a release date. LINK
  6. Courtesy of Robert Dorsay (depicted), who was executed for it. In German it was probably gras.
  7. With Hallloween over over here and thus October having passed, let's see what it did to our INPF Belles. Direct matches: Lexington 2:1 Augusta Houston 1:2 Wichita Lexington 0:1 Saguenay Arizona 3:1 Augusta La Motte-Picquet 1:1 Marseillaise Kitakami 1:1 Nagato Kitakami 1:3 Kaga Hood 1:0 Sheffield Argonaut 2:1 Orion Leningrad 3:1 Cossack Moskva 3:1 Cossack Maille Breze 0:3 Marseillaise Maille Breze 1:2 La Motte-Picquet INPF 1: As table leader Leni opens the fray. She walks in with 16/21 points, pushing the benchmark to 54 already. Belfast should've had also 7 matches, but one is currently frozen for reasons I don't know, so she had six matches but won them all. Therefore she now breathes down Lenis neck only one point behind. AGS is not quite that lucky as she has had a few losses, but she had 9 matches and got a still impressive 18/27 to show for it. Exeter is cjust finished her tenth match and gets 14/30 points acquired, which puts her in an even weaker position for the title race than AGS. Moskva had a small phase of weakness, but overcame it apparently still reaping 13/21 points from this matchday. Since a lot of USN Belles are coming up: US season is almost finished with only the MLS finale open next week. Augusta failed to score with two defeats, one of which was againast Lex. So 0/6 for her. Her compatriot Houston fared a bit better. Despite losing against Wichita, she still got at least 3/9 points for her efforts. Apropos 'despite'. Despite beating Augusta, Lexington fared only little better and sees 4/9 points after losing against Saguenay. Salt Lake Citys season finale was also mediocre and she comes into drydock with 4/15 points. With current Champion Conte, the last of the classic heavy hitters comes with a thick 9 matches matchday fully into this season and adds 18/27 points to her score, jumping the "US gap" in one go, coming into touch with the lead group. Kumano seems to head into an at least stable season for once as she comes back with 4 points from 4 matches. Arizona failed to get into the USL playoffs, so she is done already as almost all other USN Belles, but she beat Augustas 2nd team. And herl ast push was a solid 10/18 points, serving her well for the INPF. For some weird reason I overlooked several matches of LMP last time...... so now she crashes into the table with 14 matches at once. And crashing she does. From the lower table half very well into the upper echelon amidst the title fight for this season. She lost none and brings home 34 of 42 possible points. Against Marseille she draws. Gneis manages at least 10/18 points an continues to struggle, but at least lands comfortably in the USN block. Kitakami on the other hand endangers herself very much with only 1 points in 6 matches. Her only point resulting from a draw against Nagato. P-K fares better, get 5 of 15 points and gets past Kitakami farther into safety. After a slow start, Canarias consolidates her season with 8 matches at once and 10 points out of them. Kongou however makes it more alike to P-K and comes home with 5/15. Algerié had two matches postponed, but managed 6/9 points. So the bottom part is as exciting as the top this year. Expecially with Tenryuu also closing the score rank with 4/12 points. INPF 2: The middle class start with Toni and her 24 points headstart! And with 21/27 points she keeps up the immense pressure. What a run! This said, Saguenay comes up and leaves for the winter like all North American Belles her season is done for now. After beating Lexington, she won a few times more coming in with 12/15 points. Nubian got 3 matches postponed, but played 4. However, with 3 matches missed and 6/12 her efforts are a bit slowed. Wichita may be NWSL vice-champion, but she is out for now and comes to port with 9/15 points for this matchday. Scharnhorst misses her chance to get past anyone with just okay 7/18 points. Verdun manages to beat Bearn, but that's about it. With only 4/12 points the distance to the top group opens up. Lady Hood however not only has a big matchday, but brings home 14/24 points, with beating Sheffield in between. That's an impressive rise into the top group. Argonaut however not only beats Orion, but also manages 18/21 points, which catapults her even harder up into the promotion fight and past Hood. Chiyoda enters the final stretch of her first half of the season with a relaxed 6/12 points. Aoba also makes a rather mixed 7/15 points. Nagato equally smoothly sails into the winter break with 7/15 points. This region truly has nothing to do with the promotion nor the relegation fight. Takao on the other hand has a devastating season finale with 0/15 points. Dropping her stern quite a few places. Zulu makes a few, but she makes points. 8/21. Same goes for Köln and her 6/15 result. Apart from her defeat against Verdun, Bearn brings home a very solid 10/15 points and swooshes up. Nürnberg even manages to get past the devastated Takao with only 7/15 points and 10 matches less. Kaga has a big 7 match season halftime break run and brings home very solid 12/21 points. Maybe decisive points which will save her later. In the danger zone, Orion already lost against against Argonaut, but at least limps home with 7/18 points. Not into safety, but at least in striking distance to the shore. Manchester fares much better and after a very, very slow start, she now gets herself away from immediate danger with 15/24 points. At last, Perth also gets going, but she has barely steam as she only manages to secure 3/12 points as a start. INPF 3: The lower house begins with a finalist. Stewarts team stands in the MLS final this year, which will be held in a few days. This means she is not only the non-dormant USN Belle, but also had a perfect 15/15 score. After a very strong start, Cossack lost to both Leni and Moskva and had an overall below the weather matchday. Only 7/21 points for her. Same goes for her immediate contender Sheffield who not only lost to Hood, but also only got 6/21 points home. Now one would think, Eddie would see this and use it, but she also makes just 7/24, thus being even worse than the two English Belles in front of her. Recruit also falls behind as she only gets 3 points out of her season break run up. Henley has also a less than stellar pre-break run, but with 6/15 points she can at least close in on Recruit. With Marsellaise now up next comes a potential heavy weight. 8 matches aaaannnnnd..... she wipes the floor with Maille Breze and actually sweep past the USN Belles right into the promotion fight. But 10/24 is not a clean sheet by a long shot. Nashville gets 6 points and then a good rest. Which is more than M-B gets. Because she gets nothing and the cozy feeling of fearing for her stern dropping straight into the kill zone. Both Marseillaise and LMP beat her on the way down. Lucky for her, Shropshire only scores 1/9 and stays behidn her. But closer. However, others aren't as nice. Southampton only scores 5/18, but gets past both. Same goes for the even better Dunkerque, which scores 9/15 and also does no good to M-Bs nerves. Pola also uses this golden opportunity with 8/15 points. Even the really bad placed Yubari gets past M-B on matches with 7/15. And the horror for Shropie and M-B just doesn't stop. Nevada sails into port, but does so in front of both as she hauls in a respectable 8/15 final catch. That said, Velasco seems to have found her rhythm this season and suddenly sails at steady speed and with 10/21 away from the kill zone for now. Even Bolzano adds to the horror trip of M-B and Shropie. With 11/15 points she suddenly bursts with power away from the kill zone. And talking about the kill zone: Ettore is in it prior to this matchday. But with 12/15 she hints at enourmos potential and the will to at least remain in the league. Volta also shows some skill with 7/12 points, but ultimately lags so much behind on matches, she remains in the red. Very much akin to Queen Mary, who makes 12/18 points, at least marking her ability to compete.
  8. A tour through the Gorch Fock II: Interesting detail: The old GF II had the masts of the Herbert Norkus, because B&V had them still after the war, so it was cheaper. The refit removed those, not because of evil Nazi masts, but because they were 11 tons heavier than the new gear, making the ship less top heavy now.
  9. It's already September, but don't think I have forgotten or given up! If you usually don't do it, please read the initial post carefully for a few changes and yes, to allow me to be lazy on the topic, the clubs will now all be described in season three for my and your convenience. Saves me some time and I know a few are still missing. Like the entire INPF 3, me thinks. Anyways, on to the first matchday. All matches after July 1st are eligible so there might be some hefty scores for some coming in right from the start. Matchday was so huge, I had to change dormat for direct matches. So they're in three columns and colour coded. Direct matches: Kumano 1:0 Kongou Kongou 2:3 Kumano Moskva 0:2 Leningrad Arizona 0:0 Nevada Kitakami 1:3 Takao Stewart 2:1 Lexington Saguenay 4:0 Lexington Recruit 2:1 Lexington Augusta 2:1 Salt Lake City Houston 1:2 Wichita Gneisenau 0:4 Scharnhorst Canarias 1:0 Velasco Recruit 2:1 Augusta Augusta 1:2 Recruit Augusta 1:4 Stewart Stewart 0:0 Augusta Chiyoda 2:0 Tenryuu Chiyoda 3:0 Yubari Chiyoda 2:0 Aoba Saguenay 0:1 Recruit Lexington 0:1 Saguenay Aoba 2:1 Yubari Takao 0:1 Nagato Nagato 1:1 Kaga La Motte-Picquet 0:0 Marseillaise Recruit 0:2 Stewart Shropshire 3:2 Exeter Cossack 2:0 Moskva Moskva 1:1 Cossack INPF 1: The champion Conte di Cavour lives up to expectations and start with a solid 13/15 points matchday, immediately showing off who's ready to defend her title. Kongou has more trouble though and starts with a disappointing 7/15 matchday. Belfast, like probably most British Walküren, has a) a looooot of points to gain and b) one match postponed over the death of her old sovereign. However she puts up a serious 35/39 start, which already makes her a) eligible for a valid end result and b) incredibly tough to crack for everyone else. She's out for the title this time for sure! Let's talk about Kongou's troubles a bit more or as she calls herself: Kumano. She is undefeated yet and throws her hat with 13/15 into the ring. Sailing far rockier waters around the Magellan strait is Admiral Graf Spee. This results in her having her usual good, but unstable performance ending in a 31/51 start, netting 4 less points as Belfast in 4 more matches. While Leningrad and Moskva are banned from FIFA matches, they play domestically and Leningrad cuts through the cup and league like a hot knife through butter. In 14 matches played, she even beats Belfast on points and her sister directly for now with 38/42 points. La Motte-Picquet could've earned 24 points, but only scores 10. Subpar, but probably not dangerously low and the season just started. Moskva has more than double that, but her sister wasn't the only one giving her a bloody nose, making her debut a 22/39 points start. Next up is our first US Belle: Arizona! But with being the first one gaining less than one point per match on average as she manages 11/36, she's in for a rocky season. But she is immediately underbid by Tenryuu, who docks after the first cruise with 5/36 and probably some bruises. Lexington fares comparatively better and at least got one point per match on average with 14/42, but loses all direct matches involving other Walküren. Exeter highlights how crazy English match calendars are. She already has finished half her matches and got a decent 25/57 to show for. Kitakami shows a mediocre performance joining the "less than one point" club, loosing against Takao in the process. As usual Algerie starts with only a handful of matches, but a hopeful 5/12 points, avoiding said club. Salt Lake City joins her US sister represented by a MLS team and makes 14/42. Houston, ever struggling, manages to get a comparatively good start this time (15/30). Parishkaya Kommuna has a rocky start, but avoids the relegation spots with 9/24 points. And here come the new ones. The promotees and since Gneisenau's club got promoted slightly above its punch weight, Gneisenau already struggles hard with a 10/12 start. She got wrecked hard by Scharnhorst, who she meets for the first time in a fight despite being freshly separated from her here. Canarias has a similar encounter with Velasco, but manges to beat her, contributing to her avoiding relegation zone for now with 8/24 points. Last, but not least comes Augusta and she battles a lot of her comrades, beating only SL City, but still raking in 21/51 at least. INPF 2: The lower tiers start with the poor lasses who got relegated ofc. Chiyoda shows the other Kamimaru where the Tenno resides, but apart from that her start is rather mixed and in the end she makes 18/33 points. Verdun also has a mixed start and makes with 21/42 three more points in three more matches. Perth starts the season with not starting. In Down Under the seasons are weirdly scheduled. She'll join on October, promise. Saguenay rams into this trio of relegators with 30/45 points, as she makes a very respectable 2points per match cut. Nürnberg in contrast has a moderate start by matches, but 9/12 points is far from moderate. Maybe this year she'll have a good season? Next up is Aoba, in football terms probably the arch rival of Chiyoda in INPF 2. But after a beating from her she makes a slightly weaker start, despite beating Yubari as well. Takao struggles a bit to get her season started as she makes almost only 1 point per match with 15/42. Enter Lady Hood. Of all things, she matches the performance of Verdun. Meanwhile the far superior battleship Scharnhorst also has the superior result with three more points from two less matches, beating her sister severly on the cruise. Argonaut shows a performance complimentary to her 10th place from last season with 18/30 points. A similarily decent reward of points gets Zulu by making 14/27. Bearn makes it only slightly worse with 13/33. Worse quote, but only one point behind. Which brings us to the first contender with less points than matches under her belt: Kaga. She managed to wring at least 9/36 points out, but that is a dangerously weak start. Almost the opposite performance is shown by Köln. She manages 13/15 which is a very good quota, but with too few matches in comparison. Back with the final Kamimaru Nagato and she shows a very similar performance to the others. Will the IJN again lump together? That said the only US Belle backed by a US team in INPF 2 enters the fight with a powerful 24/33 start, leaving her mark for relegation aspirations after almost getting relegated last season. And talking about relegations: The four(!) promoted teams join the season. Manchester has a slow an 1 point quota start with 3/9 points in only three matches. Orion struggles as well with a weak 6/24 start, but at least she has already twice as much points as Manchester. Unlike Nubian. She punches almost through the table and makes a very strong 26/30 points. But just when you think nothing can surprise you..... comes Antoniotto Usidimare dancing in, smashing, posh and with a perfect 54/54 to her name! Boom! Undisputed table lead. And already almost half the season under her belt! INPF 3: The lowest tier starts, akin to the 2nd with the relegatees from 'above'. The first of those is Pola. She has moderate success an makes 12/30 points. Dunkerque comes in with a similar result with 13/21 points. Nevada also roams around their waters with 12/36. Marsellaise has a bigger kickstart, both in matches an points as she manages 24/45 points. True to being a busy British Belle, Edinburgh throws in 18 matches already and manages to gain a respectable 29/54. Stewart also has a very big kickstart, but fares even better than Edinburgh. She also achieves this by basically beating almost every other US Belle on her way and thus raking in a very solid 35/45 points. In contrast Volta just got started and made 1/6 points. Certainly in a dangerous place. But she literally just got started. Just like Edinburgh, Sheffield comes in with 18 matches, but makes 33/54 out of it, thus setting in well ahead of her. Nashvilles performance is only remarkable as she avoids every other US Belle, her points budget however is an unremarkable 21/45 points. Recruit on the other hand crossed blades with a lot of other US Belles. But overall her score is good, as she made 28/57. Henley, while being on literally another level in real live and thus not seeing any US/US action, starts the season with a good 24/39. Back in England, Southampton makes an okay 15/39 in contrast. The only Kamimaru in this league, Yubari, also has a rocky start with 12/33 points. Queen Mary only had her first match and lost, giving her the dead last as first position of the season. Shropshire has already much more matches under her sheperds stick, but despite beating INPF 1's Exeter, that victory is more of an oddity and she only gets 17/51 points. Cossack on the other hand has an excelent start, beating Moskva once on the way, making this the only mixed fleet battle this matchday. In the end she comes in with a sweet 34/45 count. Evading elimination for this season only on a technicality, Maille Breze seemingly got her act together and at least collected already 50% of her last seasons count with 19/45, being clear of relegation for now. The batch of newcomers gets started modestly with Ettore Fieramosca only making 6 points, but from only 2 matches so far. So basically on a perfect score. Bolzano in comparison is with less than 1 point (8/27) perm match much more endangered to leave again for next year. Finally Velasco squares off with Canarias, loses and does that a bit more often and such can only get 12/36 points. Not great, but enough for now. And actually getting the most points of all necomers for now.
  10. Good day again, fellow captains, and again I'm back with a new season of the league. Each Walküre I could reasonably pin a team in a national league to, gets a place on the two tables. No one dropped out for that reason technically. However Axum and Rawalpindi ceased to exist for now, both for a plethora of horrible circumstances I hope end soon in their respective home countries. While Axum was erased for that reason pretty much at the start of last season, Rawa managed a few matches and thus gets cut out now. Profiteers of this are Antoniotto Usidimare, who gets into INPF 2 as a fourth promotion is possible because of it. Subsequently, this only saves Maille Breze, but not Dehli and Maury. Since Bolzano's and Velasco's teams managed to both get into a national level league (2nd tier in both cases) and Ettore Fieramosca was kept in reserve: Congrats to the INPF3 entry, but this ofc meant the INPF 3 relegation spots were actually *hot*. And only Axum and Rawa giving way, saved the best of the relegatees. And that was MB. Rules are the established ones. If I could've attached more than one team I chose reasonably among the possible ones. (*still sighs at Moskva*) I will update ideally once a week (usually after Bundesliga matchdays. Yes, Bias.). Pointing is according to matchday outcome. A win gets 3 points, a draw 1 point and a loss 0. In case of equal points I will weigh in the strength of the league and if same league the actual position on the actual table. At the end of the season (I'm thinking 31st of June atm) I bring all teams up to 38. This reflects a "normal" season in worldly football and it has been proven that even this might be a bit challenging for some teams to accomplish. Teams with fewer than the quota of matches will get their missing matches filled up with the average points of their last 10 matches. This also means, teams with less than 10 matches I could find will be eliminated at the end of the season. Worst three of table one relegate to table 2 and the top three of table 2 get promoted to table 1. Check out most teams here. Applications for missed teams only via discord. Ships in Shiros magnificent list are eligible as well as newly confirmed ones, since Shiro seems a bit busy and can't update. No big changes since season 3. Seriously: If you miss anyone, tell me below. I'm losing a bit of oversight. Belfast rule: If I find too little results, I will count both men and women results to get a good and honest result from that club. First time I did it was with Belfast, hence the name. Green on the INPF 1 table is champion, red is relegation. Green on the INPF 2 table is promotion, red relegation. Green on INPF 3 means promotion, red means possible benching for next season. In both leagues blue teams have ended the season by reaching the respective match limit. Yellow teams are dormant for the time being. INPF 1: INPF 2: INPF 3:
  11. So, here it is. The Season finale. Everyone not at full 38 games, will get a nice modificator. A lot of teams have finished so I will only talk about the ones still "in the game". Final result can be read in the first post of the season from the tables. Direct matches: INPF 1: With the top spots basically fixed the first contender to anything is Arizona. She produces a total dud in her last three matches and stays at 69 points. Algerié has no luck either and loses her last match, settling her at her 57 points. Lexington however had 5 matches to go. And she gets 8 points out of them, pushing her up and past Algerié and Exeter. Parishkaya Kommuna has now her modificator moment and it grants her a whooping 1,5 points total as she only had one match too few. With that she changes nothing about her own position. Kitakami on the other hand has 6 matches from which she gets 9 points and can now reap a bigger modificator pool, with 4 matches "open". Her modificator is however below 1, so she ends up with 57,6 points and thus barely above Algerié, improving her final position quite a bit. Chiyoda only had 3 matches to go an plays them under her own steam. Alas with no luck and only 2 points gained, her position doesn't really stabilize much. Kongou and Kumano are both at under 20 matches and will therefore receive a hefty modificator each (Nadeshiko League teams). Kongou plays 4 matches with 3 wins, which alone brings her 2 points ahead of Chiyoda, but also will do wonders for her modificator. And with an average of 2,3 points(!) for her last 16 matches(!!) she lands at 2ndplace!!! What a finish from 16th to 2nd! Kumano is a only a bit less successful. She makes 9 points directly as well, but her modificator lands at 2,2. that brings her a big jump as well to 82,4 points, just BARELY behind Belfast. So this leaves 49,5 points and P-K as the hurdle to jump into safety for Houston and Perth, since Verdun is safely relegated already at 30 points and Chiyoda has 17 points gap between them, but is still in danger as second worst finished. Houston however gets serious. Boosting her modificator with 8 points from the last 4 matches and going into the fight with 9 matches for 1,5 mod-points. AND THAT SAVED HER!!! With 50,5 points to P-Ks 49,5 points! Leaving only Perth to fight for survival with Verdun and Chiyoda now bound for INPF 2. However, with her last match also lost, she only gets a 0,4 modificator and ends up even behind Verdun with only 24,6 points. INPF 2: Now to the teams in the "middle" three go up, three go down. At the moment Gneisenau, Canarias and Augusta are bound for the top flight. And Augusta starts with 3 matches left. With only 2 points added however it will be close. Scharnhorst, already out of the race to top, makes a last Hurra with getting a 1,1 mod for her last match and thus pushing only 0,1 points in front of Argonaut. Takao adds 9 points to her tally, bringing her up right behind Hood and with her two modificator matches manages to squeeze in between Hood and Aoba. Nürnberg delivers the first sucker punch. Having only mod-matches and 12 of them! She not only beats her season rival Takao that way, but also makes it above Aoba, with 61 points total. Köln also only has modi-matches, but "only" 9 of them and with only 0,7 points value. It brings her at least above the 40 points mark with 41,3 points total. The probably worst modificator however gets probably Dunkerque for her very last match. 0,1 points only turn her decimal behind the comma one up. Given her being followed by Belles with much less matches, that's extremely dangerous. Kaga on the other hand plays 6 matches, makes 10 points from them and can square away a nice 1,3 pointsfor her last and only modi-match, putting her nicely in front of Köln and probably out of harms way. Pola, who struggled akin to Dunkerque the whole season can at least finish her season under her own steam and push herself above Dunkerque with 34 points total for the final tally. In even hotter waters sailed Nagato the whole season. She manages to make 7 points for her last matchday and faces her last 3 modi-matches with a 1,4 modificator. Bringing her up to 41,2 just barely behind Köln and not yet into saftey. Will she go down on a 0,1 points difference? Wichita scores 5 points in her last 5 matches proper and thus dooms Dunkerque already with 34 to 33 points. Grabbing a 0,9 modificator she then manages to tie(!) with Nagato! Not really saving herself, since she has the worse modificator! This is only achieved by Nevada, who takes the fall, with achieving just 2 more points and an even lower 0,8 modificator for her last 4 matches. Even staying below 30 points. This leaves Rawalpindi. She might face elimination for next season due to Pakistan struggling to manage a football league, but for this season she has a valid score card. And she also has a solid 1,6 points modificator. For all remaining 28 matches of her...... And BOOM! With only having played the minimal number of matches she ends up at 60 points. Beating even Aoba and all who are beneath her. To the demise of Pola, who subsequently joins the relegation pack. INPF 3: For its inaugural season it was a wild ride already and given the nature of some of the teams, it's unlikely to not end with one. While initially Orion, Nubian and Antoniotto Usidimare are in the top 3, already Manchester is very likely to crash into those merry three. And with a record 2,7 modificator and 11 modi-matches, she pulverizes the scores boards and moores 10,7 points AHEAD of Orion andeveryone else. In contrast Stewart collects 2 points in her remaining 2 matches and is done with it. That's enough for Volta to not surpass Stewart, but at least she manages to get past Sheffield. Now, Recruit only had one match left and draws it against Stewart starting the score board for the lower midfield. And making a juicy target for Nashville only 2 points behind and passing her with flying colours and 6 points out of 3 matches. Considering all of this, the already finished Shropshire likely opens already up the dangerzone at 45 points final. Yuubari however gets above that benchmark under her own steam and gets even 1,4 points on top for her only modi-match. Queen Mary and her mediocre 0,9 points modifier for her last 6 matches do not manage to get past Yuubari, but at least leaves Shropshire behind her. Cossack however wins her very last match, but does NOT surpass the Shropshire benchmark, leaving her very vulnerable to possible relegation. So before we enter the (possible) relegation zone, the one to beat is Shropshire, as she, Cossack an Maille Breze have the lowest final score as of now. Henley gets 3/6 points and then faces 12 modi-matches with a 1,4 modificator. And that is well enough with 56,8 final points to end up right next to Recruit. Also 12 modi-matches (pun intended) are what's left for Dehli. She faces them with an only slightly lower modicficator of 1,2, BUT she only starts at 23 points, compared to Henleys 37...... and fails miserably. She comes in at 37,4 and thus lowers the hurdle for Maury to Cossacks 43 points, preventing Shropshire from becoming Scrapshire. However, Maury underpormed so hard, she only makes 1 more point, bringing her modificator up(!) to only 0,2 points for her last 7 matches. Thus she comes in dead last at only 21,4 points. But keep in mind there will only be relegation if at least one replacement team in reserve pops up.
  12. Well, season is almost over. Almost. So to start the final stretch and see where it is hot and who can already make a port call, let's take a lok what happened in the last few weeks. Direct matches: INPF 1: When we last left the top division, Conte di Cavour had established herself at the top in front of Belfast and La Motte-Picquet who both had already finished their respective seasons. Conte managed to secure two wins for her finish and thus ends the season at 95 points. Now, in the last two season, that would've NOT been enough. And all pursuers prior to the matchday are now finished. Leningrad makes 7 of 9 points and barely pulls up in front of LMP while Admiral Graf Spee overturns both and finishes in third. This makes the TOP 3 for now identical to last season. In the upper midfield, Moskva finishes with 71 points, passing Exeter quite comfortably and awaiting the response of those behind her. While Tenryuu also passes Exeter, she plays a mixed season finish and gets passed herself by Arizona, who, with three matches in petto, could even climb as high as 4th place. Below Exeter, Algerié with 57 points and Lexington with 55 points pull for now, but Lex has still 5 matches to go, while Algerie can at best match Exeter with a win in her last game. Salt Lake City however offers herself to the metaphorical sharks with a weak finish and ending her season with 52 point. However the first shark certainly isn't Kitakami as she only brings home 4/24 points, landing at 45 points, but she has 10 more chances to make it. Parishkaya Kommuna also has aless than stellar run and it is her final run as she enters summer break. So her very last match will be a modificator match, calculated by quota. The first one to have this officially done. Now we enter the immediate danger zone for relegation. Chiyoda played a few Belle on Belle matches, but overall managed at least to get 45 points. Kongou and her womens team however also crack the 40 mark and aren't even halfway through the matchcounter, probably getting a huge modification boost in the end, just like Kumano. Who trails behind Kongou and interestingly enough their direct duel was postponed. Verdun on the other hand finishes regularly and with only 30 points total is the first safe place for relegation as Kumano surpasses her. Houston scores some points and thus keeps her own hopes for a marciful ending by modificator calculation open, but stays one point behind Verdun. However she clashes 3(!) times with Wichita from INPF 2. Perth however sees little success. Her womens team had already finished and the male team scores terribly and is now also finished. So she remains in last place, is likely to get a terrible modificator and in need of a serious miracle. INPF 2: The second division is still open for grabs and Gneisenau leads the hunt for promotion. She even pushes the bar even higher to 83 points with 4 wins out of her last 5 matches and is a likely, if not secure candidate to go up a division. A bit behind her sits Canarias who struggles quite a bit, but at least cracks the 70 points bar with 71 and will be hard to surpass for any contender. Right behind those two Hood has the day of reckoning as several other Belles WANT THAT PROMO SPOT!!!! Augusta kicks off the battle and sails by, landing at 64 points in theory even threatening Canarias, with 3 matches open. Next in line is Saguenay. Who beats Augusta in direct combat, but despite a better run this matchday, falls two points short behind her and finishes her season. Argonaut is thus the first pursuer -on paper- who stays behind Hoods bar, unlike Aoba who makes it to 60 but clashes with INPF 3s Yubari no less than 3 times!! Now with tall of this in mind, the midfield starts with Scharnhorst. Of her 24 possible points she will get a bit over 11 as that's what she gets from her 7 remaining season matches and will get her last one by modifier. Zulu makes a nice finish, but is thus the first one to stay below Argonaut. Béarn misses Zulus mark slightly and thus her pursuers can take a deep breath and show off their attempts as Takao and Nürnberg both sat at 34 points and 19 matches before this matchday. Takao starts with scoring 13 points and losing to Nagato on the way. Nürnberg fails to follow up with 4 points less, but also 4 matches less. So this duel will stay interesting. And in theory they both can catch Canarias. Behind those two Colonia Claudia Ara Agrippinensum, the original Ara-onee-sama, or for her friends: Köln. She only makes 3 points in 5 matches. She will have to wait for modificator, as their leagues ended. But Kölns really doesn't look stellar. Then comes the tragic case of Dunkerque. In all of her 7 matches she had this matchday, she only scores 1 single point. And with her league finished, her modificator looks even grimmer than Kölns. Someone absolutely not sorry for this is Pola. She can bring her total match counter up to 36, struggles to get at least 3 points and her league has still one match in stock for her. So she keeps her chances of pushing past Dunkerque. Meanwhile Rawalpindi just watches everyone around her sail by and waits for the end of the INPF season to finally get her modificator pumping her to unknown heights (reminder: season cancelled, but made it to 10 matches). Kaga says thanks and equalizes with Pola at least, beating Nagato along the way. Wichita, in kind of a personal feud with Houston this matchday, fails to really steer away from the bottom and stays behind Kaga. And even Nagato manages to surpass her for now after many duels with her fellow IJN Belles. Nevada however only manages to get by Rawa after finally 30 matches, but otherwise cruises at the bottom now with Rawa and Wichita. INPF 3: The lowest division has an already fixed top 3 at the start of the matchday. So it will be interesting to see, if anyone can successfully threaten Antoniotto Usidimare, Marsellaise and Sheffield. The first try comes from fan favourite Edinburgh and with 10/12 points, she manages to unseat Sheffield with ease. However this is nothing against Orion who sweeps in with a fantastic matchday and 23/30 points, crashing through the ranks and taking the top spot! Stewart, while being plenty busy with other USN Belles, makes a more moderate run and ends at 64 points and 2 matches in reserve, staying out of the promotion race. Unlike Nubian, who squeezes herself in just barely in front of A.U. and Marsellaise, putting that duel into a pincer for now. All of this action in the upper half, leaves already finished Southampton and Shropshire to only see smoke on the horizon. And there are quite a few Belles waiting for their turn yet. Belles like Manchester, who also can unhinge the competition on a single matchday. Now she ends with "only" 64 points, but that's with 11 matches to go AND her league has ended AND she made a lot of points in her last 10 matches. So she WILL likely unhinge everything with a big, nasty modificator boost. And giving Queen Mary a severe spanking while doing so. Volta on the other hand has some matches to go, some points to collect and is basically safe from relegation, but will also play no role in promotion. Nashville keeps up with her while having lots of clashes with other US Belles and lands right between Volta and Southampton. Now, Queen Mary gets a flogging by Manchester. Again. Last time was the cup, this time the league. Apart from that she only score three points and her league ends and she is stuck behind Shropshire for now. And her modificator won't look great either. Recruit, who hands out some lessons to other US Belles, fares much better, getting on par with Volta. With Maille Breze we get the first INPF 3 Belle who stays below 40 points and will remain there as she has played al of her matches. Given the overall situation this starts the danger zone then. Relegation from INPF 3 means elimination from the competition for at least next year as there is likely a reserve list by the time the next season rolls around. Yubari comes up next down there. She saw quite some action, especially with Aoba and scored at least enough points to leave Maille Breze and QM behind her for now. And it is als oenough to leave Cossack behind, even though she has one last small shot at surpassing Yubari. Henley on the other hand is the first one to stay below MB, but she has some matches in reserve, so she can remain hopeful, especially as 13/24 points is not that bad. Up comes Maury and a terrible performance by her. Seeing only 1 point for the whole matchday, leaves her far, far behind. Last, but not least comes Dehli. She also performs mediocre at best, but she can hope for at least a row of matches even with a low modificator, which might bring her into safety just barely. And she at least surpasses Maury.
  13. Oookay, this was longer pause than anticipated. And of all things in this world, the bloody Russian Raid on Ukraine now allows me to pick up where I left last time. And I can't predict, when I can sail again. So what could've possibly happened in almost 5 months? First things first; spoiler for readability and less scrolling. Direct matches: INPF 1: Well, Belfast had already 22 matches under her belt, so it comes to no surprise she finishes her season. She was in the lead and right here, right now finishes with 83 points. Now this is a new personal best and she played a damn well long final stretch, making 41/48 points. But the last two seasons she had similar scores, never under 80 and still only made it to vice champion at best. Unlike Conte di Cavour, sitting champion and basically on equal points before this update. And Conte actually has two more matches to got, but at this point it is clear Belfast will -again- not become INPF League champion. Conte managed to accumulate 89 points already, despite also facing draws and defeats and the others will have to get past her benchmark, not Belfrys. But let's wait and see what else this division has to offer. Lexington, as the first US Belle, had a long winter break, with none or only a few matches and something we might see relatively often: Match cancellations. Usually for pandemic affected squads. All in all this gave Lady Lex "only" 10 matches to her 17. And if it was for her she would've cancelled probably more than just two matches. Only 8/30 points devastates her good jump off position to attack Cavour at the top in the future and puts her back to 10th place. Meanwhile her compatriot Arizona had an almost "normal" amount of matches. Out of her 7 matches she made 10 points, which isn't stellar, but makes her catch up to Lexington and overtaking her on # of matches. Admiral Graf Spee, who sat behind the US Belles with one and three points respectively, can put 11 matches under her belt after a long autumn and winter break. She came out of it with straight with the win of the Trofeo de Campeones de la Lige Professional de Argentina!! 🤩 And she sails right past the two Americans in front of her with 12 points ahead of both and also a nice number of matches to go. But best she can possibly do is sail past Belfast. Tenryuu delivers the first Japanese result with even 12 matches to show for despite a match break. And she does okay. Okay enough to get past Lexington and Arizona, but only up to place 8 and not even able to surpass Belfast. With La Motte-Picquet the next Belle finishes her season in a marathon match calendar with 23 matches since November. Actually she finishes with a win against the same team she opened this insane series of matches, so literally half a season. She sat at 7th with 35 points and could've gone in any direction. With 75 points she is for now #3 but there are quite some contenderesses who could overtake her. Like Leningrad for example, right behind her. She had 19 matches, ramping up 69 points so far. Nice! And she still has three matches to go. Unlike Exeter, who plays in one of those crazy packed English leagues and thus is done as well! And she finishes with 60 points due to a slump in January and now has to watch AGS sail away for a change. A problem Salt Lake City doesn't face in many aspects. For one she brings it up to 46 points, with 7 matches to go and only a theoretical chance to catch up to AGS, let alone to the top. But she manages to knida catch up with her compatriots Arizona and Lexington and French Algérie for now. Moskva however manages to draw with her compatriot and sister Leni, but she stops 4 matches, 10 points and three more matches to go below her sister. The royal Chiyoda takes it slow with "only" matches like all Japanese ladies having enjoyed the time between two seasons. And her many direct duels went .... varied. Just like her matches with 10/18 points. One she didn't duel with was Kitakami. Kitakami had 8 matches and made it now to the halftime matchwise. She also did better than Chiyoda, despite having few matches. And losing against Takao from INPF 2. With Houston we enter the pre-break lower field and infamous danger zone and immediately run into trouble. And Houston only had one match just now since the break. A bigger issue in US womens football for a change. And because she could only score she is tumbles to the bottom for now. Kongou would've had the same fate, if not for the Empress Cup in which she did quite well and thus she doubles her match count to 12 and gets at least a nice boost in points with 12/15. Kumano did less well, managing only 3 matches with points and stays in dire straits. On paper at least. The last ship in front of the relegation zone before the break, Parishkaya Kommuna, had a 16 match calendar and thus managed at least to get Chiyoda and into some (faux?) safety. But she also has some chances to score points. In the relegation zone, we actually left Algérie just in the moment her season kicked off for good. This she just boosts herself with 19 matches and 48 points just behind Arizona and Lexington on matches. Verdun, as one of the busy French Belles, already had 13 miserable matches and with a devastating loss against LMP just the other day bring her tally up to 32 matches, but only 26 points. Just compare that to Kongou and you know where the problem is. Last, but not least, Perth! Poor lass had 0 points, but at least it was from 0 matches. So what was in for her? Some postponements, but 17 matches earning her less than 1 point per match, fixing her to last place. But now with numbers higher than zero. And hey: In theory 63 more points are in for her. INPF 2: Laz's favourite kicks off with Augusta. Augusta scores 19/27 points, which is good and puts serious pressure on any contender to her promotion. Pressure the Lady Hood puts up herself, by collecting 57 points in an explosion of 20 matches, but this also finishing her season, The latter leaving her dead in the water if anyone else gets close to her and has matches left to light up her hopes for a promotion. Like Augusta. Or Saguenay, being with the US Belles in a playing flock, wins for starters the Canadian Championship before setting sail for a nice round of 12 matches bringing her total to 46 and some trouble as others close now in on her. Like Argonaut. She made a 21 matches marathon and is no on equal points at least. And then came Gneisenau. In an unprecedented show of force for the 2nd division, the German Walküre smashes through the lines before her and sets herself comfortable into the prime spot with 71 points, after more than doubling her match counter. She is now well ahead of the competition and has 5 matches left for manouvering space, if needed. Aoba however sneaks up on Saguenay and Argonaut, ready to strike, with some more matches to play. Aoba was also quite busy in direct duels as visible above. The only Spaniard Canarias plays 19 matches total, giving her plenty of opportunity to score and she uses them. With now 64 points, she is suddenly from upper midfield catapulted into a sweet position for promotion. With only 5 matches, but 10/15 points, Takao makes only small progress in points, but keps the competition open by having just reached halftime of matches. In the midfield Scharnhorst tried to get higher and more than doubles it points, but also number of matches. With only 8 matches to go and a mediocre performance so far, she will likely stay behind when Genisenau gets promoted. Similarily Nürnberg reaches half time in matches and ramps up some points and is likely to stay in INPF 2. Bearn and Pola started out with the same amount of points and matches before the break. Now after some more matches, Bearns loss against Dunkerque and a disappointing 18 points out of 17 matches, Bearn managed to distance herself from Pola, since the latter had an even worse run, having now less than one point per match on average. Entering the lower regions, Zulu fights her way in front of both of the former table twins with an amazing long series of 7 draws in a row. But this is enough to get ahead, but not only in points, but also matches. Rawalpindi on the other hand has some good news and some bad news. Bad news is: The Pakistan season got-once again- cancelled. However, she made it to her tenth match and thus is eligible to get her result filled up with her points average at the end of the season in May/June. For now she sits with 16 points total at the bottom. That's only half the points Köln has, but she also has more than double the matches. Dunkerque has equal points with Köln, but more matches. The win against Bearn was not enough. In the real danger zone,Wichita only has one match, but wins it. Nagato has 5 matches, but only manages to equalise points with Wichita. In contrast Kaga equalises with Rawa, but with twice the matches, that might be much less worth. The former bottom Belle Navada at least manages to score 6/9 points, but with only 11 points total stays at the bottom. Interestingly enough she wins against INPF 1's Arizona. INPF 3: The lowest tier gets kicked off by Antoniotto Usidimare. And she kicks it off with a whooping 18 matches streak and setting the stage with 78 points. Which means, this is it for her. Stewart tries to follow suit and has no bad 54 points at 28 matches. Among others, Stewart beats Recruit! And with now 16 points between them while both played 28 matches, that defeat was brutal. Nashville, on the other hand, positions herself between the two. Unexpectedly Marseillaise puts Antonia into a curious situation: Same points and season finished. Gladly three promotions can be had. Nubian settles with Recruit for now. Meanwhile Sheffield and Southampton both finish their seasons. Alas Sheffield much better than Southampton. Henley suffers the sad faith of having her first two matches of the new US season cancelled and thus gets nothing after all these months. Scrap....ahem, I mean Shropshire also finishes her season early like the English do, but with a very mediocre result keeping her almost where she was in midfield, but now unable to fight back against passing rivals. The majestic Queen Mary suffers a similar fate, however she still has plenty of opportunity to get more point, since she only sits at 26 matches. A very impressive match calendar of 22(!) matches lies behind Edinburgh. Eddie puts it to good use and with 4 matches to go, she can in theory crack the 70 points barrier, which seems to give you a shot at promotion. Or can it? Leaving Britain for now, Yubari draws a lot in her 7 matches, like the match against Kongou and thus makes only 9/21 points. If this will cost her the listing? We'll know at the end. To calm you, she has barely passed hal of her matches. Maille Breze on the other hand profits matchwise from the European style season in France. She is now on the final stretch, but maybe also on her final breath with only 15 points in 18 matches. Losses against Marseillaise and LMP surely didn't help. Maury had a very rocky start with only 12 points in 18 matches, but her restart iin the new US season with 6/9 points gives her still a shitty point quota, but at least some hope. Something Cossack also urgently needed when we last saw her. And while it still isn't going great for her coming in with less points than matches as well, at least two draws against the strong Russians might give her some hope for her remaining 9 matches. Since this is the 3rd and lowest tier of them all, we don't have a danger zone. We have an elemination zone. And prior to the break, we had barely on top of it Orion. Now this sounds bad, but Orion actually started with a perfect 9/9 start and then was done. So what did she use the break for? She plays even more matches than Eddie (24!) and lands right behind her, but since she plays a much stronger season, Orion could overtake Eddie any time soon now. Good bye elimination zone for now! Volta also has a good portion of matches and easily sails off into safe waters. She doesn't have a stellar 21 match run like Orion, but it should keep her safe for a while, if not completly. Unlike Orion or Volta however, Dehli was with only 6 points in 9 matches an actual elimination candidate before the break. Now after just 6 matches more, not much has changed and she even drops to last, where Manchester previously was for the sole reason of having not played a single match this season, because she was a late nominee by @Wellington99. But this is about to change. Since the break she played exactly half her matches and with 43 she jumps ahead of Volta into almost certain safety for now. And with the other half of her matches still open, she could easily snatch a promo place, if she manages to double her points. So who is now in danger of elimination? Look for yourselves in the tables in the first post.
  14. A video about the Deutschland class in general and the Admiral Scheer especially.
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