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Last Day Report


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It would be nice to see it. At the moment your character is going directly to Epilogue and this info is completely out of reach.


Is this last day saved in some special file, so particular char can be accessed from year 2?


Yeah, and when we have Year 2? Several chars are already waiting :)

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I think they're still fixing them with a rapid patch cycle, dustman.


I'd intended to make and offer a typo-fixing mod to the forums, but the mod tools take so much patience... They are (so far) in no way hard or confusing, but using them takes time.

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I'd intended to make and offer a typo-fixing mod to the forums, but the mod tools take so much patience... They are (so far) in no way hard or confusing, but using them takes time.

If only we can make patch...


You can post the file it at Modders Unite and hope someone will compile it for you.


Note: Please compress it with rar so the size is cut in half.

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It's not the compiling that pains me. It's the fiddly bits of changing all the entries. There's this lag on every action I take in the mod tools that makes it deathly dull to work on. I spend more time waiting for my efforts to resolve than anything else. When I'm working on repetitive tasks to begin with, this is unbearable.


Hence, I need more patience than I've got.

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I realize we are getting a bit off track here, but perhaps a sticky threat or a somewhat similar place to post corrections for gramma and missing links and such? There has been a few instances where I've been wondering whether or not to report a corrections and if so where. Usually (if not in all cases now that I think about it) I've just left well enough alone...


Anywho, I'm looking forward to 2012, even if it is a bit into the future, sniff. Ah well, I am spoiled as it is, if year two was right around the corner I would likely have been struck down by the gods to make up for it :)

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