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New Spells!


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Yes, I know I should finish the Amada-Medusa adventure first, but I am stuck on it and I figure I should just dump out the spells I thought up in my not very useful religious lessons.

(That, and I had insomnia and haven't slept for 60 hours starting with last Sunday to Tuesday >.<)


Don't hit me with Induce Coma! Sorry! :o


Sena's Afternoon Tea


- Order (Pheme)

- Serenity (Pheme)

- Unleash (Pheme)

- Summoning (Pheme)

- Conjure (Pheme)

- Auditory (Pheme)

Action Types


- Beneficial

- Special



Meet all requirement belows:

Art - Satyric Revelry - 10

Gates - Gates Method - 10

Mastery - Mastery Method - 10




- Decrease Chance Of Discovery by 999

(It is the only way to be sure ;) )


- Expand Relationships by 1 with All Professors



(To be refined....after Amada xD)

Passing a (Satyric Revelry/Gates Method v. 10) roll will immediately reduce your Chance Of Discovery to such a stage where you can sit on a professor's head without being caught for one day.


Failure on the first roll immediately guarantee a reprimand.


Passing the second roll (Mastery/Music v.22) will expand the duration to four days.


Passing the third roll (Enspell/Gates Spell v.24) will allow your clique to enjoy the same benefit.


If you cast the spell in a truly marvelous and entertaining way (Passion/Mastery Methods v. 40), your muddled professors will actually thank you for letting them relax (subconsciously)!


Which is to say, you will enjoy a one-point expansion to relationships with all professors.


Sena De Mury was one of the most famous students among the expelled one from Academagia - her feat of causing the school to utterly fell in drunken revelry for a whole month served as a rather unique and humorous example of Gates abuse, even in well-meaning hands.


If you can call a party animal summoning hundreds of satyr spirits upon Academagia in order to make them sing their party-inducing song well-meaning, that is.


And luckily for your teachers, this spell only summon enough baby satyr to make them really, really yearn for their afternoon tea party instead.


Did I mention it is a really, really wild tea party?


Follow Nyaa To A Bad Place!

(Based on Zelefis's cheat mod action descriptions : You dream of a cat called Nyaa that lead you to strange places.)

(And based on somebody's suggestion that Mastery should allow you to make people jump out the window.)



- Sedentary (Pheme)

- Quiescent (Pheme)

- Magic (Pheme)

- Serenity (Pheme)

- Flawless (Pheme)


Action Type


- Movement


- Hostile



Meet all requirements below:

Mastery - Mastery Spell - 10

Zoology - Mammals - 10




- Expand Vitality (-2)


- Add Detention



By casting this spell, your target immediately suffer 2 points of vitality and automatic detention for a full week.


If your Mastery and Charm trumps your target's Negation and Sleuthing, they will not know you casted the spell.


An exceptional casting(Mastery/Glamour v.20) will even convince your target that they had foolishly given Nyaa a tiny bit of their soul, thus adding 4 points of stress.


Every students know Nyaa - the lovable school cat that always lead them to exciting adventure!

Every students know the fun (and pain) you have from the adventure from following her is the reward itself!

Every students know blindly following her is good luck!

And you know how to make anyone you hate follow her in their dreams. To a gory death.

Okay, maybe not a gory death, but it still hurts.

And detention IS WORSE than a gory death.



Zelefis's Pseudoshame



Action Types


- Hostile

- Academic



Meet all requirement belows:

Befriend - Conversation - 3

Gossip - Gossip (Parent Skill) - 4

Enspell - Concentration - 5

Glamour - Glamour Method - 6

Mastery - Mastery Spells - 7

Mastery - Mastery Phemes - 8

Mastery - Mastery Method - 9

Mastery - Theory Of Mastery - 10

Rheotric - Passion - 10




- Add "Black Cloud"


- Add "Cloud Of Suspicions"


- Decrease Success Chance Of All Social Actions by 50


- Decrease Study Level by 3


- Decrease Gambling by 10




This extremely difficult spell, once cast successfully, will place a charm on the victim of your choosing that passively convince all people nearby that your victim is a shameless cheater.


Being cheater might not be so bad in some place, but definitely not a school, where the professors will raise their eyebrows at your work, your fellow students avoid you, and gambling is impossible.


Adding insult to injury (literally), cheaters are excellent gossip materials. And with the professors agreeing and the spell actively reinforcing the belief, the victim is in big trouble.


Of course, all that sticks and stones hurled at your victim will no doubt make them sightly more ethical themselves, expanding their Ethics skill by 1 Skill Step.


And unless you have a very clear conscience (Ethics/Insight v.20), your own sense of Ethics is going to suffer a little via decreasing 1 skill step.

While this spell seems incredibly immoral, the creator's name Zelefis was respected around the school (nobody knowing this spell was created by him probably helps) as the student who seems to have a knack on self-improvement that are impossibly fast and effective, and actively engaged in helping other student to do the same; one afternoon, and students walked away with study habits that put the professor to shame.


Yet, when one unfortunate and headstrong professor discovered that Zelefis was engaged in Gates magic to summon Nyaa, a black cat entirely forged out of schoolyard myth, the professor immediately stormed toward the headmaster's office to report Zelefis's crime of dabbling in forbidden lore.


Ten steps away from the headmaster's office, Zelefis somehow forged enough evidence to "prove" that he was being blackmailed via violence to help the professor in reseraching plus casting a Mastery spell that convinced anyone nearby the professor that he is a no-good cheater that cannot be trusted by any mean.


Rumor has that Elleen, that extremely disliked student that graduate only because she was in detention for too long, battered the professor under the same spell's influence.


Call Spirit:Big Black Dragon


- Fear (Pheme)

- Terror (Pheme)

- Unleash (Pheme)

- Summoning (Pheme)

- Auditory (Pheme)

Action Types


- Hostile

- Special



Meet all requirement belows:

Art - Creativity - 10

Gates - Theory Of Gates - 10

Glamour - Glamour Method - 10

Glamour - Glamour Phemes - 10

Glamour - Glamour Spells - 10

School Survival - Familiar Kinship - 10





- Expand Stress by 10


- Increase Minimum Stress by 5


- Expand Stress by 3 for Caster



Upon a successful casting of this spell, your target and its clique automatically suffer an stress expansion of 10, plus a temporary increase of minimum stress to 5 for a week. However, the caster will suffer a 4-point expansion to stress too.


Much less known but deemed no less immoral, Black Dragon Assault was rumored to be originally developed by Queen Hedi in a desperate bid to disorient the dragons so that they will expose their weakspots.


But the true caster of this spell know otherwise - this spell is simply a combination of Gates and Glamour, offering to the many spirits of faux dragons massacred in the past a chance to alleviate their stress and boredom by letting them scare people of your choice with impunity and changing the resulting image to that of a VERY BIG black dragon instead of a swarm of puny faux dragons through masterful Glamour. Indeed, changing a swarm of ghosts's appearance is no small task when you are controlling them at the same time.


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Somehow I am not surprised, considering that the effect was a little outrageous :rolleyes:

I am going for a "Professors Party so I can slip by" spell.


Is it possible to reduce the chance of being punished for skipping class (since they raise each time you skip class)?

If that's possible I think there's a way to simulate the prohibit reprimand effect :wub:xD


(If not I will just think of something later ;) )

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Indeed, too much unspeakable commonality.



The true culprit behind the dragon's cruelty is...Black Chicken, the bonus boss you can fight against after the final boss battle. Beware of the Bock,bock,bock,bock,bock,begowwwwk! Chicken Curse.


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This is possibly the funniest / maddest game I have played in a while (In a good way, of course) tongue.gif


Animals that talk, and mythical creatures that are actually nice and most importantly the magic...and black chickens that attack you. (Sadly, I only know this because I was messing with the mod tool)


There's just the issue of dragons being evil, many games already show dragons as evil creatures so maybe Academagia has a few dragons that are good to people ?

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Dragons in Academagia seems to be more like "big evil natural enemy every single sane creature oppose" - I am kinda surprised people haven't squished all faux dragons before the game :mellow:


@Leagte: You mean, as in a dragon born with the virtue of "honor" would just twist the virtue into "following some obscure dragon honor that allow me to chew human", right :rolleyes: ?


Update: Nyaa now get a chance of having actual soul tributes. Or so the victims think.

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Dragons in Academagia seems to be more like "big evil natural enemy every single sane creature oppose" - I am kinda surprised people haven't squished all faux dragons before the game :mellow:

Flux dragon is actually a Magical Lizard.


@Leagte: You mean, as in a dragon born with the virtue of "honor" would just twist the virtue into "following some obscure dragon honor that allow me to chew human", right :rolleyes: ?

What can I say? Human tastes great.


Update: Nyaa now get a chance of having actual soul tributes. Or so the victims think.

It is my obscure cat honor that allow me to toy with human wizard to their eventual pitfall (literally).

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Flux dragon is actually a Magical Lizard.



I know that, but I thought people would have mistook the Faux Dragons for tiny dragons a long time ago and squashed them flat before discovering in horror that they exterminated an innocent species (if our fellow classmates at Academagia are any indication of how ignorant humans are in Elumnia)....

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New idea ! An illusion spell that summons a big black dragon that would cause all who witness it to have the scared emotion !

New Glamour Spell: "False Polymorph: Dragon"?


Cosetta Re screamed with her clique, as they looked into the mirror and see a dragon among them......

Then a irritated Marlein Knoht gave them detention for screaming too loud and continue eating some sinster-looking pudding.




I actually want to make a spell about Schwarzbart's knack on bug-finding :P

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