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Schwarzbart Weed


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I will put each step in a seperat Post so expect many posts (if I realy manage to finish this questline)

If anyone find some mistakes (my english isn't the best) please report before this will make it into the game.


Change Log of Part 1



Step 4a New Main text added and New exit 7


Missed the "a" in the text of the step 5a default exit


Ok this time was a major rework that I haved to do because hopefull I learned how Investigations & Memory realy works this time.

Changes I have done:

Put the Memory List I use to the 1. Posting into a spoiler

Split Step 6 and Step 7 into loot of single steps (got up to Step 11 this way)

Step 3 Investigation 1 is now one use only haved named 2 Memorys for this

Step 4a Investigation 4 Failure end the turn and Success have now a fixed memory and as soon you have this memory this Investigation dont show anymore

Step 4 Exit 2 and 3 can be disabled via a new Flag and changed Exit 5 to continue to 5a

Step 4b is now 5a and it got splitet into 5a and 6a


Added the Resin Check to Exit 2 and 3 in Step 4

Added Step 5 and put the Exit 1 of step 4 to Step 5 instead of Step 6

For a short time there was a direct return to Exit 4 in Exit 1 of Step 5 but this was fixed

Removed the Warning about the Phemes in Exit 1 and 2 in Step 6 (now this is in 8 / 8a)




Memory List I used so fare in this adventure:


NegWand_Nembo (3. year who helps) Alchemy Tools +3;Chemistry +3; Brew +3; Ortography +4; Ink Compounds +4; Enchant +3; Phemes +1

NegWand_Schwarzbart (Crafting at the Vila under MS Schwarzbart Supervisor) Alchemy Tools +4; Chemistry +4; Roots +5; Brew +4; Enchant +5; Ink Compounds +2; Ortography +5; Phemes +4

NegWand_Lab (Reserved a Lab) Alchemy Tools +2; Chemistry +2; Brew +2; Ink Compounds +1

NegWand_DragonBone (For using the Dragon Bone Wand)

NegWand_Failed (if the Enchanting go wrong at Step 13 or 14)(think I have removed them complet)

NegWand_DoneOnce (Blocks the crafting of the Perm. Wands complet or will lock it to Negation Wand with personal Lab)

NegWand_Carpenter (You found a good carpenter for the uncommon materials you need)

NegWand_MsSchwarzbart (You know about MS Schwarzbart)

NegWand_No_MsSchwarzbart (You failed to learn about MS Schwarzbart)

NegWand_Gossip (You learned about the Gossip who can Help)

Memory Schwarzbart Vila (You learned where the Vila of MS Schwarzbart is)




Step 1

Working at The Field


Requirement: Botany Class


To gain Extra Credit for your Botany Class you agreed to help at a farm where you now have to remove some weeds from the field.

In one corner of the field you discovered a weed you havent seen so far.


Default: Just remove it

+1 Extra Botany Credit +1 Stress

You haved some problems unrooting this weed but when your done the farmer was happy.

He also will report to the Prof. Vickery about your good work.

This Adventure End here


Investigation 1: Material Knowledge: Maybe this weed can be used for Enchanting

Material Knowledge Roll

  • Success
    This weed have for sure some magical abilitys so maybe you want to keep it alive till you learn more about it.
  • Failure
    This looks like a common unmagic weed to you


Investigation 2: Botany: Is this in real some rare kind of weed

Botany Roll

  • Success
    Your sure that you never read or heared about this kind of weed so far. Maybe you should protect it till you know more.
  • Failure
    This looks like a common weed to you


Exit 1: Roots: Carefule unroot this plant and keep it

Roots Roll

Requirement: Investigation 1 o. 2 success

  • Success
    You manged to put this weed into a plant pot before continue to remove the rest of the weeds. The Farmer also was happy about your work.
    Extra Credit +1; add Schwarzbartweed; continue direct to step 2
  • Failure
    When you try to unroot the weed your hand sudenly burns like fire. Thats enough for today maybe you will return at a other day to continue your work.
    -1 Vitality


Exit 2-4: Negotiate: Over the Farmer X Money to care for the weeds

Requirement: Investigation 1 o. 2 success and enough Money

Exit 2 No Roll High Money Cost

Exit 3 Negotiate Roll Moderate Money Cost

Exit 4 Difficult Negotiate Roll Low Money Cost

  • Success
    You pay the Money to the Farmer and he promise to take good care for the rest of this school year.
    The only downside is that you have to come back at a other day to get your sample to do some research.
    - Money +Ability where you can get 1 Schwarzbartweed once a Month; continue to step 2
  • Failure
    The Farmer takes offense in the money you just offerd him and no longer lets Haggle for this.
    -1 Negotiate ; Blocks Exit 3 and Exit 4; Continue with this step



Typ: Plant Rare

Effect +1 Stress Minimum +1 Affinity Dispell +1 Phemes

Price 364 Pims


Named after the one who first discovered this very rare weed.

Keeping this weed close gives one a Affinity for the Dispel Pheme and a better understanding in Phemes.

Because this weed need a loot of care if one whant to profit from it one one have to live with a higher stress level.

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Step 0 (Forgot that Adventure need a step 0 without any roll)


Botany Extra Credit


Requirement: Botany Class


In the Botany class Prof. Vickery looked for some volunteers to do some work at the farms. He also over some extra Credit for this.


Exit 1 For some Extra Credit in Botany? Sure your in!

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Step 2

The Unknown Weed

Requirement: Schwarzbartweed in the Inventory


Where could you posible find infos about the weed you carry around?


Default:Today is not the day to keep worry about a plant


Wo cares about a stupid plant you have better things to do today.


Stress -1 Biology -1


Exit 1: Filing: Search in the Library for infos

Filing Roll

  • Success
    After some search you finaly found a book that have infos about this plant.
    You learned that the Plant is called Schwarzbart Weed named after the peron who first found this plant.
    This plant also have some Magical Abilitys and was used for crafting.
    Special mentioned is that in the past it was used to craft good Negation Wands with this.
    Roots +1; Learn About Schwarzbartweed; Continue to Step 3
  • Failure
    You searched for a long time but couldn't find a book with infos about the plant. You have to come back a other day.
    Stress +1


Exit 2: Social Skills: Ask Prof. Vickery

Social Skills Roll

  • Success
    You found the Prof at his office. When you asked him about this plant he told you that you have a interesting and rare plant here.
    The Plant is called Schwarzbart Weed and have some Magical Abilitys.
    Special mentioned is that in the past it was used to craft good Negation Wands with this.
    Roots +1; Learn About Schwarzbartweed; Continue to step 3
  • Failure
    When you finaly found the Prof. in one hallway you nearly drop the plant pot.
    The Prof. saw this and scold you that even a common weed sould be handled more carefule.
    Then the Prof. continued his way before you got your voice back. Looks like now its not a good time to ask him.
    Merit -1


Exit 3: Biology: Do you remember something about this Plant?

Biology Roll

Prerequisite History of Magic >4

  • Success
    All of the suden you remember why you whanted this weed!
    Not only have the Schwarzbart Weed magical Abilitys, no it also was used in the process to craft a Negation Wand!
    Theory of Enchantment +1; Learn About Schwarzbartweed; direct Continue to step 3
  • Failure
    Because you where lost in thought you didnt watch where you are walking!
    When all of the sudden you hit the ground because you stumble over "Familiar Name" from "Student".
    Vitality -1 Relationship to this Student -1

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Step 3

The Negation Wand Recipe


Schwarzbartweed is one important material for crafting a Negation Wand but what else will you need?

You have to look for a Recipes!


Default: Maybe at a other day


You don't want to spend the time now to continue this.


-1 Dedication


Investigation 1: Prayer: Schwarzbart? You heared this name somewhere!

Requirement Voice =>2 and No NegWand_MsSchwarzbart and Add No NegWand_No_MsSchwarzbart


Roll Prayer

  • Success
    Now you remember where you heared this Name its the Family name of a very old woman you saw sometimes in the Arcadius's Temple!
    Add NegWand_MsSchwarzbart
  • Failure
    Maybe you got confused with some History. You dont remember to heared about a living person with this Name in Mineta or the Academagia.
    Add NegWand_No_MsSchwarzbart


Exit 1: Research: Search in the Enchant part of the Library

Roll Research

  • Success
    After a extended search you finaly found a old tome with the Recipe. You just haved to write it down because this book is in a section where 1st year are not allowed.
    Palettes +1; Negation Wand Recipe; Continue to Step 4
  • Failure
    When the Library spot you during your search for a book she gave you a warning and send you out of the library because you ended you in a section where 1st years are not allowed.
    -1 Merrit


Exit 2: Diplomacy: Ask Prof. Leith

Prerequisite: Enchant Class or Relationship Matain Leith >4

Roll Persuation

  • Success
    You find Prof. Leith in his Office. When you ask him about the procedure to creat a Negation Wand with a Schwarzbart Weed he tells you that this knowledge restricted to later years.
    When you mention that you already got the Schwarzbart Weed and promise that you get help for the more difficult parts he let you copy the recipe in his office.
    Theory of Enchantment +1; Unlook Professor Leith's Back Office; Negation Wand Recipe; Direct Continue to Step 4
  • Failure
    You find Prof. Leith when he left his class room. When you ask him if he can give you a Recipe for a Negation Wand he simply answear that he dont have the time to teach such things to a Student who not even started the Artifice Class.
    -1 Relationship with Prof. Leith


Exit 3: Scouting: Search for the old Woman

Requirement NegWand_MsSchwarzbart and No Dragon Bone Wand in the Inventory and no Memory Schwarzbart Vila

Roll Luck+Scouting

  • Success
    When your heading to the Arcadiu's Tempel you see the Woman is just leaving the temple. Because she walks really slow you easy catch up.
    Direct continue to Step 3a
  • Failure
    You even haved to pay the 10 Pims to prayer at the Arcadiu's Tempel but sadly you cant find the Woman there. So you have to come back at a other day.
    -10 Pims +1 Random Music SS


Exit 4 : Scouting: Search for the old Woman

Requirement NegWand_MsSchwarzbart and Dragon Bone Wand in the inventory and no Memory Schwarzbart Vila

Roll Luck+Scouting

  • Success
    Your heading to the Arcadiu's Tempel when you see the Woman is just leaving the temple.
    Because she walks really slow you easy catch up.
    When you greet her, the old woman musters you first and then smile.
    "Greetings young one, dont you want to accompany old Ms Schwarzbart to her home? I see you have a item on you I whant to have a look at."
    On the way you also find the time to ask her if she have the Recipe for crafting Negation Wand and she Mention that its probably in one of the books she own.
    Ethics +1; Direct continue to Step 3b
  • Failure
    You even haved to pay the 10 Pims to prayer at the Arcadiu's Tempel but sadly you cant find the Woman there. So you have to come back at a other day.
    -10 Pims +1 Random Music SS


Exit 5: Go to the Vila Schwarzbart

Prerequisite Memory Schwarzbart Vila

You rember where the vila of Ms Schwarzbart is so you go there to finaly ask her for the recipe.

Direct continue to Step 3b

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If you were a Cow you probably would like it, but I am not sure what a CremePudding would love to eat. :P

Oh and I wish you a nice stay in the Infirmary if you get the rootsap in your mouth.


Negation Wand Recipe


Typ: Scroll

Rarity Typ: Rare



Orginal this Recipe was created to enhance a Dragon Bone Wand but it also works on a special prepared Holly Bough.


Put a barkfree Holly Bough that brought into shape in a brew out of lavender, sage and thyme so that it is complet sorround by this brew.

After one night in this brew of Herbs you have to dry the bough before you polish it with beewax.

Now carefull heat the bough till it get a bit darker that is when you have to call 3 times the Name of the God of Crafting and 3 times the God of Magic.

The Holly Bough can now opened for the first enchanting procedure.

You only have to add the Negate, Dispel , Nagate and Power Pheme to your Holly Bough before closing the Enchanting for now.

Now you have a Enchanted Holly Wand that keeps its power for around 2 Months. So be sure to finish the next steps within the next 2 months or you have to complet start over with the Holly.


The following steps are the same for enhancing a Dragon Bone Wand and finishing creating a Negation Wand.


Heat Resin till it get viscius and then add the roots-sap of a fresh Schwarzbartweed to your Resin, but be carefule to avoid skin contact with the sap.

Then you have to slow stir this while keeping the heat the same, 66 times to the left then 66 times to the right.

Add the Phemes of Normalize and Reveal to this before put in a mix of fine crushed Topaz and Opal.

Then have to heat and stir this even more till the resin turns colorless and become fluid.

Now you have to work fast and paint the phemes for the Sphere of Resistance and of a Dispel Spell with a doghair brush on your wand before the Resin changes its color again.

After you finished the painting you immediatly have to roll the wand in wood soil no older then 1 week.

But dont forget to watch your resin because you have to start stir again when it start to become gray.

The Resin have to continued stired till it start to turn into a gray shade of blue.

Put of the heat now and put 3 tin layers of the resin over your wand.

After the 3th layer wrapping some Leather Scraps on the lower end of the wand for better Holding.

Now the wand have to rest for 1 night in a place where the moon can shine on it.

Remember to keep the Resin because you will need it again later.

The next day you can start to empower the phemes you have writen on the wand.

After you have empowered all Phemes you have to heat the resin once more till it becomes viscius.

While saying a Prayer to the God of Magic you put a final layer of Resin on the wand.

When the Resin cooled down you finaly can use your now more Powerfull Wand again.

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Step 3a

Ms Schwarzbart

You Greet the old Lady and ask if she is Ms Schwarzbart.

When she says yes you introduced your self as a Student of the Academagica and told her that your looking for a recipe of a Negation Wand craftet with Schwarzbartweed.

She thinks for some time an then answear "Yes,yes I remember to have seen this recipe in one of my old books".

I am willing to give you a copy of this for 500 pims or for the Schwarzbartweed. But remember you will need this plant also for this Recipt!


Default: No Trade for you today!

You say you dont have anyting to give to her for this right now but maybe you will come back on her offer.


Negotiate -1


Exit 1: Pay 500 pims

Requirement: enough Money

You agreed to pay her the 500 pims. She then tell you that you will have the recipe this evening.

When you decided to go to bed you already thought it was a bad idea to give the woman the money without direct getting the recipe when sudenly a bird is pecking on the window.

After you opened the Window the bird drops a paper into your room and leaves.

Looking at the Paper you realize its the recipe you was waiting for.

-500 Pims +Negation Wand Recipe, Continue to Step 4


Exit 2: Give her the Schwarzbartweed

Requirement: Schwarzbartweed in the inventory

You agree to give her the Schwarzbartweed you have in your inventory for the recipe.

When you decided to go to bed you already thought it was a bad idea to give the woman the weed without direct getting the recipe when sudenly a bird is pecking on the window.

After you opened the Window the bird drops a paper into your room and leaves.

Looking at the Paper you realize its the recipe you was waiting for.

-Schwarzbartweed +Negation Wand Recipe, Continue to Step 4


Exit 3: Etiquette:Ask if its ok if you accompany her home

Roll Etiquette

  • Success
    She smiles and thank you for this offer. On the way to her home she talks a lot about Ethics and Religion.
    Ethics +1; Direct continue to Step 3b
  • Failure
    She decline your offer to accompany her home because she first have other things to do. Maybe you have more luck on a other day.
    -1 Etiquette; Continue to Step 3


Wow puthing this Quest together takes a loot more time then I have expected.

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Step 3b

The Schwarzbart-Vila

You talk to Ms Schwarzbart on her way from the Tempel to her Home.

You wonder when she stops at a huge Building at the Piazza Athanasius.

She then says "Where there, If you have a Wand made of Bone I am interested in have a look at it."

"But if you just here for the recipe I will deliver you a copy for 400 pims or a Schwarzbartweed"


Add Memory Schwarzbart Vila (One of the posiblitys to get the needed Help in the Crafting part)


Default: Say goodbye for today

You say goodby to Ms Schwarzbart and return to the Academagia

Continue to Step 3


Exit 1: Agree to show her the Wand

Prerquisite : Dragon Bone Wand in the Inventory


You go inside the Vila to show her the Dragon Bone Wand.

She thank you for showing this wand to her and mention that the last time she saw such a wand was when she was around your age.

"Now to the recipe I think I remember the book its in let me have a look"

A vew minutes later she come back with a book and point you to a desk where you can copy the recipe.

+Negation Wand Recipe, direct Continue to Step 4


Exit 2: Persuasion:Ask her nice if you can copy the recipe

Roll Persuasion

  • Success
    With just a bit smoothtalking you confince her to let you copy the recipe for a small donation of 10 pims.
    -10 Pims; +Negation Wand Recipe, direct Continue to Step 4
  • Failure
    She shakes her head "Not today young one, I have Vistiors soon so I dont have the time to help you."
    "Maybe I will have more time on a other day"
    Continue to Step 3


Exit 3: Pay 400 pims

Requirement: enough Money

You agreed to pay her the 400 pims. She that you will have this recipe this evening.

When you decided to go to bed you already thought it was a bad idea to give the woman the money without direct getting the recipe when sudenly a bird is pecking on the window.

After you opened the Window the bird drops a paper into your room and leaves.

Looking at the Paper you realize its the recipe you was waiting for.

-400 Pims +Negation Wand Recipe, Continue to Step 4


Exit 4: Give her the Schwarzbartweed

Requirement: Schwarzbartweed in the inventory

You agree to give her the Schwarzbartweed you have in your inventory for the recipe.

When you decided to go to bed you already thought it was a bad idea to give the woman the weed without direct getting the recipe when sudenly a bird is pecking on the window.

After you opened the Window the bird drops a paper into your room and leaves.

Looking at the Paper you realize its the recipe you was waiting for.

-Schwarzbartweed +Negation Wand Recipe, Continue to Step 4

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Step 4

Getting the Materials

Now that you have the recipe you have to gather the things needed for this recipe.


Exit 1: You got all the things you need to craft the Enchanted Holly Wand

Requirement: Beeswax in the Inventory and Holly Bough in the Inventory and Herbs in the Inventory and Negation Wand Recipe in the Inventory

With all the Materials gathered now you can start to craft this interstage product.

Direct continue to Step 5


(Disabled for Part1) Exit 2: You got all the things you need to craft the Negation Wand

Requirement: Resin in the Inventory and Topaz, Small in the Inventory and Opal, Small in the Inventory and Schwarzbartweed in the Inventory and Leather Swatch in the Inventory and Enchanted Holly Wand in the Inventory and Negation Wand Recipe in the Inventory

With all the Materials gathered now is maybe the time to look for some assitance for the crafting.

Direct continue to Step 12


(Disabled for Part1) Exit 3: You have all the things you need to improve the Dragon Bone Wand

Requirement: Resin in the Inventory and Topaz, Small in the Inventory and Opal, Small in the Inventory and Schwarzbartweed in the Inventory and Leather Swatch in the Inventory and Dragon Bone Wand in the Inventory and Negation Wand Recipe in the Inventory

You now have everything to improve your Dragon Bone Wand, sadly you can't ask a Professor for assitance on this!

Direct continue to Step 12


Exit 4: Go Shoping

Requirement: Negation Wand Recipe in the Inventory

Your off to the city to buy some of the things you need.

Direct Continue to Step 4a


(Probably disabled for Part1) Exit 5: To the Imperial Reserve

Requirement: No Holly Bough in the Inventory or No Resin in the Inventory

There are some things you can get from the Imperial Reserve, so you have to find a way to get there without get cought.

Direct Continue to Step 5a


Exit 6: Memorization: Oh No! You lost the Recipt!

Requirement: No Negation Wand Recipe in the Inventory

Roll Memorization

  • Success
    You manage to remember the recipe and put it on a new paper.
    Still it took you to long time to do anything usfull now.
    Add Negation Wand Recipe; Continue to Step 4
  • Failure
    You took your time to remember the recipe but your not sure enough if you got all things together.
    So you have to look for the recipt again.
    +1 Stress; continue to Step 3


Added 23.06.11: (Except for the Default Exit this addition can also placed in 4a instead of 4)


Default: Thats enough for today

You think its bether to continue with this at a other day.

Continue to Step 4


Investigation 1 Minetan Swagger: Where could you get a new Schwarzbartweed?

Requirement No Schwarzbartweed in Inventory and No NegWand_Mineta_Planttrader

Roll Minetan Swagger vs 10

  • Success
    You Remember that from time to time there are travling Mercants at the docks and one of them is reported to have rare plants in his sortiment.
    Set NegWand_Mineta_Planttrader
  • Failure
    You wandered for some time more or less aimless in the city to find a good vendor for plants but sadly no one you asked did know where you could get this plant.
    Continue to step 4


Exit 7: Pure Luck:

Requirement No Schwarzbartweed in Inventory and NegWand_Mineta_Planttrader and 733 pims or more

Roll Pure Luck vs 20

  • Success
    You asked at the Dock Office if the Trader you search is around and they point you to a nearby tavern.
    Sure this tip did cost you 5 Pims but it was wort it because you found the trader.
    It turns out the trader also actual haved one of this plants for sell but sadly at twice the normal price.
    Because you realy need this plant to continue you bought it for 728 pims.
    -733 pims, Add Schwarzbartweed, Continue to Step 4
  • Failure
    You bribed some Dockworker to tell you where to find a Trader for Rare Plants what together costed you 20 pims.
    Sadly the trader you found didnt have any Schwarzbartweed for sell, so you have to come back at a other day.
    -20 Pims; Continue to Step 4

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Step 4a

Shoping for the Materials

You have a long list of Materials you need. Now lets see what your Money can buy from this list.

For the Enchanted Holly Wand you just need some Herbs, Beewax and a Holy Bough.

The Materials for the Enhanced Dragon Bone Wand/ Negation Wand are:

A Schwarzbartweed,a Leather Swatch, Resin, a small Opal and a small Topaz


Default: Enough Shoping for today

You return to the Academagia happy with all the things you bought.

Continue to Step 4


Investigation 1: Get the Herbs you need

Requirement: No Herbs in the Inventory and more then 7 Pims

Getting the Herbs was easy and only did cost you 7 Pims. You just hope this will be enough.

-7 Pims; add Herbs


Investigation 2: Buy some Beeswax

Requirement: No Beewax in the Inventory and more then 14 Pims

A Apiarist was easy to find and for just 14 Pims you bought all the wax you need.

-14 Pims; add Beeswax


(Disabled for Part1) Investigation 3: Get some Leather Swatch from a tanner

Requirement: No Leather Swatch in the Inventory and more then 17 Pims

Asking a bit around you found the general direction and then you simply haved to follow the foul smell.

The Tanner sold you the Leather Swatch for just 17 Pims

-17 Pims; add Leather Swatch


(Disabled for Part1) Investigation 4: Transport: Search for a Carpenter

Requirement: No Holly Bough in the Inventory or No Resin in the Inventory and No NegWand_Carpenter

Roll Transport (Easy)

  • Success
    You found a nice Carpentry Shop where you can buy Resin for 35 and the Holly Bough you need for 39
    Set NegWand_Carpenter
  • Failure
    After a long time searching you give up for today because no Carpenter have the items you need to buy on sale.
    Continue to Step 4


(Disabled for Part1) Exit 1: Buy the Resin for 35 Pims (Will end the shoping for today)

Requirement: No Resin in the Inventory and enough Money and NegWand_Carpenter

After you bought the Resin you realise that it is geting late and you have to go back to the Academy

-35 Pims; add Resin; Continue to Step 4


(Rewriten for Part1) Exit 2: Buy the Holly Bough for 39 Pims (Will end the shoping for today)

Requirement: No Holly Bough in the Inventory and enough Money and NegWand_Carpenter

After you bought the Holly Bough you realise that it is geting late and you have to go back to the Academy

-39 Pims; add Holly Bough; Continue to Step 4


(Disabled for Part1) Exit 3: Buy the Resin and the Holly Bough (Will end the shoping for today)

Requirement: No Holly Bough in the Inventory and No Resin in the Inventory and enough Money and NegWand_Carpenter

After you bought your items you realise that it is geting late and you have to go back to the Academy

-74 Pims; add Holly Bough; add Resin; Continue to Step 4


(Disabled for Part1)Exit 4: Buy a small Topaz for 35 Pims at the Gild Glit (Will end the shoping for today)

Requirement: No Topaz, Small in the Inventory and Jeweler =>1 and enough Money

After you bought the Topaz you realise that it is geting late and you have to go back to the Academy

-35 Pims; add Topaz, Small; Continue to Step 4


(Disabled for Part1) Exit 5: Buy a small Opal for 775 Pims at the Gild Glit (Will end the shoping for today)

Requirement: No Opal, Small in the Inventory and Jeweler =>1 and enough Money

After you bought the Opal you realise that it is geting late and you have to go back to the Academy

-775 Pims; add Opal, Small; Continue to Step 4


(Disabled for Part1) Exit 6: Buy the small Opal and the small Topaz at the Gild Glit (Will end the shoping for today)

Requirement: No Topaz, Small in the Inventory and No Opal, Small in the Inventory and Jeweler =>1 and enough Money

After you bought your items you realise that it is geting late and you have to go back to the Academy

-810 Pims; add Opal, Small; add Topaz, Small; Continue to Step 4


Exit 7: You got everything you need for the Enchanted Holly Wand

Requirement: Beewax in the Inventory and Herbs in the Inventory and Holly Bough in the inventory

Its got late so you return to the academy happy that you managed to get everything you need to craft the Enchanted Holly Wand.

Continue to step 4


The 6 Exits are there to dont give to much advance over using the Shop function for the uncommon Materials

Edit 15.04.11 Improved the reporting in this step for the Enchanted Holly Bough crafting. Sadly for the Materials of the Part 2 Crafting its not this easy to improve the reporting.

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Step 5a

Woodworking in the Imperial Reserve

Today you want to look for Resin and/or a Holly Bough in the Imperial Reserve. But when you arive at the Imperial Reserve you spot a Guard at the Entrance.


Default: Return to the Academagia

Because there is a Guard you change your plans.

-1 Courage; direct Continue To step 4


Investigation 1: Practical Jokes: Distract the Guard

Prerequisite: Mimicry > 2

Roll Practical Jokes

  • Success
    You manage to generate some giggle that apears to come from a other direction.
    The Guard was even curious enough to leave his post for a look.
    Temp. add Move Silently
  • Failure
    The noices you manage to generate just made the Guard more watchfull.
    Temp. remove Move Silently


Exit 1: Move Silently: Sneak past the Guard

Roll Move Silently (The Guard today is more watchfull then in Tutorial Adventure 15)

  • Success
    You sneak past the Guards back when you spot a dry twig direct in front of you.
    Making a bit biger step you get past this and manage to get into hiding in the Imperial Reserve.
    Direct Continue to Step 6a
  • Failure
    You try to sneak past the guard but when your at the same high as the guard <<knack>> you step on a dry twig.
    Immediatly the Guard turns around to you. "Where are you think your going to? Play some were else!"
    Looks like you have to try again at a other day.
    +1 Stress; Continue to Step 4


Exit 2: Your allowed

Prerequisite Visitation Rights Imperial Reserve

When the Guard see you coming he greets you and leave you trough

Direct Continue to Step 6a


Step 6a

Woodworking in the Imperial Reserve 2


Exit 1: Navigation: Find your way back to the Academgia

Roll Navigation

  • Success
    Prerequisite No Visitation Rights Imperial Reserve
    Putting together what you have learned about Botany and allways watching your way you manage to find back to the Entrance.
    When the Guard then is shooing away some other Students you easy get out.
    + Botany Study; + Move Silently; Continue to Step 4
  • Failure
    Your deeper into the Reserve then you thought you are.
    Your lost! You will starve here or geting eaten by some beast!
    First you shout for Help then you start to cry ...
    When finaly on of the Guards find you, your more then happy!
    It even dont matter that to you that the Guard have to report this to the Academy at last your back where you know your way.
    +2 Stress; +Reprimand; Continue to Step 4


Exit 2: Leave the Reserve

Prerequisite Visitation Rights Imperial Reserve


You already where in the reserve a vew times so you know your ways around and its easy for you to find out again.


+ Botany Study; + Random Zoology; Continue to Step 4


Investigation 1: Carpentry: Gater Resin

Prerequisite: No Resin in the Inventory

Roll Carpentry

  • Success
    You collect Resin from different trees till you think you have enough.
    Add Resin
  • Failure
    Your mind goes black. You dont remember how you can gater Resin ... Wait what are your here for at all?
    - 1 Carpentry


Investigation 2: Botany: Look for a holly

Prerequisite: No Holly Bough in the Inventory

Roll Botany

  • Success
    After a bit of search you finaly find a holly and there is a bough of this tree with the right size and form at the ground.
    Add Holly Bough
  • Failure
    You search for some time and there are trees over trees but no holly so fare. You give up for today.
    + 1 Stress


Add Exit 5 in Step 4

There will be still the Problem that you fail when you loose the Schwarzbartweed and didn't pay the farmer.

16.05.11 Added checks for Visitaion Rights

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Step 5


Phemes for the temporary wand

You reading trough the first part of the recipe again just to see if you have everything you need.


Exit 1 Your missing a Pheme

Prerequisite: No Negate Pheme or No Dispel Pheme or No Power Pheme

You have to know this 3 Phemes for the Recipe:

Negate, Dispel and Power

The Power Pheme sounds like something from Revision and the two other sound like Negation.

Maybe you first have to learn more about this skills to know this Phemes.

Continue to Step 4


Exit 2 You know the Phemes

Prerequisite: Negate Pheme and Dispel Pheme and Power Pheme

You remembering that you have used the Phemes mentioned in the first part of the recipe already in one or the other spell you casted.

Direct Continue to Step 6


Is it OK that the player can use Step 4b for a limitless number to get +1 Botany Study and +1 Move Silently per Adventure call?

I still looking for a nice Glamore Spell for Investigation 2 in Step 4b that throw your voice do anyone remember one?

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Step 6

Working the Holly Bough

Today you decided to start working on the Holly Bough.

The Steps you plan for today are:

- Removing the bark and geting the Bough into shape

- Finding something big enough to make the sud

- Making the Sud and then Put the Bough in


Default: Your missing Something!

Prerequisite: No Herbs in the Inventory or No Holly Bough in the Inventory or No Negation Wand Recipe in the Inventory or No Beeswax in the Inventory

Some of the materials you need are missing! So back to resource gathering.

Direct Continue to Step 4


Exit 1 Carpentry: Prepare the Bough

Prerequisite: Holly Bough in the Inventory and Negation Wand Recipe in the Inventory

Roll Carpentry

  • Success
    The work get along nicely and when your finished your sure this bough will become a nice wand.
    Direct Continue to Step 7
  • Failure
    After working on the Holly Bough for a not to long time it get clear that this one wont do it and you have to get a new one.
    -1 Carpentry; remove Holly Bough; direct Continue to Step 4


Exit 2 Material Knowledge: Cast Material Shaping to work the Bough

Prerequisite: Holly Bough in the Inventory and Negation Wand Recipe in the Inventory and Spell Material Shaping

Roll Material Knowledge vs 4

  • Success
    The work get along nicely and when your finished your sure this bough will become a nice wand.
    Direct Continue to Step 7
  • Failure
    Somehing get wrong with your spell because when you wanted to remove the bark the Holly Bough get very hot.
    So hot you even burnt your finger! The Holly Bark looks still Ok but its to hot now to be worked.
    -1 Vitality; Continue to Step 6


step 7

Making the Brew

Where could you find a large enough containment for your Holly Bough?


Exit 1 Cooking: What will you need for the brew?

Roll Cooking

  • Success
    You think you can find something large enough to make the brew in the Kitchen.
    Direct Continue to Step 8
  • Failure
    You cant come up with a idea where you could get something large enough for your brew.
    Continue to Step 6


Exit 2 Alchemical Tools: What will you need for the brew?

Roll Alchemical Tools

  • Success
    With some luck you can maybe find something big enough in the Infirmary.
    Direct Continue to Step 8a
  • Failure
    You cant come up with a idea where you could get something large enough for your brew.
    Continue to Step 6


step 8

Tricking the cook

You have to trick the cook so that you can lend a Pot that is large enough for your Holly Bough.


Exit 1 Forgery: Write a Paper that allows you to work in the Kitchen

Roll Forgery

  • Success
    When you arive at the Kitchen only one of the Apprentice is there.
    He just have a short look at the paper and then say
    "Hmm looks ok, just dont get in my way"
    In one of the huge pots you found you make the brew and then put the Holly bough in.
    You just souldn't forget to bring the pot back wenn your done.
    Remove Holly Bough; Remove Herbs; Remove Beeswax Alchemical Tools +1; Continue to Step 9
  • Failure
    Showing you Paper the Head Chef wasn't your best idea.
    Now your "allowed" to work in the kitchen but only to wash all the dishes!
    +1 Stress; -1 Merrit; -1 Forgery; Continue to Step 6


Step 8a

Working for the Tonic Brewmaster

You decided to help the Tonic Brewmaster today in hope you find a larg enough containment there for your brew.


Exit 1 Pure Luck: Help the Tonic Brewmaster and look if there is something you can use

Prerequisite: Investigation 4 and Herbs in the Inventory and Beeswax in the Inventory

Roll Pure Luck

  • Success
    You help the Tonic Brewmaster when you spot a Large enough pot.
    Asking the Tonic Brewmaster if you could use the pot for one night he agreed.
    So beside earning some Pims for your Help you also finished this step for creating your wand.
    Remove Holly Bough; Remove Herbs; Remove Beeswax; +1 Stress; Alchemical Tools +1; Negation Methods +1; +10 Pims; Continue to Step 9
  • Failure
    Sadly you didnt spot anything usefull for your brew when helping the Tonic Brewmaster.
    So you have to come back at a other day, but at last you earned some Pims.
    +1 Stress; Poisons +1; Negation Methods +1; +10 Pims; Continue to Step 6


CremePudding your Spell won't do the trick, sadly.

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Step 9

The Temporary Wand

You have bathed your Holly Bough in a brew out of Herbs for one night and then waited till it dryed enough.

The polishing of the bough with beeswax is nearly the same as polish you wand with a wandpolish so you finished this also.

Now you can continue.

Requirement: Negate Pheme and Dispel Pheme and Power Pheme


Exit 1 Carpentry: Carfull heat the Holly Bough

Roll Carpentry

  • Success
    You darkened the bough just a bit in a Flame as the Recipe says it, now to the next step.
    Direct continue to step 10
  • Failure
    You put up to much heat and one patch of the wand got black.
    Looks like you have to start over!
    Stress +1; Direct Continue to Step 4


Exit 2 Incantation Methods: Carfull heat the Holly Bough with magic fire

Roll Incantation Methods

  • Success
    You create a small flame and darkened the bough just a bit with it, now you can continue to the next step.
    Direct continue to step 10
  • Failure
    You just summoned a big flame to get fast over this.
    Sure it was fast, but all that remains of your bough is a ash heap.
    Stress +1; Direct Continue to Step 4


Step 10

The Prayer


You have to look at your recipe what to do now ...


Exit 1 Memorization: No, No ... No! Where is your recipe?

Requirement No Negation Wand Recipe in the Inventory

Roll Memorization

  • Success
    You think you still remember everything but it will get difficult without the recipe.
    +1 Stress;
    Direct Continue to step 11a
  • Failure
    Your not sure if you got everything together but you still try.
    +1 Stress
    Direct Continue to step 11


Exit 2 Piety: Call the Names of the Gods

Requirement Negation Wand Recipe in the Inventory

Roll Piety should be green for someone with 10 in this SS

  • Success
    With all the Piety you can put in you call the Name of the Gods.
    Direct Continue to Step 11
  • Failure
    You make the 6 calls to the Gods and now to the Enchanting
    Direct Continue to Step 11a


Exit 3: Stop here, without the recipe its to dangerous!

Requirement No Negation Wand Recipe in the Inventory

You lose everything you done so fare but bether this then ending in the infirmancy or worse.

+1 Reason; -1 Dedication; Continue to Step 4


step 11

The Enchanted Holly Wand


You just have to add the Phemes to the Holly Bough and if all works out you have your Enchanted Holly Wand


Exit 1 Enspell: Add the Phemes to the Holly Bough

Requirement Negation Wand Recipe in the Inventory

Roll Enspell vs 16 (is fixed from the Phemes -4 from prayer)

  • Success
    Its a demanding task to put all 4 Phemes into the bough.
    Even sweat is running down you neck.
    But you manage to keep focus and draw the Power Pheme that finished this.
    A bit tired but happy you close the Enchanting process and you now have a Enchanted Holly Wand in you hand.
    You still wonder if you already have what is need to finish the next steps in the next 2 months
    + 1 Stress; add Enchanted Holly Wand; +2 Palettes; Continue to Step 4
  • Failure
    The Task of adding the 4 Phemes to the bough was to demanding, so you failed in drawing the Phemes acurate and in time.
    The Holy Bough is now unusable for any future enchanting but maybe it can still work as a wand?
    +2 Stress; add Broken Wand; Continue to Step 4


Exit 2 Palettes: Add the Phemes to the Holly Bough

Requirement Negation Wand Recipe in the Inventory

Roll Palettes vs 16 (is fixed from the Phemes -4 from prayer)

  • Success
    Its a demanding task to put all 4 Phemes into the bough.
    Even sweat is running down you neck.
    But you manage to keep focus and draw the Power Pheme that finished this.
    A bit tired but happy you close the Enchanting process and you now have a Enchanted Holly Wand in you hand.
    You still wonder if you already have what is need to finish the next steps in the next 2 months
    + 1 Stress; add Enchanted Holly Wand; +2 Phemes; Continue to Step 4
  • Failure
    The Task of adding the 4 Phemes to the bough was to demanding and you failed to drawing the Phemes accurate.
    So the holy bough is ruined and now it can only be used for firewood.
    +2 Stress; Continue to Step 4


Exit 3 Enspell: Try to add the Phemes even without recipe

Requirement No Negation Wand Recipe in the Inventory

Roll Enspell vs 30 (is fixed from the Phemes + 10 punishment for not having the Recipt)

  • Success
    Its a real demanding task to put all 4 Phemes into the bough.
    Even sweat is running down you neck.
    But you manage to keep focus and draw the Power Pheme that finished this.
    Tired but happy you close the Enchanting process and you now have a Enchanted Holly Wand in you hand.
    You still wonder if you already have what is need to finish the next steps in the next 2 months
    But first you probably should get a new recipe.
    +2 Stress; add Enchanted Holly Wand; +2 Palettes; +1 Memorization; Continue to Step 4
  • Failure
    You continue with the steps as you remember them, when suddenly there is a strong magical backlash and it got dark.
    When you wake up your in the Infirmacy with a bad burn on your hand.
    Beside the Holly Bough you also lost a other item you haved with you.
    -4 Vitality; -1 Filing; remove one Random item; Continue to Step 4


Exit 4 Palettes: Try to add the Phemes even without recipe

Requirement No Negation Wand Recipe in the Inventory

Roll Palettes vs 30 (is fixed from the Phemes + 10 punishment for not having the Recipt)

  • Success
    Its a real demanding task to put all 4 Phemes into the bough.
    Even sweat is running down you neck.
    But you manage to keep focus and draw the Power Pheme that finished this.
    Tired but happy you close the Enchanting process and you now have a Enchanted Holly Wand in you hand.
    You still wonder if you already have what is need to finish the next steps in the next 2 months
    But first you probably should get a new recipe.
    + 2 Stress; add Enchanted Holly Wand; +2 Phemes; +1 Memorization; Continue to Step 4
  • Failure
    You continue with the steps as you remember them, when suddenly there is a strong magical backlash and it got dark.
    When you wake up your in the Infirmacy with a bad burn on your hand.
    Beside the Holly Bough you also lost a other item you haved with you.
    -4 Vitality; -1 Filing; remove one Random item; Continue to Step 4


step 11a

The Enchanted Holly Wand


You just have to add the Phemes not to the Holly Bough and if all works out you have your Enchanted Holly Wand


Exit 1 Enspell: Add the Phemes to the Holly Bough

Roll Enspell vs 20 (is fixed from the Phemes)

  • Success
    Its a demanding task to put all 4 Phemes into the bough.
    Even sweat is running down you neck.
    But you manage to keep focus and draw the Power Pheme that finished this.
    A bit tired but happy you close the Enchanting process and you now have a Enchanted Holly Wand in you hand.
    You still wonder if you already have what is need to finish the next steps in the next 2 months
    + 1 Stress; add Enchanted Holly Wand; +1 Palettes; Continue to Step 4
  • Failure
    The Task of adding the 4 Phemes to the bough was to demanding, so you failed in drawing the Phemes acurate and in time.
    The Holy Bough is now unusable for any future enchanting but maybe it can still work as a wand?
    +2 Stress; add Broken Wand; Continue to Step 4


Exit 2 Palettes: Add the Phemes to the Holly Bough

Roll Palettes vs 20 (is fixed from the Phemes)

  • Success
    Its a demanding task to put all 4 Phemes into the bough.
    Even sweat is running down you neck.
    But you manage to keep focus and draw the Power Pheme that finished this.
    A bit tired but happy you close the Enchanting process and you now have a Enchanted Holly Wand in you hand.
    You still wonder if you already have what is need to finish the next steps in the next 2 months
    + 1 Stress; add Enchanted Holly Wand; +1 Phemes; Continue to Step 4
  • Failure
    The Task of adding the 4 Phemes to the bough was to demanding and you failed to drawing the Phemes accurate.
    So the holy bough is ruined and now it can only be used for firewood.
    +2 Stress; Continue to Step 4


Echanted Holy Wand


Typ Hand

Rarity Type: Uncommon

Durability Type: Perishable (2 Months)

Worth: 120 (x2 the material cost)

Enchant Skill: Enspell (Skill)



This Wand only works for around 2 Months after it was enchanted because the Enchanting procedure for a Negation Wand wasn't finished on it.

The not Finished Enchanting porcedure makes casting with this wand a bit gruppy. (Enspell -1)

Still it improves the chances in casting Negation Magic (10%) and have a Affinity for the Dispel Pheme (x2).

Some even say that to have a bit more Luck (+1) when carrying this wand.

Because of the positive Effects there are People who buy and use this wand full knowing it works only for a limited time.


(I think its absolut OK to give out a Attribute Boost at this point especial because it uses a Hand Slot, is Perishable and will destroyed to get the final wand)

(or is it to much for someone who have the right Skills and know its way trough this Adventure to get it in just 3 adventure calls?)

Investigation 4 maybe have to be reworked when the Gods are set for the Recipe.

The 2 Palette Exits are only slight modifications of the 2 Enspell exits, if someone come up with a good idea for them just put it up :)

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Part 1 Finished (Crafting the Temporary Wand)


Part 2 will be below this Point


There are 2 Changes I already have Planed for Step 4 and 4a to ensure the Player can get Schwarzbartweed again but this is of no Effect for Part 1.

I just have keep in Mind that I have to make a Edit list when I change something postet bevore this point!

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