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System Error Occurred. Application will be Terminated.


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This a pretty old error that I've had... probably since I bought the game. It happens only when loading (and only when already playing a character- it doesn't happen if I'm loading from the welcome screen). The error appears, but the game continues to run. Around half of the time, that's all that it is: the error screen pops up, and things just go on as they would be expected to. The other half of the time, it causes weird bugs: the most common was for all my abilities, actions, and spells to disappear.


In the tiny part of the percentage that doesn't fit in either half (hah), the error appears twice in a row, and immediately crashes the game.


I report it because it's become much more common. It used to be that the only time the error popped up was when I was save scumming, for lack of a better world: reloading the same day repeatedly to get the Sphinx to give me what I want, or to try and get a student befriended on the second day of school, or trying to get a fitness boost from running, or what-the-heck-ever. Basically, when I would reload, hit the clockwork okay, frown, then reload again- after around seven or so cycles of doing just that, I would often get the error. Now, it seems to happen every-time I try to reload when already in-game.


I clean my temp files with the Academagia temp file cleaner and I'm using the latest patch (and usually have been).


I know this problem has been discussed before... is there any real resolution for it? Is there another cache I need to clean? Will it cause problems if I ignore that error and save and continue to play the game after it's popped up?



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This problem has vexed us in the finding- we can't seem to replicate it, unfortunately, and I am not sure why that is.


You can certainly try deleting the cache found in ProgramData\Academagia\Cache, as well as the GCC folder found in Academagia\Mods. Regardless, I'd like to see your save, if you'd pm me a link!


Thanks. :)

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Step A: Used the temperary cleaner and got rid of my backlog of old saves in the save folder (after copying my final ones out, of course). Still seeing the bug.


Step B: Deleted the GCC folder in Mods. Still getting the error.


Step C: Deleted the ProgramData cache. ....Managed to load a save with no error!!! Did it twice! Three-times! (Then I stopped, as I was pushing my luck.) At the cost of if I try to load Renate (made on DLC... oh geez, what was it, 8?) I get the error *twice* and the game crashes out, making her unloadable.



However, being clever (...or not), I didn't actually delete the ProgramData cache, I just copied it to a location listed "FAKE". So I can play this Kata play-through, and then recopy that back, and play Renate again when I feel up to it/finish modding two students/get to 50 in the MMO I'm playing/manage to make Spain the Emperor in EUIII. I hope, anyway. She'll still have that bug, but as I shouldn't be reloading with an RP, it's not a big deal.


I guess the problem comes from a Cache build-up, then. My 'FAKE'/old cache is 2.27 GB. That seems like a lot, though I can't find the files that are so big... looking at each folder, they seem to only be 100 to 200MGs or so. Whatever it is that's so huge is invisible, I think: I can't find it, and Windows 7 is disturbingly jerky about letting me see hidden files if I don't know the address directly.

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A tiny update on this: I've found it happens most often when I reuse a save (IE, constantly resave over an old one). If I delete the save and create a new one (even if it's named the same thing as the old one), the save behaves without this error for a tiny bit longer. My habit of saving is usually creating three saves, and saving every day while cycling through them, if that helps at all. Sooner or later, I end up getting the error (the longer I play and reload, the more likely it is to happen: after around an hour of playing, I almost definitely get it even though my GCC folder and cache are basically empty), but renaming seems to put it off for a bit longer.



As for the PS, the Holy Roman Empire decided that they needed an emperor, not am empress, so the crown is in the hand of my rival Austria for another generation. Fie on them all! Sexist Europeans from seven or so centuries ago, mutter mutter.

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We've done some investigation on our end (thanks to Schwarzbart), and although we do not experience the crash, we have seen the error message. No promises, but I think for 52 we might be able to close this!


PS In my game, it's Bohemia that runs the show. That's fine! We have the Black Sea to nurse our regret and sorrow. :)

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