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DLC 12: Finals and Ordeals

Legate of Mineta

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I'd be very interested to learn if the new Patch caused this behavior, or if it was your .NET installation.


I just reapplied Patch 51, and the saves are back and loading properly. It is definitely not a Permissions issue. The update for .NET 3.5+ reported a successful installation. And (for whatever reason, since apparently the pre-DLC12 code did not require the .NET update) the games *still* appear to be loading faster (by a little) than they did before.


I'm going to finish this character before applying the next Patch/Update, so as not to lose all the hours I've put into him. [i name *ALL* of my characters "Sir Vile" - well, except for Military Games, where I name them "Gen. Jack D. Ripper (Ret.)" - having done so since Might&Magic [b]II[/b]...] :rolleyes:

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So how much time goes usually by before Impulse has the new patch ready for download?


You can download the patch from here and install it manually even if you purchased the game from Impulse. I've done this several times already with previous patches, and have never run into any problems.

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Well, I ran windows update, and then installed the latest update. Now my game does not work at all. It is vastly slower than ever before and simply freezes if I try to save the game, requiring a control-alt-delete to shut down the game to get out of the lock.


Prior to this the game was already so slow that I marveled I was still playing. A save could easily take 30 seconds to a minute, a load much the same. There was a five second lag between any selection and the game responding. It appeared to me like the game was working solely off of harddrive and ignoring 2 gigabytes of ram (I know, that's not a lot anymore). That was 'before' the patch. After the windows update and the new patch, it is ten times worse, let alone unplayable due to not being able to save.


Same issue here. Another Windows Vista build, this one is 64-bit Ultimate. I can start a game, load a game, and maybe save it once. After that, if I try to save/load again, the game locks up and I need to do the three-fingered salute to get out. Windows update shows no .NET components that need to be updated.


I bought the game from Impulse, and downloaded and installed the patch manually. I've done this a few times before, with no problems.


It's not a permission issue, as I set the game to run as administrator (just in case it was permissions.)

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For Sir Vile, a reinstall through Impulse was enough to get it back to correct operation, but why this should be necessary is not clear.


Here are the steps we took, which corrected the issue for him:


1) Uninstall Academagia and delete your Academagia Cache (found in ProgramData\Academagia)


2) Run AMTempFilesCleaner.exe, found in the latest Patch.


3) Reinstall Academagia via Impulse


4) Patch to (Note: delete the files which correspond to the Patch from your Academagia Directory, and then move the Patch files in. Do *not* replace. Some Impulse users have had some problems with this where files do not update due to their UAC settings.)


5) You should now be able to play without issue.


Quick note: If you plan on resuming a game made in DLC 11 or earlier, you may want to back up your Content.mdm file found in Academagia\Mods. You'll need that file if you want to resume play, in order to rebuild your cache.


Let me know if that helps!

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For Sir Vile, a reinstall through Impulse was enough to get it back to correct operation, but why this should be necessary is not clear.




Here's how this went. To summarize, it worked OK, but with a possible bug. My process is below:


First thought: I just installed this on my netbook, so I won't have to redownload the game.

Second thought: Wait, isn't my netbook 32-bit Windows 7? Yes it is, and Impulse archives created on a 32-bit system can't be installed on 64-bit operating systems.


Curse, but not too loudly so I don't wake up my kids.


Download game from Impulse on 64-bit machine.


While that's going, delete my cache folder.

2 GB and 12,000 files?!? Ummm...OK. That's a lot of caching.

Run the AMTempFilesCleaner


Brush teeth.


Notice Impulse is installing '.NET 3.5 Runtime..."

Impulse says that the game has installed correctly.


Delete files and Mod folder in Impulse folder from patch, and copy the new ones over.


Start the game, and load up my "new" save from DLC12.


Reload a few times without a problem.

Get reprimanded for trespassing when either Running a Potentially Crippling Route (x2, on a Sunday) or Resting in my room. Any particular reason this should happen?

Save the game after getting a +1 Fitness from Running (hey, if I'm testing this out, I want to get something good out of it. :-)


Reload the newly saved game.

It works!


Post this message.

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Glad to hear it! That's an interesting observation about x32 vs x64 on Impulse.


For Running and Resting- you can sometimes be Reprimanded for Trespassing due to Abilities or due to an overzealous Instructor. It's a Feedback issue, but thanks for bringing it up- I'll see if we can get it into the schedule for a fix.


Thanks again!

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Glad to hear it! That's an interesting observation about x32 vs x64 on Impulse.


For Running and Resting- you can sometimes be Reprimanded for Trespassing due to Abilities or due to an overzealous Instructor. It's a Feedback issue, but thanks for bringing it up- I'll see if we can get it into the schedule for a fix.


Thanks again!


Yeah, the x32 vs x64 was a problem I had already run into when I was trying to transfer some impulse archives from my old 32-bit Windows XP box to my 64-bit laptop. It was an unpleasant surprise that I had to download all of the games again on my laptop. But that's not really relevant to this particular issue...unless someone else is trying the same thing.


Good to find out about the trespassing not being my character's fault. I probably ran into this before in one of my earlier games, since there were a few seemingly random detentions that came from nowhere...but this time I was paying more attention (and not doing something that my character wasn't supposed to be doing in the first place! :-)

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I'm now running into another problem. Trying to save the game doesn't work. The good news is that the game no longer locks up when I try to save. The little save bar moves, fills up, and then...nothing. No new save games appear. If I go ahead and try to save over an older game, the old game disappears. I'm able to load a game, and then save it once. After that, I run into this problem.


I'm still running it as admin, so it's not a permission issue.

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Although your mode of failure seems different in that it's repeatable, this sounds like the Vista save game corruption bug (especially your description of the save bar.)


Unfortunately, although we've identified the problem component in .NET, we cannot yet explain how to fix it, or why it only impacts Vista. It's been a real thorn in our side since launch. My only suggestion at the moment is to limit how you save to that 1st good save, and make back-ups as needed. I wish it weren't necessary, but at the moment we do not have a solution. :(


By the way, are you using .NET 4.0 or 3.5 SP1?



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Although your mode of failure seems different in that it's repeatable, this sounds like the Vista save game corruption bug (especially your description of the save bar.)


I was afraid of that. :-( Pity, since this character is the best one I've had so far. Would transferring this character (from the last "good" save) to a Win7 netbook solve the issue?


By the way, are you using .NET 4.0 or 3.5 SP1?


The most recent .NET in my Framework and Framework64 is 4.0.30319, although there are other versions in those directories. Is there an easy way to tell which one the game is using?

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For Sir Vile, a reinstall through Impulse was enough to get it back to correct operation <...>


No, no, no, no, no, no, no, NO!




Allow me to correct your misapprehension: what I did was manually overwrite the new patch with the old patch - downloaded from here.


I despise impulse, and I won't ever use it when it can be avoided. (I feel the same way about 'Steam', which to me is nothing but a giant, steaming pile of...irritation.)


I just wanted to correct the record: I'll try the New Content when I start my next New Game - but not before, since I want to finish this character and I can't even see the saves for him with DLC12 installed!

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No, no, no, no, no, no, no, NO!




Allow me to correct your misapprehension: what I did was manually overwrite the new patch with the old patch - downloaded from here.


I despise impulse, and I won't ever use it when it can be avoided. (I feel the same way about 'Steam', which to me is nothing but a giant, steaming pile of...irritation.)


I just wanted to correct the record: I'll try the New Content when I start my next New Game - but not before, since I want to finish this character and I can't even see the saves for him with DLC12 installed!


Thanks for your correction, although the full download solution did work, your corrected way is obviously much faster. I can understand your irritation with Impulse, believe me.

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They will go in the same place under Windows 7. :)


I've got the games in the new location, and have tried to open them up. Each time, I get a "System Error Occurred. Application will be Terminated." error. If it's the first time I try to load the game, I get the error message twice and the game crashes to desktop. If I try loading up the save games from my Vista laptop while running a character created in Windows 7, I get the error message once, and I can continue the game with the Windows 7 character like nothing happened.


Is there a difference between the games saved under a 64-bit version of Windows as compared to a 32-bit version? Both computers are running the latest versions of Academagia, as well as the latest .NET framework. My netbook is 32-bit Windows 7 Starter, while the laptop I usually use is 64-bit Windows Ultimate.


On a completely unrelated note, is there a particular reason that you can't have a space in your character's first name? My Windows 7 character was going to be named "Windows 7 Test Character," but no spaces were allowed in the first name. Just curious about it.

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Ditto for problems on Vista. Download from Impulse. Works without DLC 12. Go to manually place files for update. Error at Mod screen after selection. Uninstalled. Reinstalled. Got the same error at the selection screen for Finals and Ordeals.


I have a dual boot system with XP for a few things that have always been picky about Vista and if it helps, I could put it there and let you all know if it works.

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Please do use XP- you shouldn't have the saving issue on that OS.




There may be differences between x32 and x64, but really there shouldn't be. The import issue from Vista -> 7 may be related to the general problems we've had with .NET and that OS. That's a new avenue of investigation- I think we may schedule time for it.



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Please do use XP- you shouldn't have the saving issue on that OS.






So after dropping the patch in should I see two mods at the mod screen or only one?


But I should see two Content folders in the GCC folder named like Content.fa... and Content_##...

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