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The Old Man


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I haved a new idea based on a "old" man that I now try to get together to a adventure



Base idea is

1st the player become friend with the old man thanks to the board game

2nd The player learn that the old man is here to find the reciept for a anti aging brew

3th The Old Man offer his self playing board as reward when the player helps him gething the Recipt and gathering the needed materials for it

4th The Brew need Schwarzbartweed as one of its materials (just to give CremePudding a reason why its so expensive)

5th Ms Schwarzbart is one of the persons having this Recipe because this works fine with the background I personal have from her (She is the Person who introduce all of her distant relatives with enough Magic talent to the Academagia for at last 2 or 3 genertions now)




Direct Continue means no break

without the direct means the Adventure break here

This adventure is meant to finished in year 1 so if you not end it by then its failed.


Step 1

The Board Game

Requirement Worldliness=>3 and Playfullness => 3 (I thought about Minetan Swagger instead of Worldliness here but its to hard to get)

End = Fountain Days Vernaix


Because you got Hungry during a shoping strip in to the city, you visited a cafeteria.

There you spot a old Man playing a board game.

Because the seat you took was at the table next to hi you watched his game from time to time.

Apearently the Board places stones on its own and so its no wonder he can play this game alone.


Exit 1: Continue Watching

When The Old Man realised that you are watching he asked in a strange dialect if you whant to learn the game.

Because the game looked interesting you agreed.

So he teached you the vew base rules of this game in not even half of hour.


Step 2

The first game(s)

Requirement End = Fountain Days Vernaix


Its realy difficult to play against him even on a small 9x9 Board and he let you place 6 stones bevore he play his first move.

The game right now looks already not good for you anymore.

But wait a moment you just spoted something that maybe can secure you a win.


Exit 1: Logic: This group of him dont look good

  • Success: It was close but in the end you captured his group and then he gave up.
    Applications of Arithmetic +1; Direct Continue to Step 3
  • Failure: You tryed to attack his group but in the end you lost your group. The Old Man suggested to think about your game and come back at a other day.
    Logic +1; Continue to Step 2 (Even In failing you learn but it cost you one Adventure call and so its not wort compared to other actions)


Exit 2: Arithmetic: Check the score

  • Success: After you counted the score it get clear to you if you just secure your groups you will still win. And so you started close the weaknesses of your groups. The old man still managed to reduce your points more then you expected but in the end you still won by half a point.
    Strategy +1; Logic +1; Direct Continue to Step 3
  • Failure: You tryed to count the score but its hard for a beginer to do it at this point. Still your count resultend that your already behind and so you played very agressive. The end of you attacks was a disaster! But after you lost the Old man showed you how to estimate the score more exact.
    Properties of Arithmetic +1; Continue to Step 2


Exit 3: Strategy: Are the stone he are attacking importand?

  • Success: Wow you sudenly realise if you managed to keep this stones he will have problems on both sides. After you conected this stones with a other group of your stones the old man gave up.
    Logic +1; Direct Continue to Step 3
  • Failure: How could you make such a mistake? The stones you just gave up not only seperated two of his group they also prefented that he could go after your weak group next to them. After you lost this game the Old Man suggested to think about it and come back at a other day.
    Strategy +1; Continue to Step 2 (Even In failing you learn but it cost you one Adventure call and so its not wort compared to other actions)


All Success Exits Direct Continue To Step 3


Step 3

Request for Help

Requirement End = Fountain Days Vernaix

After you wone your first game against him he tells you that he look for some one who can help him gething some things here in the city.

Because he is a stranger to this bosting city and you look like you know your way around in the city maybe you can help him.

As Reward he would offer this selfplaying Gameboard.

Would you like to help him for this reward?


Exit 1) Yes

He tells you that he only have a vew months to live because he build a resistance to the Anti Aging Spell he used so fare.

When he learned about a Anti Aging Potion Reciept here in Mineta and so he decided to give it a try.

Continue To Step 4


Exit 2) No

After you told him that your not interested he gave you a goodby and when you the next time visited the cafe you didn't see him any more and the waitress told you that she seen him the last time when you two played.

The Adventure End Here


continues at Post 19

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Legate will there be a Problem if the player get the chance to copy the difficult Alchemy reciept for this Aging Stop Potion so he can use it in a later year for Money making?

(At Moment even a Brew of 30 wouldn't enough because the right SS/Skill is missing)

Also is it Possible to set the Vitality & Stress Max to 2 for 4 days?

As complet resoult I whant to send the player for 1 day to the infirmancy an then let him for 3 more days weakened.

(Breaking into the secured house of a powerfull Mage to steal the Reciept is something a even a expirienced thief probably won't try.)

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I am guessing that this game is "go" (or according to wiki, weiqi). It is quite fun (though easily time consuming), I used to play it online but it kind of died out a few years back (*cough* starcraft *cough*).


Should be an interesting adventure ;)

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Logic: Victory is assured, so take the challange!

Bluff: Hah! I don't play with newbies, entrence fee is 100 pim!

Pure luck: Do something and hope it will take focus away!


I am currently working on that adventure I promised a while back!



(Did it work?) :P

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With giving here a new way of gaining Schwarzbart Weed I think right now how to change the Botany Extra Credit start so I can allow Players who gained the Weed from a other source can start the main part of the quest.


My Curent best idea is to remove Step 1&2 from it and make Step 3 the start with the requirement to have Schwarzbart Weed in the Inventory.

Step 0-2 is then either rewriten as a Botany Class exlusive Event or is keept as small Adventure.

Sure for this we probably need to hint about this in either the Weed Info or at the Adventures.


The other way is a bit more work


Step 3 give a new Memory if called the first time and each way that calls it have to check for this Memory to prevent that it can started a second time.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Step 4

How to get the Reciept?

The Old Man tells you that acording to his divination there are at last two copy of this recipt in this city.

One is stored in a Library called the Venalicium and a other copy is in a Building at the Piazza Athanasius.

Because the infos he can give you are not to helpfull you have to put some own efford in finding the right places.


Investigation 1: Astrology: Use Divination to find the Mansion

  • Success: After you used a Astrology Spell you now not only know the location but also how the book looks like. The Bulding, a Vila, was now easy to find but standing in front of the door you have to decide how you whant to get the recipe.
  • Failure: All you managed with your Astrology divination is a short feeling that your goal is in the direction of the academia but that was it. So you have to try at a other day again or find a other way.


Investigation 2: Minetan Swagger: Do you know about a Alchemist or Mage living at this Piazza?

  • Success: You know there is a old Woman living in a Vila there who teaches beginning mages when they have enough money to pay for her service. It toke a bit till you found her Vila at the Piazza and now you have to decide what you try to get the Recipe.
  • Failure: Right now nothing comes to your mind where you could find such a recipe. Maybe after a night sleep you can think more clear about this.



The key to the vila is non magical but difficult in its shape.

So there is no magical check if it is the right shape but if someone try to tamper with the look for more then a vew Seconds the Trap on the door will triger.

Also the Trap and a Alarm will trigger as soon someone try to use magic on the door.

Nearly all books in the ground level Library have a weak tracing mark on them that trigger an alarm as soon they leave the mansion.

There is no future saveguard because this books are workcopies and the "orginal" are save in a secret library.



Investigation 3: Lockpick Try to break into the Vila

Requirment Investigation 1 (With Investigation 2 I probably would need a extra step to find the book)

Difficult 25 (This roll should not possible to manage without buffing first)

  • Success: Maybe it was Luck, maybe it was Fate but within seconds you managed to find the right form for the key and open the lock. From the Entry Hall you chose one door in random and yes you found the library, that was easy. But with all this books here finding the right book will be hard. So you just pick on book but no thats not it, then picking a other book and yes it looks like the book your searching for. But you have the feeling you bether check it for magic.
    Clockworks +2
  • Failure: When you try to break into the Vila sudenly everything get black and when you wake up in the Infirmancy. When the Nurse looks after you she told you that you haved luck because "Random Student" have found you uncontinous and brought you here together with a other "Random Student".
    +1 Relationship to both Random Student +2 Stress and Stress Max 2 & Vitality Max 2 for 4 days; Continue to Step 4 (Hope you dont have enemys who sucess in Bully in this time ;))


Exit 1: Lie: Ask at the Venalicium Help Desk

Requirement: Know about the "The Venalicium Library: Help Desk" (I would love to have one more Exit for the Venalicium but curent I miss a good idea for this.)


Exit 2: Hide: Look for it in the Restricted Section of the Venalicium

Requirement know about "The Venalicium Library: Restricted Section" and Research=>4 (Just that the Char dont need ages to search for a book) and Chance of Discovery <1

  • Success: You managed to Sneak into the Restricted Library and after some search you finaly find the Book you need. You hide the book inside your cloths and manage to leave unnoticed.
    Set Old_Man_Venalicium_Book; Dircet Continue to Step 5
  • Failure: You try to get unnoticed to the Restricted Section of the Venalicium but the Librarian is extrem watchfull today and you were shooed away as soon you even get close to it. Looks like you have to come back at a other day.
    +1 Stress; Continue to Step 4


Exit 3: Forgery: Forge a "Right of Borrowing" for the recipe

Requirement Investigation 1 or 2 and not Old_Man_Forced_to_Copy and not You're in good terms with Ms Schwarzbart

  • Success: You Managed to write a "Right of Borrowing" in the Name of Prof. Leith and put it in a envelope, it looks very convincingly if you can say this to your self. With this envelope you go to the mansion and ring the bell there. A old woman apear at the door when you present her the letter she read it and then she cast a spell at the paper and it burns to ashes. Supprised you look at the old woman. She then tells you that can copy the recipe you need from this book in her Mansion for a small donation of 40 pims. But she also warns you that the next time she wont be so nice. If you dont have the 40 pims with you you also come back at a other day.
    Set Old_Man_Forced_to_Copy; Direct Continue to step 5b
  • Failure: You Managed to write a "Right of Borrowing" in the Name of Legate Orso Orsi and put it in a envelope. With this envelope you go to the mansion and ring the bell there. A old woman apear at the door when you present her the letter she read it and then she cast a spell at the paper and it burns to ashes. Supprised you look at the old woman. She then tells you "Young one never try to fool me again with such a thing. I am in good mood today and let you copy the recipe for 40 pims. But I also have to report this to the Legate! If you dont have the 40 pims with you can also come back at a other day."
    Set Old_Man_Forced_to_Copy; Detention; Direct Continue to step 5b


Exit 4: Persuation Ask at the Mansion if you can copy the Recipe

Requirement Investigation 1 or 2

  • Success: You ring the bell at the building and a old woman open. As nicly as you could you told here that you here because you looking for a specific recipe that you learned she owns. In the following talk with here you revealed that your looking for this recipe for the old man. She then offered to you that you can copy the recipe from here book for a small fee of 40 pims. But the book not have to leave here house and when your finished with the copy she also have a letter for the old man you have to deliver to him.
    Set Old_Man_Forced_to_Copy; Direct Continue to step 5b
  • Failure: Your ring the bell at the building and a old woman open. You direct tell here that you want to borrow a book with a recipe from her. She then musters you and says "Young [College] student my books will not leave my house. Shocked that your plan not worked you excuse your self and leave. Looks like you have to come up with something other.
    Persuation -1
    Continue to step 4


Exit 5: Negation Spell: Check the Book for Magic

Requirement Investigation 3

  • Success: Checking the Book for Magic you find out that it have some kind of Astrology enchantment on it what trigger when this book leaves the building and there are some enchantment to improve the knowledge of its user. So you use Dispel to remove the Astrology spell without removing any other spells. Not entirly sure it would be enough you haved to take the risk and leave the building and there was no Alarm or somthing so you probably did the right thing.
    Set Set Old_Man_Theft_Book; Direct Continue to step 6
  • Failure: You're prety sure that there is no magic protection on this book so you grabe it and leave the house the same way you came in.
    Continue to Step 4a


Exit 6: Etiquette: One Moment, don't you know a Person with a Library living in a Mansion there?

Requirement You're in good terms with Ms Schwarzbart and not Old_Man_Forced_to_Copy

  • Success: You ask the Old Man to write a Letter where he Ask to borrow this book. After he finished with it you put it in a envelope. You then visit the Mansion of MS Schwarzbart and after greeting her you hand her over the evelope and tell her that you will waitig for a answear. She then ask you to come in while she read the letter. After she is finished she told you to wait some more to write a answaer letter and vanished in a other room.
    While you wait you inspected the interesting Wandpictures. Somtimes this pictures even seem to move and one of them even apear to be watching you. Ms Schwarzbart return then with a Letter and the Book. All she ask is that you return the book and that you deliver her letter to the Old Man.
    The letter is actual a invitation for the Old Man to talk with MS Schwarzbart bacause she is interested in this Foreigner who comes from so fare away.
    Set Old_Man_MsSchwarzbart_Book; Dircet Continue to Step 5
  • Failure: You visit MS Schwarzbart and tell her that you want to borrow a book from her. She then tell you that her books usual not leave her house but for a donation of 40 pims she allow you to copy the needed pages in her house.
    Set Old_Man_Forced_to_Copy; Direct Continue to step 5b


Exit 7: Maybe at a other Day.

You decided its best to return to the Academagia and get some rest bevore you continue on this again.

Continue to Step 4


Step 4a

Triggered Alarm

As soon you left the house there is a loud call for the guards comming from some location very close to you. With only a very short time left bevore the first one will show up what will you do?


Investiagtion 1: Glamour: Mask the alarm with a glamour spell


Default: Drop the book and run.

Requirement Not Investigation 1

You throw the book back into the house and then run away till your fare enough away. The very next day there was some uproar as your college lost some merrit points because someone of your college tryed to steal a magic book from a building in the city. You just hope no one will ever learn that you was this person.

+2 Stress -10 Merrit

Continue to step 4


Exit 1: Running: Now that the Alarm stoped you hope you get away with the book

Requirement Investiagtion 1

  • Success: You spot the first guard running towards the villa so it realy time to get away. Thanks to your training in running you get away. But the next day you learned that this incident was reported and the Legate decided that you College will loose 10 merrit points as result.
    +2 Stress; -10 Merrit; Set Old_Man_Theft_Book; Continue to step 6
  • Failure: When you start to run you trip and fall on your face when you finaly got up again the guard have cought you. After they returned the book to the vila one of the guards brought you back to the academagia.
    Vittality -1; Detention; Remove You're in good terms with Ms Schwarzbart; Continue to step 4


Exit 2: Composure: Wait for the Guard

Requirement Investiagtion 1

  • Success: You tell the aproaching guard that you forgot to disable the alarm when you left the building and so it was a pure ancient that the alarm goes off. The guard gave you a short scold that you have to be more carfull next time but leat you go. The next day the Guard that have talked to you is inspecting all Students of your college but apearently can't remember your face and so your College lost some merrit but yourgot away with the theft.
    +1 Stress;-10 Merrit; Set Old_Man_Theft_Book; Continue to step 6
  • Failure: You try your best to confince the guard that you didn't do anything wrong but he don't belive you. Together with the old woman that apearently lives in this hous he soon sort out that you have took the book without permission. So not only you haved to give the book back you also will have to spend some time in Detention to have time to think about your wrong doing.
    +1 Stress; Detention; Remove You're in good terms with Ms Schwarzbart; Continue to step 4


* For Failure Exit 1 - Exit 3 actual the player should be blocked from using any MS Schwarzbart Paths but this would have a to big impact also on the Botany Extra Credit Adventure and Crafting the Negation Wand so I left it out.


SecretExit only if it works like I hope it does



Exit3: Memorization: Use the Coin you got from Euneycia

Requirement finished Euneycia Adventure 05

  • Success: As soon you activated the Coin your at a different place. When you finaly return to the Academagia there is auproar because someone in the cloths of your college have stolen a book and then sudenly fanished.
    -10 Merrit; Set Old_Man_Theft_Book; Continue to step 6
  • Failure: You can' remember where you put this coin and start to search for it. But bevore you found it a City Guard take your wand arm. After the book was returned to its owner, a old woman, you where brought back to the Academagia where you now can expect to spend some time in detention.
    +1 Stress; Detention; Remove You're in good terms with Ms Schwarzbart; Continue to step 4



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Step 5

Copy or not

After all the work you got trough to get it you wonder if you not should make a copy of the Age Stoping Potion Recipe for your own use.

The problem is that its writen in some old Language that have different letters then any curent one.


Investigation 1: Language Copy the text Part


Exit 1: Calligraphy: Copy the Recipe

Add Paper with Recipe; Remove Old_Man_Forced_to_Copy; Continue to Step 6


Exit 2: Painting: Add the Paintings

Requirement Investigation 1

Add Paper with Recipe; Remove Old_Man_Forced_to_Copy; Continue to Step 6


Exit 3: Dont waste time on this

You feel its bether not to waste your time to copy this recipe when you can't make any sense out of it.

Requirement No Investigation 1

Remove Old_Man_Forced_to_Copy; Direct Continue to Step 6


Step 5b

Copy the Recipe

The Recipe is rather difficult to copy because you dont understand the Code or Language it is writen in but you have to try it or you would have wasted the 40 pims. At last the Old Woman have lend you a pen that make the task a bit easyer.


Requirement 40 Pims

-40 Pims


Investigation 1: Language Copy the text Part


Exit 1: Calligraphy: Copy the Recipe

Continue to Step 6


Exit 2: Painting: Add the Paintings

Requirement Investigation 1

Continue to Step 6


Step 6

Shoping Trip


Exit 1: Navigation


Exit 2: Minetan Swagger You know where you find everything in the city


Exit 3: Economy or Transport (not sure right now)

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  • 8 months later...

Step 7 (Seperat Adventure Call)

The Last ingredient

Set "This is a weed of strange and excellent quality!"


Exit 1: Sell your Schwarzbart Weed for 500 pim (Warning maybe you need it for a other Adventure)

Requirment Schwarzbart Weed

Because he dont need to search the City for this Rare Weed the Old Man is more then happy to offer you 500 pims for the weed.

Remove Schwarzbart; Weed Add 500 Pims; Direct Continue to Step 8


Way 1) Worldliness + Bassan Highest Difficulty but offer 2 for 700 (means the player can get one for 350 if he like)

Way 2) Mineta Swagger + Pure Luck Slightly easyer then Way 3

Way 3) Economy + Navigation

Way 4) "Family: Sky Pirates" Memorization + Intimidation (Realy easy, downside is a increase in CoD for a vew days) same offer then Way 1


Step 8

Bring The Recipe back

When you meet the Old Man again he told you that the Recipe worked and thanked you.

There is one last task for you in this please return the Recipe to its owner.

After you have done this I would be happy to play one last game of Wei-qi.


Investigation 1 Library Knowledge Return it to the Help Desk when no one watches

Requirment Old_Man_Venalicium_Book


Investigation 2 Return it to the Mansion

Requirment Old_Man_MsSchwarzbart_Book


Investigation 3 Lie You will return it later

Requirement Old_Man_Theft_Book

Add Mariluns Alchemic Potions and Powders

Inform Mariluns Alchemic Potions and Powders


Investigation 4 Tell him its your copy

Requirment Old_Man_Forced_to_Copy

Add Paper with Recipe


Exit 1 Logic


Exit 2 Arithmetic


Exit 3 Strategy


Reward will be one of Luck, Insight, Intelligence + the Selfplaying Wei-qi Board


The items

Mariluns Alchemic Potions and Powders

Typ Book

Rarity Typ Rare

Durability Durable

Concealability 1

Illegal No

Text A Book that contains the Recipe for a Anti Aging Potion and some other Recipe. Sadly its not only encrypted but also writen in a old Language you haven't learned so fare. Because of its enchantment you gain 1+ to all Rolls with all Botany and Brew Subskills when having it close to your body.But you allways feal uneasy carring it around (+1% Chance of Discovery and +1 Stress Minimum), maybe because you have stolen it.

(Sorry to the Team but this is one of the items that can't give its main effect already in year 1 and if the team think the promise of new recipe is enough reward I see no problem in removing any extra I put here. But I think the best thing would be that the magic efects on this book are not lasting because its just a work copy and so you can decide in year 2 how to best balance it new.)

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Personally, I think the book should be legendary - Anti-Aging is serious business, you know ;)


A Book that contains the Recipe for a Anti Aging Potion and some other Recipe. Sadly its not only encrypted but also writen in a old Language you haven't learned so fare. Because of its enchantment you gain 1+ to all Rolls with all Botany and Brew Subskills when having it close to your body.But you allways feal uneasy carring it around (+1% Chance of Discovery and +1 Stress Minimum), maybe because you have stolen it.


An rare and venerable tome that contains recipes that are equally rare and venerable, such as the recipe for a very effective Anti-Aging potion. Of course, a tome of this caliber is encrypted, in an obscure and ancient language no less. The tome is enchanted to assist the owner in matters of Botany and Brew (+1 to all Botany, Brew and related subskills rolls) even if they cannot access the recipes inside. Of course, carrying something this valuable is stressful (+1 Minimum Stress) and it is hard to conceal to boot (+1% Chance of Discovery). Especially if you may have stolen it....


Can't resist taking a shot at rewriting the description, although maybe I was too wordy... :P

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