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Interface bugs


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I've recently bought the game, and I'm having a lot of trouble with the interface.



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The game never displays this scheduling correctly, and when I click on a tick-mark like the one under Work Till You Drop, the selection dialog often runs off the side of the screen and I can't access it. I've tried everything I can think of; compatibility modes, running windowed/fullscreen, and more. Nothing works. Any help?


EDIT: For reference, I'm on Windows 7 64 bit.

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just wondering if you have updated to the newest Patch from this Forum and Installed it?

Also have you enabled the DLC at the Start of your game?

Yes, I've downloaded the latest patch, and presuming by DLC you mean 'enable Saints and Strangers', then yes.

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No problem- this is caused by text size. Academagia unfortunately requires the Windows default text size, which is small. What you will need to do on Windows 7 is to Personalize your desktop, then navigate to 'Display.' There, you can change the text size to 'Smaller'.


That should correct the issue- let me know if you have any other problems, and thanks!

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That's pretty disappointing. I play on a 32" TV at 1080p, so the smallest text size is eye-strain city. At the end of the day, though, I've bent over backward in weirder ways for games that are way worse, so I'll give it a go this evening after my work's all done. Thanks!

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