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Bond subskill bug


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I just tested this, and it seems that they are working correctly- a quick check:


Is it possible that you have some Increase Effects applied to your Familiar's Skills? This is commonly the issue- the 'real' value must be 10.


Secondly, which version of the game are you using? You can check by pressing F12 and looking in the bottom right hand corner.


Let me know, and thanks!

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I've played multiple games now in patch 68 where my own character has not received the buffs from the familiar reaching Bonds 10 (and being unable to train any of the Bonds any higher, so it's actually at 10). The familiar gains the +1 all stats buff just fine, but the player character does not.

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I've never gotten the Bond 10 skills you can see in the modtools, either (though I do get Gift of the Familiar), and I've gotten Bond 10 with various familiars: Pamela, Silent Alice twice, and Shadow. I assumed they had been removed from the game, actually.

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I just tested this, and it seems that they are working correctly- a quick check:


Is it possible that you have some Increase Effects applied to your Familiar's Skills? This is commonly the issue- the 'real' value must be 10.


Secondly, which version of the game are you using? You can check by pressing F12 and looking in the bottom right hand corner.


Let me know, and thanks!


No, I received Gift of the Familiar so my Bond skill must actually be at 10.


I am using patch 68, which is the most recent as far as I know.


This really does not seem like correct behavior. The descriptive text for the Bond of Iron 10 ability reads "The careful development of the Bond between you and your Familiar has brought you mastery of the powers of Iron, permanently Expanding all your physical Attributes - Strength, Finesse and Fitness - by one point each." according to the wiki - unless that is entirely fabricated, the intent is for the player (and perhaps the familiar as well?) to receive the attribute increases.

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Yeah, the text makes it confusing. I'd always assumed that it was just misleading text and only the Familiar was supposed to get the benefit, but A) raising all three bonds to 10 can be very, very difficult, even with Improved Familiar Handling, and B) someone recently pointed out that there are effects linked to Bonds 10 in the modbase that don't have targets set correctly and thus don't actually do anything.

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It appears to be Familiar specific, and probably the text needs to be updated, but the Team is looking at it now. As for the Effects, that's actually not the case- those Effects do function properly, their Targets are blank because they inherit their Target from the main Effect.




Could I ask the Team to reconsider making the current behavior officially "correct"? As it stands, familiars don't provide enough of a benefit in most situations for me to ever bother raising Bond at all - if these abilities function as the text says they should, however, an across-the-board attribute increase for the player incentivizes actually using your familiar.


I haven't broken out the mod tools, but I am guessing that most effects from skill raises have a blank target because they're intended to be given to the same actor that rose the skill - thus, when these effects were being designed, the target was accidentally left blank because someone didn't think about Bond being a familiar skill and the *intended* target was the player.

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Thanks again for the report!


As it turns out, the Ability Description was its original intent, but due to an issue in the engine, the current behavior is the correct one.


Unfortunately, the engine does not support an Increase for both Familiar and Master (if the Familiar is the Initiator, as in this case.) The issue was investigated a while back, but the Description was not updated.


As to the general concern about how worthwhile Familiars are versus other avenues of investment, this is more likely to be addressed in Year 2. The Team is considering increasing the Attribute gain for the Familiar due to this Ability, though.


Thanks again, and the Description will be corrected in 15. ;)

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Unfortunately, the engine does not support an Increase for both Familiar and Master (if the Familiar is the Initiator, as in this case.) The issue was investigated a while back, but the Description was not updated.


I am confused by this statement, since Character->Player can be set as a target in the Mod Tools. You couldn't go "Expand Attribute to Character->Player" and then "Expand Attribute to Character->Self" if Familiar is the initiator, thus giving bonuses to both Player via the first effect and the Familiar with the second?


Or does Character->Player not work how it would seem?


EDIT: ...Oh wait. I see it. If you make a cliquemember raise up their bond ability, the attributes would go to the player. Whoops. Never mind, I forgot that point.

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