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Year 2 start


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I assume we get the opportunity to import our end of the year autosave file/s?


Do we get a chance to meet our characters family? or a chance to show them what we have learned? perhaps help them a little while showing off our new skills thus showing the parents it was worthwhile sending their kid to that crazy school.. Or if you're a black sheep, play some pranks, burn down their barn and raise hell, why? Why not... there were just horrible people anyway, they deserve it.


Something must happen during those summer months..


During year 2


Will we get task like writing a book/essay (not just the usual homework but special graded homework) like a project to show the teacher what we're capable of, maybe even an artificing task? Depending on what classes we're taking. Personal school project/s.


Also will the old save game file data be simplified? I assume the save game files will become huge if all date is saved year after year, like callender data forexample and all the actions of all the other kids on the school. I can imagine if that would cause performance issues if the old data gets processed and transfered every turn for 5 years.. No idea how it works/ will work, just a random thought.

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Yes most of the Chars will return home and see theyr family during the sumnmer break (to my knowledge you have to select new Backgrounds for the family background when you import a game).

But there will also some who have to stay on theyr own in the city during the summer break because the Academagia is closed and the trip home is to fare.

Acording to the info we have right now you can import the Autosave and also a normal save but be carfull with games that uses a mod because you probably will have to remake it first for year 2 bevore you can import the game.


I think only the relevant data will imported but thats still a lot.

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I've only added the released game updates, nothing special outside of that. I hope that won't cause any problems with the transfers.


As for new backgrounds, I hope the picks we made stays but that were just allowed to specify what your family is like and where they live. I picked wealthy and skilled crafters I think for the character that I liked the most. I guess that still leaves a lot of unknowns. Like where they live, especialy since I didn't pick any etnic backgrounds or anything.


Also that thing about those merit flowers... If your college won the merit race do you get that special event in Y2?


I guess the important parts to transfer would be relationships with students and instructors, even if we get new instructors. Your skills you familiar and my stockpile of collected junk in my wardrobe :P And ofcourse my fancy hand tailored robe ;)


I hope we get a lot more artificing options and recipes in Y2 and easier access to materials.


Anyway getting a chance to try my skill outside of school could be fun, less skilled characters might cause a lot of unintentional misshaps :P Im sure there are a lot of people in Mineta that are worried about the period during which the school is shut down and the immature and in some cases dangerously unskilled/undisciplined young wizards and familiars are put out on the streets....

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The Public Updates even if you have to activate them as mods are allways supported for importing in year 2.

(even if I'm not that sure if saves from very old versions will not cause some problems as it was like a different game ^^)


Yes you keep your old backgrounds ... it would be realy strange if not!


As fare I know there will be again some kind of Merrit race but it will be different.


You forget about Adventures done / left unfinished (Yes that will play a big role for the adventure and maybe some other things in year 2), All the Statts, relationships and inventory of the NPCs and also if already some kind of romantic actions where excanged and with who.


It comes down to the point that we will have a new shoping system in year 2 and that there will be also a seperat artificing class.


Oh and don't take my infos here for 100% Garanted as the game is still in development and its just the info I remember (or just think to remember) from the suggestion thread that they whant to put into year 2.


Edit: Btw. I probably wont use any save in year 2 bevore they finaly anounce that it was the last DLC they publish for Year 1 or they anounce that year 2 is only 1-2 Months away.

(Right now it looks to me like we will see year 2 probably Summer / Winter next year)

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  • 2 months later...

The thing I'm most curious to see is how our skill levels are imported/translated to the new system. It could be challenging to balance for the wide array of skill levels that come into year 2, but I do hope that more developed characters are allowed to shine. Megaman-esque losing all your toys would be frustrating.


And I hope that last minutes Gates research I put in won't be useless. The dark arts are just too tempting. :)

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Sweet! I was wondering if you were just going to up the skill caps or translate them to a new scale altogether, I'm guessing it's the former based on that. Aside from that I think I have one single solitary outstanding wish:


Some kind of categorization for Phemes. Looking for a Pheme that performs a specific function can get pretty daunting later on when your pheme list is thick enough to bludgeon a man with.

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That's an often requested feature, and is definitely coming. There will be at least one way to sort most everything, and we're looking at trying to give multiple ways to sort as well.


The Skill Cap is increasing, but in general you usually won't want to increase a Skill too much beyond 10. It's a lot of effort, and you'll (most likely) be focused on other things. Nothing stopping you, though. :)

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Are we expecting any adventure plot threads to be continued in Year 2?


The Much Rumored Tower, in particular, seems to beg for a year 2 conclusion (or continuation) and it would be pretty darn cool to see, for example, Pelia show up as a student (from the Clockmaker's Daughter)!

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Okay one last question (no really):


Will stat gains from the very last day still apply, even though you don't get to see a day summary for the finale, and be imported accordingly?


Dat last minute training.


Edit: Or...huh. You can load your autosave from Kaliri 28 and then play a week of Kapsus? This I did not know.

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I don't believe so- but that is because Year 2 begins on 28 Kaliri.


Kapsus is a known issue- I don't think saves made after 28 Kaliri will import, but you can keep playing for fun. :)


That is a shame but eh, I'll live. I'll miss you Emperor Sphinx :(


Actually wait I lied, one other curiosity:


How will our clique translate into Year 2? Unscathed or will we need to rebuild any relationships?

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  • 2 months later...

I'm playing Capsus month at the moment and i have two questions:

1)Will i be able to keep my progress at season 2?

2)Why does it have classes and looks as if the season keeps on?(it's not nice getting reprimanted for skipping classes during your holiday)


PS Does anyone else have a problem with the "Guardian Spirits" adventure?

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Bether don't tell this to some of my Chars as they got already to 17 in year 1 in some SS (some even without any items) and to 12 skill max

But having a SS at 27 together with Revision of Skills should probably enough to get trough nearly every adventure in year 2 ;) so I think it should be wort to increase the skills to this limit ^^.

Edit: But I hope you also fill the Skills at last 2 level maybe even more past the normal skill max.

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