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Summer 1215 Study Plans


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Since spring will likely be used to fetch the boat, and a trip to France and such, Silas will likely study a spell:

Posing the Silent Question InMe20 (ArM5 p.149)




Thanks for the replies to my previous question :) - so unless we get caught up in an adventure, this is the plan for me.

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Big "G" will likely spend the summer trying to learn the ins and outs of the covenant if he can. Shortcuts, Looking for hidden areas, etc. Just not any places that would qualify as trespassing. If it looks older and dillapidated, with no markings saying to stay out, he'll be there. ;)


This is of course provided he doesn't get killed before he returns. :)

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Makara will study the Covenant book The Secrets of the City or just go for initiation on his path if he can find a mystagogoe.

Fishy and Momo will keep swimming and summer naps/watching someone interesting. Both ready for adventuring.


Note: Momo joined.

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