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Required DLC for Y2


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This might be rather obvious, but does the save file that's going to be imported into Y2 require all the DLC's installed? I ask because I just went through a really successful year, only to realize that I must've made a mistake in the update process, and only had up to DLC 15 installed. I can understand if so, considering 16 introduces those 4 students, and would require their info for the import.



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Y2 is intended to allow importing saves from any version of Academagia Y1. Even including the mythical V1.0


You will need the DLC you used in creating the save, though. In the case of the 4 new students from DLC16, well, they will be there in Y2 no matter what save you import.

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Btw same goes for mods, if you used a mod for one of your game you also need it for importing the game into year 2 from what we got told.


Does this apply for all mods or just ones that "add" content instead of simply modifying existing ones?


I recall being able to load saves across different mods in Y1.

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