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Law Skills?


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I got the game a few days ago, and somewhere through the haze of confusion I noticed there was a whole section of Law Skills. I know this isn’t really the point of the game, but could I get through it and have a good, fun experience putting a lot of my time into those skills? I reeeaalllyy want to make a wizard lawyer.

Any advice or beginners tips would be very welcome. //I really need it

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Making your own fun very much is the point of the game, actually. You can certainly approach it from a min-maxer's perspective, but that style of play will run out of steam pretty fast.

As for tips, eh...never really did a Law playthrough before, but lesse, I think College Hedi would be a better pick over Durand, since the former has the Court of Grace adventure(s). Good electives would be Dialectic (int based, fitting, easy access to Theology if you want to abuse Cleanse and Remake) and History (int based, fitting, easy access to The Early Empire/Certificate of Imperial Favor for the Sphinx). Lastly I'd say Negation, if you're not interested in Natural Philosophy (you might care about Anatomy/Archaology/Anthropology, in which case you should look for the Infirmary Library), otherwise I think you could make a case for Astrology, Athletics or Calligraphy. As for adventures that have you use your law skills...eh...I'm drawing a blank.

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@Griff: For what it is worth, the only playthrough in which any PC of mine seriously studied law was as a Morvidus gates mage. Law can be very useful in resolving one of the main quests. In any event, the best decision for playing a wizard lawyer is choosing the option Discoveries: Courts at character creation.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've actually been working on a playthrough where my character, who has the Negated background and basically gave up so he tries to avoid magic spells outright and is a Black Sheep, hopes to become a lawyer officially one day. For giggles, I named him Wolfram Hart, and am putting together a sort of series of journal entries to post in the RP section eventually. Now if only I could stop getting distracted by other ideas or games and just get that playthrough done...

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