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Classes Teaching subskills from multiple skills?


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In several of my games, my characters have gained lore, phemes, etc., from classes in a way that suggests that they are learning subskills - even after those characters have learned every level of every subskill of the skill that the class focuses upon. Is there a list of what non-class skill skills classes teach once charcacters have learned all that they can learn within a class's associated skill?

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Ups you wanted to know if there is a info about what is thought  in the class.

- for my class fix mod there is a libreoffice table (.ods) that I put in my public mods file but that is including the changes I made. 

- I think around the time I created this mod we also had a topic where we did go into the details what is thought during class but I can't find it right now.

(Edit found it but have no good info for what class teach what skills)

- Unless there was a change you also can look into it your self using the mod tools. 

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 Lets i.e. go over Arithmetic Class

my Table have listed for Arithmetic:

Accounting 1 Administration 1 Application of Arithmetic 13 Cryptology 1 Famous Prose 1 First Principle 1 Identities of Arithmetic 13 Logic 2 Memorization 4 Properties of Arithmetic 15 Puzzles 1 Reason 4 Theory of Arithmetic 15 Theory of Astrology 1

After check with the Forum Thread of my mods I didn't change Arithmetic so that should be the numbers from the game.

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@Schwarzbart: My apologies, but looking through the non-modding thread and the modding thread that you linked to, I cannot find a LibreOffice file; that having been said, the information that you quote seems very useful. Could you upload it here?

14 minutes ago, Schwarzbart said:

 Lets i.e. go over Arithmetic Class

my Table have listed for Arithmetic:

Accounting 1 Administration 1 Application of Arithmetic 13 Cryptology 1 Famous Prose 1 First Principle 1 Identities of Arithmetic 13 Logic 2 Memorization 4 Properties of Arithmetic 15 Puzzles 1 Reason 4 Theory of Arithmetic 15 Theory of Astrology 1

After check with the Forum Thread of my mods I didn't change Arithmetic so that should be the numbers from the game.


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*Digs through old .txt files*

Oh hey, I do still got it. So Y1 classes teach the following:


Arithmetic - 73
-Applications of Arithmetic (×13)
-Famous Prose
-First Principles
-Identities of Arithmetic (×13)
-Logic (×2)
-Memorization (×4)
-Properties of Arithmetic (×15)
-Reason (×4)
-Theory of Arithmetic (×15)
-Theory of Astrology

01. Amanda Kiffer
    Antonio de Reyez e Irizarry-Vargas
    Asmita Tidar
    Avgust Kostrodyrets
05. Basia Rydz
    Cante Caviti
    Caspar Pfeuffer
    Catherine Chard
    Cirillo Laziosi
10. Cordelia Troublepot
    Corradin d'Alfi
    Courtenay de Surval
    Eliana Carosi
    Emilia Strolin
15. Everwine von Zoedorf
    Flore Yveuillet
    Herbert Downes
    Joana Lio y Rossollo
    Llarina de Avuel
20. Louise Kandinsky
    Magalda Quaranta
    Magsa Nembo
    Malacresta Vercesi
    Marc Sury
25. Neso Ulleri
    Olivia Solari
    Philip Hauck
    Philippe Marchant
    Prudence Cossins
30. Reitz von Lutersee
    Rixenda la Serena
    Rui da Casga
    Sheary Warrington
    Vincent Eins
35. Vincent Warrender
    Vuillaume Eparvier


Astrology - 74
-Alchemical Tools (×2)
-Clockwork (×2)
-Comets (×2)
-Courtly Fashion
-Famous Battles
-Geometric Laws
-Glamour Phemes
-Glamour Spells (×3)
-Moons (×15)
-Planets (×13)
-Stars (×15)
-The Early Empire
-Theory of Astrology (×13)

01. Aaran Ledale
    Ana Flavia Bessa
    Asmita Tidar
    Ausdauer Mollers
05. Avgust Kostrodyrets
    Beatrix von Wetgen
    Cinzia Ammacapani
    Cosetta Re
    Courtenay de Surval
10. Cyrus Dawes
    Eduard Solov'ev
    Emilia Picotti
    Gwendy Zuyder
    Irene Oxina
15. Katja Quinnecht
    Malacresta Vercesi
    Neso Ulleri
    Neta Xemutre
    Olivia Solari
20. Oriabel Sidot
    Philip Hauck
    Philippe Marchant
    Tabin Furenzti
    Uliva Valaresso
25. Vrenelle Bonvin


Athletics - 77
-Competition (×15)
-Coordination (×2)
-Endurance (×5)
-Escape Artist
-Famous Battles
-Flawless Timing (×2)
-Intimidation (×2)
-Running (×14)
-Swimming (×14)
-Wrestling (×14)

01. Alan Driscoll
    Aymeri Couer
    Carmine Sturzo
    Cirillo Laziosi
05. Corradin d'Alfi
    Cosetta Re
    Cyrus Dawes
    Eduard Solov'ev
    Els Rottmundyn
10. Grainne Inneith
    Gwendy Zuyder
    Irene Oxina
    Isabeau Glorieux
    Joana Lio y Rossollo
15. Katja Quinnecht
    Lambert Cobo
    Llarina de Avuel
    Louise Kandinsky
    Luti Jaconelli
20. Marc Sury
    Miya Hikari
    Neso Ulleri
    Noemia Falcon y Paredes
    Oriabel Sidot
25. Philippe Marchant
    Raoul Leconte
    Reitz von Lutersee
    Silke Niederstatter
    Vettor Conta
30. Vincent Eins
    Vrenelle Bonvin
    Vuillaume Eparvier
    Zorzi Galea


Botany - 77
-Agriculture (×13)
-Birds (×2)
-Courtly Fashion
-Decipher Handwriting
-Flowers (×13)
-Greengrocery (×2)
-Illustration (×3)
-Ink Compounds
-Library Knowledge (×2)
-Observation (×2)
-Poisons (×2)
-Roots (×14)
-Seeds (×16)

01. Ana Flavia Bessa
    Asmita Tidar
    Avgust Kostrodyrets
    Beatrix von Wetgen
05. Cinzia Ammacapani
    Corradin d'Alfi
    Durand de Thiomines
    Eliana Carosi
    Emilia Picotti
10. Flore Yveuillet
    Girars de Periarde
    Grainne Inneith
    Honors Plafox
    Jere Niemela
15. Katja Quinnecht
    Kurt Henning
    Lambert Cobo
    Louise Kandinsky
    Magsa Nembo
20. Mairgrete Strakley
    Montague Ruffo
    Neta Xemutre
    Piccolet Gleyre
    Prudence Cossins
25. Rikildis von Kiep
    Rixenda la Serena
    Rui da Casga
    Sheary Warrington
    Tacito Viadana
30. Tulia Faspalla
    Uliva Valaresso
    Vincent Warrender
    Vrenelle Bonvin


Calligraphy - 76
-Alchemical Tools
-Art Appreciation (×2)
-Forms (×17)
-Illustration (×13)
-Ink Compounds (×14)
-Library Knowledge (×3)
-Orthography (×16)
-Patience (×2)

01. Antonio de Reyez e Irizarry-Vargas
    Aveline Cincebeaux
    Aymeri Couer
    Basia Rydz
05. Carmine Sturzo
    Catherine Chard
    Courtenay de Surval
    Els Rottmundyn
    Emilia Picotti
10. Emilia Strolin
    Everwine von Zoedorf
    Grainne Inneith
    Hector Per Vittoria
    Joana Lio y Rossollo
15. Kurt Henning
    Magalda Quaranta
    Malacresta Vercesi
    Milena di Montors
    Miya Hikari
20. Montague Ruffo
    Noemia Falcon y Paredes
    Philip Hauck
    Raoul Leconte
    Rikildis von Kiep
25. Rixenda la Serena
    Sigalis du Sonmeil
    Tabin Furenzti
    Vrenelle Bonvin


Dialectic - 58
-Civil Law
-Criminal Law
-Famous Dilemmas (×15)
-Famous Speeches (×2)
-First Principles (×13)
-Logic (×15)
-Reason (×3)
-The Middle Empire

01. Aaran Ledale
    Antonio de Reyez e Irizarry-Vargas
    Cante Caviti
    Cordelia Troublepot
05. Corradin d'Alfi
    Cosetta Re
    Durand de Thiomines
    Eliana Carosi
    Emilia Strolin
10. Everwine von Zoedorf
    Flore Yveuillet
    Honors Plafox
    Jere Niemela
    Kurt Henning
15. Lambert Cobo
    Leopold Rassent
    Luti Jaconelli
    Magsa Nembo
    Malacresta Vercesi
20. Malthezar Mhadi
    Marc Sury
    Milena di Montors
    Olivia Solari
    Piccolet Gleyre
25. Prudence Cossins
    Rikildis von Kiep
    Sheary Warrington
    Sigalis du Sonmeil
    Sima Venesico
30. Tulia Faspalla
    Vincent Warrender


Enchant - 59
-Glamour Spells
-Ink Compounds
-Library Knowledge
-Materials Knowledge (×12)
-Memorization (×2)
-Music Theory
-Observation (×2)
-Palettes (×15)
-The History of Magic (×2)
-Theory of Enchantment (×15)
-Theory of Incantation

01. Alan Driscoll
    Amada Kiffer
    Asmita Tidar
    Ausdauer Mollers
05. Avgust Kostrodyrets
    Aymeri Couer
    Cante Caviti
    Caspar Pfeuffer
    Catherine Chard
10. Cinzia Ammacapani
    Cordelia Troublepot
    Corradin d'Alfi
    Eduard Solov'ev
    Everwine von Zoedorf
15. Herbert Downes
    Honors Plafox
    Joana Lio y Rossollo
    Louise Kandinsky
    Magalda Quaranta
20. Marc Sury
    Noemia Falcon y Paredes
    Philip Hauck
    Rixenda la Serena
    Rui da Casga
25. Sheary Warrington
    Tabin Furenzti
    Uliva Valaresso
    Vincent Eins
    Vuillaume Eparvier


Geometry - 56
-Applications of Arithmetic
-Duelling Circles
-Famous Battles
-Famous Geometry Problems (×15)
-Geometric Laws (×16)
-Trigonometry (×16)

01. Aaran Ledale
    Alan Driscoll
    Ana Flavia Bessa
    Avgust Kostrodyrets
05. Basia Rydz
    Beatrix von Wetgen
    Caspar Pfeuffer
    Cinzia Ammacapani
    Cordelia Troublepot
10. Cosetta Re
    Courtenay de Surval
    Cyrus Dawes
    Emilia Picotti
    Flore Yveuillet
15. Gwendy Zuyder
    Hector Per Vittoria
    Irene Oxina
    Isabeau Glorieux
    Malacresta Vercesi
20. Olivia Solari
    Oriabel Sidot
    Rui da Casga
    Sima Venesico
    Tabin Furenzti
25. Tacito Viadana
    Vettor Conta


Glamour - 75
-Art Appreciation (×2)
-Court Hairstyles
-Courtly Fashion
-Glamour Methods (×14)
-Glamour Phemes (×16)
-Glamour Spells (×14)
-Observation (×2)
-Practical Jokes
-Satyric Revelry
-The History of Magic
-The Middle Empire
-Theory of Glamour (×14)
-Theory of Negation

01. Aaran Ledale
    Ausdauer Mollers
    Aymeri Couer
    Cyrus Dawes
05. Eduard Solov'ev
    Eliana Carosi
    Els Rottmundyn
    Emilia Picotti
    Everwine von Zoedorf
10. Grainne Inneith
    Gwendy Zuyder
    Herbert Downes
    Isabeau Glorieux
    Iustus Venture
15. Jere Niemela
    Leopold Rassent
    Llarina de Avuel
    Mairgrete Strakley
    Milena di Montors
20. Montague Ruffo
    Neta Xemutre
    Olivia Solari
    Reitz von Lutersee
    Rixenda la Serena
25. Rui da Casga
    Sheary Warrington
    Sigalis du Sonmeil
    Silke Niederstatter
    Sima Venesico
30. Tacito Viadana
    Vettor Conta
    Zoe Melis
    Zorzi Galea


Grammar - 80
-Famous Battles
-Famous Poetry (×16)
-Famous Prose (×15)
-Famous Speeches
-Semantics (×16)
-Syntax (×14)
-The Exile
-The Second Captivity
-Theory of Astrology
-Wit (×2)

01. Asmita Tidar
    Ausdauer Mollers
    Cirillo Laziosi
    Cosetta Re
05. Eduard Solov'ev
    Els Rottmundyn
    Emilia Strolin
    Girars de Periarde
    Hector Per Vittoria
10. Herbert Downes
    Honors Plafox
    Isabeau Glorieux
    Iustus Venture
    Jere Niemela
15. Leopold Rassent
    Magalda Quaranta
    Marc Sury
    Milena di Montors
    Miya Hikari
20. Neso Ulleri
    Neta Xemutre
    Philip Hauck
    Prudence Cossins
    Raoul Leconte
25. Reitz von Lutersee
    Rikildis von Kiep
    Rui da Casga
    Sigalis du Sonmeil
    Sima Venesico
30. Tacito Viadana
    Tulia Faspalla
    Uliva Valaresso
    Vuillaume Eparvier
    Zoe Melis


History - 79
-Anthropology (×2)
-Archaeology (×2)
-Art Appreciation
-Courtly Fashion
-Decipher Handwriting
-Famous Speeches
-The Calamities (×17)
-The Early Empire (×15)
-The History of Magic (×16)
-The Middle Empire (×14)
-Theology (×2)

01. Aaran Ledale
    Alan Driscoll
    Antonio de Reyez e Irizarry-Vargas
    Aveline Cincebeaux
05. Avgust Kostrodyrets
    Aymeri Couer
    Basia Rydz
    Carmine Sturzo
    Catherine Chard
10. Courtenay de Surval
    Durand de Thiomines
    Emilia Strolin
    Grainne Inneith
    Iustus Venture
15. Malacresta Vercesi
    Malthezar Mhadi
    Milena di Montors
    Montague Ruffo
    Oriabel Sidot
20. Raoul Leconte
    Rikildis von Kiep
    Rixenda la Serena
    Tabin Furenzti
    Vettor Conta
25. Vincent Eins
    Vincent Warrender
    Vrenelle Bonvin
    Zoe Melis


Incantation - 75
-Danger Sense
-First Principles
-Flawless Timing
-Incantation Methods (×15)
-Incantation Phemes (×15)
-Incantation Spells (×15)
-Materials Knowledge
-The History of Magic
-Theory of Incantation (×16)
-Theory of Revision

01. Alan Driscoll
    Aveline Cincebeaux
    Beatrix von Wetgen
    Carmine Sturzo
05. Caspar Pfeuffer
    Cirillo Laziosi
    Cordelia Troublepot
    Cosetta Re
    Durand de Thiomines
10. Emilia Strolin
    Gwendy Zuyder
    Hector Per Vittoria
    Irene Oxina
    Iustus Venture
15. Katja Quinnecht
    Kurt Henning
    Llarina de Avuel
    Luti Jaconelli
    Malthezar Mhadi
20. Milena di Montors
    Miya Hikari
    Neso Ulleri
    Noemia Falcon y Paredes
    Philip Hauck
25. Piccolet Gleyre
    Reitz von Lutersee
    Silke Niederstatter
    Vincent Eins
    Vincent Warrender
30. Vuillaume Eparvier
    Zoe Melis
    Zorzi Galea


Music - 61
-Decipher Handwriting
-Famous Songs (×16)
-Forms (×2)
-Ink Compounds
-Listen (×2)
-Mimicry (×2)
-Notation (×13)
-Revision Spells
-Voice (×15)

01. Alan Driscoll
    Amada Kiffer
    Aveline Cincebeaux
    Cante Caviti
05. Cinzia Ammacapani
    Cirillo Laziosi
    Cordelia Troublepot
    Courtenay de Surval
    Cyrus Dawes
10. Emilia Picotti
    Flore Yveuillet
    Grainne Inneith
    Herbert Downes
    Katja Quinnecht
15. Leopold Rassent
    Llarina de Avuel
    Luti Jaconelli
    Magsa Nembo
    Mairgrete Strakley
20. Malthezar Mhadi
    Miya Hikari
    Neso Ulleri
    Noemia Falcon y Paredes
    Oriabel Sidot
25. Piccolet Gleyre
    Rikildis von Kiep
    Silke Niederstatter
    Vincent Eins
    Vuillaume Eparvier
30. Zorzi Galea


Negation - 77
-Danger Sense
-First Principles
-Flawless Timing
-Incantation Phemes
-Magical Appraisal
-Negation Methods (×15)
-Negation Phemes (×17)
-Negation Spells (×15)
-The History of Magic
-Theory of Enchantment
-Theory of Glamour
-Theory of Negation (×15)

01. Aaran Ledale
    Ana Flavia Bessa
    Asmita Tidar
    Aveline Cincebeaux
05. Basia Rydz
    Carmine Sturzo
    Catherine Chard
    Corradin d'Alfi
    Durand de Thiomines
10. Els Rottmundyn
    Flore Yveuillet
    Girars de Periarde
    Honors Plafox
    Irene Oxina
15. Jere Niemela
    Kurt Henning
    Lambert Cobo
    Magalda Quaranta
    Magsa Nembo
20. Oriabel Sidot
    Philippe Marchant
    Piccolet Gleyre
    Prudence Cossins
    Sheary Warrington
25. Sigalis du Sonmeil
    Silke Niederstatter
    Tacito Viadana
    Tulia Faspalla
    Vincent Warrender


Revision - 75
-Danger Sense
-Duelling Circles
-Glamour Phemes
-Incantation Methods
-Materials Knowledge
-Revision Methods (×15)
-Revision Phemes (×16)
-Revision Spells (×16)
-The History of Magic
-Theory of Negation
-Theory of Revision (×14)

01. Amada Kiffer
    Ana Flavia Bessa
    Antonio de Reyez e Irizarry-Vargas
    Basia Rydz
05. Beatrix von Wetgen
    Cante Caviti
    Durand de Thiomines
    Eliana Carosi
    Girars de Periarde
10. Gwendy Zuyder
    Herbert Downes
    Irene Oxina
    Isabeau Glorieux
    Iustus Venture
15. Joana Lio y Rossollo
    Kurt Henning
    Leopold Rassent
    Louise Kandinsky
    Luti Jaconelli
20. Mairgrete Strakley
    Malthezar Mhadi
    Marc Sury
    Montague Ruffo
    Neta Xemutre
25. Philippe Marchant
    Raoul Leconte
    Sima Venesico
    Tabin Furenzti
    Tulia Faspalla
30. Uliva Valaresso
    Vettor Conta
    Zorzi Galea


Rhetoric - 62
-Character (×15)
-Confidence (×14)
-Debate (×2)
-Famous Speeches (×13)
-Flawless Timing
-Oratory (×2)
-Patience (×2)

01. Amada Kiffer
    Antonio de Reyez e Irizarry-Vargas
    Ausdauer Mollers
    Aveline Cincebeaux
05. Aymeri Couer
    Carmine Sturzo
    Caspar Pfeuffer
    Catherine Chard
    Cinzia Ammacapani
10. Cyrus Dawes
    Eduard Solov'ev
    Els Rottmundyn
    Girars de Periarde
    Herbert Downes
15. Honors Plafox
    Isabeau Glorieux
    Iustus Venture
    Jere Niemela
    Lambert Cobo
20. Leopold Rassent
    Luti Jaconelli
    Mairgrete Strakley
    Miya Hikari
    Neta Xemutre
25. Prudence Cossins
    Reitz von Lutersee
    Sigalis du Sonmeil
    Silke Niederstatter
    Sima Venesico
30. Tacito Viadana
    Tulia Faspalla
    Zoe Melis


Zoology - 58
-Animal Husbandry
-Birds (×15)
-Conceal (×2)
-Illustration (×2)
-Insects (×15)
-Library Knowledge (×2)
-Mammals (×15)
-Practical Jokes

01. Amada Kiffer
    Ana Flavia Bessa
    Ausdauer Mollers
    Beatrix von Wetgen
05. Cante Caviti
    Caspar Pfeuffer
    Cirillo Laziosi
    Eliana Carosi
    Everwine von Zoedorf
10. Girars de Periarde
    Hector Per Vittoria
    Joana Lio y Rossollo
    Katja Quinnecht
    Lambert Cobo
15. Llarina de Avuel
    Louise Kandinsky
    Magalda Quaranta
    Magsa Nembo
    Mairgrete Strakley
20. Malthezar Mhadi
    Montague Ruffo
    Noemia Falcon y Paredes
    Olivia Solari
    Philippe Marchant
25. Piccolet Gleyre
    Raoul Leconte
    Uliva Valaresso
    Vettor Conta
    Vrenelle Bonvin
30. Zoe Melis
    Zorzi Galea

Class skill steps taken from the DLC 15 mod base, attendance lists taken from...either DLC 16 or 17 ingame, I don't recall. In any case everything should still be accurate in patched DLC 17. Errors on my part aside.

Maybe not as wield-y as Schwarzbart's table, but if you need it in .txt format for whatever reason...

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