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KS Update 154


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I have to agree.  The point has been made so I won’t stress further... but I wonder what ninja that Italian might be making for...

(I must confess, I have it on good authority that the ninja is not one to run away, so a runaway he is not.)

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1 hour ago, Ninjapacman said:

I have to agree.  The point has been made so I won’t stress further... but I wonder what ninja that Italian might be making for...

(I must confess, I have it on good authority that the ninja is not one to run away, so a runaway he is not.)

So how many injuries we have a bet to settle 

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17 hours ago, Legate of Mineta said:


At Launch, only the oceans can be traversed. But...you never know what surprises may lurk. :)

Oliver Hazard Perry and his harem flagships USS Lawrence and Niagra will ride again! Heh... the Morgana really wouldn't know what to do with that. 



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