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Wow! How many so far?

Also, are there plans for dealing with students who, while belonging to one college, get top marks for the core courses for another college's courses? I ask because one of my characters, a Morvidus Student, has the highest marks in arithmetic and enchantment (as well as revision and negation, for what it is worth).

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  • 4 weeks later...

I think a cult that hypnotize their follower during daily prayer and have a army of golems that are controlled  by normal humans from he inside could give a good enemy for the academagia setting.

This could be even more interesting if the golems are steampunk like using a mixture of steam engine, cannons and magic.

The power for the mass hypnotising could come from a magic item so that only the golem creation and repairing need mages.

If they mange to get a spy into the administration of Academagia they could probably abduct 1-2 useful student each year during the summer break while keep below the radar.

For year 2 a player character could be abducted as new "follower" working on the golem and resist the hypnotising or stumble on the cult at a cave so that the player is the one who manage to warn the world early enough. (Or more heroic break /use the hypnotic device)

For year 4-5 the player could be the leading force to destroy this cult if it is near his/her hometown. .

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@Legate of Mineta: Two quick suggestions.

1. I was planning to have my meta-plot for my series of adventures about Beatrix von Wetgen be about her growing into her responsibilities as a noble-woman (a Duke's only daughter) and having (perhaps starting in Y3?) to think about betrothal/marriage (and the male PC may complicate betrothal thoughts, especially if not a noble himself). Would this be all right?

2. Would it be possible in Y2 and later to have Joanna automatically form a vendetta with the first female character who develops love or affection with Philippe Marchant?

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I would be carful basing anything planed for year 3 or later on a specific NPC student as they might drop out at the end of year 2!

Also I suspect the Team already worked out the base of the romance routes and what ending is possible and what not for the player with all NPC student up to year 5.

(beside that we are here in the suggestion thread and not the question and answer one ^^)

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On ‎06‎.‎08‎.‎2018 at 5:37 AM, Schwarzbart said:

I think a cult that hypnotize their follower during daily prayer and have a army of golems that are controlled  by normal humans from he inside could give a good enemy for the academagia setting.

This could be even more interesting if the golems are steampunk like using a mixture of steam engine, cannons and magic.

The power for the mass hypnotising could come from a magic item so that only the golem creation and repairing need mages.

If they mange to get a spy into the administration of Academagia they could probably abduct 1-2 useful student each year during the summer break while keep below the radar.

For year 2 a player character could be abducted as new "follower" working on the golem and resist the hypnotising or stumble on the cult at a cave so that the player is the one who manage to warn the world early enough. (Or more heroic break /use the hypnotic device)

For year 4-5 the player could be the leading force to destroy this cult if it is near his/her hometown. .

The idea is actual

- Summer break year 1-2 a player can take the adventure where (s)he is kidnapped (need the play to have Enchant, Calligraphy or Revision class in Y1) and if managed to end this positive the plot is ended.

- Summer break year 3-4 the player is send to investigate a case of missing students (need good standing with the Legate) again plot end if the player manage to end it positive.

- Year 4 if the player did one of the 2 previous adventures the cult leader + the spy try to get revenge on the player or if failed the player get involved in the fight against the cult that got revealed 1 year earlier then otherwise (If the player is part of a Mercenary group year 4 for the fight sound good as well)

- Year 5 if the player didn't do one of the 2 adventures the cult is revealed by someone else and the player got involved in the resulting fight. (if the player did one of the 2 adventures but failed then this fight is already in year 4)

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@Legate of Mineta: Speaking about Students who might get kicked out for various reasons makes me worry about games based upon my characters' relationships with Prudence Cossins, who keeps failing so many courses in Y1. I hope that either her Y1 adventure grants her (in addition to more confidence and friends) a better work ethic or that Y2 includes some type of group study skill, so that player characters can study for their own classes while helping Prudence (or some other less studious friend/clique-mate) study well.

And I can easily replan my Beatrix von Wetgen meta-plot to reduce or eliminate the romance options.

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I think I suggested it already but one possible step toward unbanning Gate / Mastery magic is to allow old Masters of this schools to take 1 or 2 student who will then registered.

If the player already have the right aura and crossed the path of one of this old masters in a good way this old master might offer the player to be his/her personal student at a cost in such a scenario.  

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  • 2 weeks later...

@Legate of Mineta: 2 quick ideas for summer vacation activities (based upon my most recent game). Both require as prerequisites having completed Zoe Melis's Y1 adventure. If you like either or both of them, I could write up some story for them - nothing major, just a little event for the day when Zoe leaves for Cimone.

1. Write a Multilingual Letter to Zoe Melis: + 1 skill step random language, avoid relationship decay with Zoe for some period of time.

2. Exchange Multilingual Poetry with Zoe Melis [requires love with Zoe Melis]: + 1 skill step random language, + 1 skill step romance, avoid relationship decay with Zoe for some period of time.

Speaking of relationship decay, it would be useful to have Oan appear at some point near the beginning of Y2 to discuss it if the player wants to learn about it.

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The Card Based system of Fallen London gave me the idea how the Event system of Academagia could be handled different.

How about the player get each week 4 events but only have to do 3 of them. The number of extra events you get each week and the number of events you have to do can be increased or decreased by spells or other effects.

Some of the events are flagged as have to do like a pop quiz. 

I know this idea is for sure to late for year 2 but might worth some discussion on the team side for year 3 and later.

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