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The Schohanwicht School Portal Key


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I have started a new game after downloading patch 2 and wanted to try a more evil approach (with a higher fitness for Gates and Mastery) and when I got The Schohanwicht School Portal Key as a legendary item from the creation I thought I had hit jackpot.


But, it does not add the ability after identifying it and it does not seem like you can use it as an item. So how do you actually use the ability. Is it a bug or do you need a lot of fancy other requirements before you can use it?


Please help, so I can spread some chaos in the world :)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Sorry to bump an old topic, but I was wondering if it is the same vice-verse? I have the Schohanwicht School Invitation letter, but I don't have the portal key. Heh. :)

I identified the letter and it tells me a familiar will wait at my window at midnight and stuff, but there is no adventure option to trigger it. Nor is there an ability/item/action for it.


Edit: I loaded the game prior to identifying the letter, deciding to let it sit there until I can get the adventure working. However, it vanishes from my inventory after one day whether I identify it or not.

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There is a problem with this letter and its Durability (which is Perishable, and very quick, too.) Because of the community interest in, ah...the forbidden arts, we've added a special Adventure for this School in DLC 1. That will introduce a new (and better) way to acquire the Letter, the Key and the Location. :)

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Harry Potter's Dumbledore probably knew his fair share of forbidden stuff. That does not make him an evil overlord, despite manipulating a lot of people.

My main character just wants to know all kinds of magic, even forbidden ones. It might one day come in handy to counter it, for example

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There is a problem with this letter and its Durability (which is Perishable, and very quick, too.) Because of the community interest in, ah...the forbidden arts, we've added a special Adventure for this School in DLC 1. That will introduce a new (and better) way to acquire the Letter, the Key and the Location. :)


I look forward to it, but does that mean the letter is useless without the key? Or am I missing some other prerequisite? If I use the letter, will it store that information if I come across the portal key or meet some skill requirement needed for it to start? :)

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Is the perishability of that letter a bug? Or supposed to be like that?


And could you give us a tip on how the letter and key were intented to be brought together?

(As there is going to be an adventure doing the same, I guess you might at least give a tip on this?)

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If you use the Letter you find the way to the School, but you still need the Key. Because of the perishability of the letter, it's very hard to get both.


But if I use the letter and find the portal key days/weeks/months later will that work, or does it require you to have both together?


I agree any tips would be great. :)

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It will work if you use the Letter immediately, and later come across the Key.


It's not a bug, per se, but it's also not intended for the Letter to spoil before you can ever read it! The present implementation of these is that you need to find them through a certain 'path' of Locations. That will be done away with, though, in DLC 1.

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It will work if you use the Letter immediately, and later come across the Key.


It's not a bug, per se, but it's also not intended for the Letter to spoil before you can ever read it! The present implementation of these is that you need to find them through a certain 'path' of Locations. That will be done away with, though, in DLC 1.


Awesome thanks.


Any chance you might be able to confirm whether the portal key is obtained through a random encounter, adventure or by some other means?

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So technically you could get both of them ingame, without the random mysterious package background?

Will the chain of locations still remain in it? Or will it become obsolete and removed after DLC 1?

(because if the latter, I would love to know the specific path so I can walk it once. Just for the completeness of the experience of the game. :))

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Let's just put it this way:


1. Since Gates is forbidden, Gates users have taken great care to (literally) hide the whereabouts of the school--thus the Portal Key.


2. You cannot attend the school without first being invited, and you must show you are gifted in Gates to receive that invite--thus the Invitation Letter.


Therefore, you must have the Portal Key to even get to the school's Location, and you must have the Invitation Letter to access all the school has to offer.


Lucien, as far as I know, you're the first person to get the letter. Did you get it through the Mysterious Package, or through other means?


ETA: The Portal Key gives you access to two more forbidden Gates Locations, so you can use it, even if you can't access the school.

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Let's just put it this way:


1. Since Gates is forbidden, Gates users have taken great care to (literally) hide the whereabouts of the school--thus the Portal Key.


2. You cannot attend the school without first being invited, and you must show you are gifted in Gates to receive that invite--thus the Invitation Letter.


Therefore, you must have the Portal Key to even get to the school's Location, and you must have the Invitation Letter to access all the school has to offer.


Lucien, as far as I know, you're the first person to get the letter. Did you get it through the Mysterious Package, or through other means?


ETA: The Portal Key gives you access to two more forbidden Gates Locations, so you can use it, even if you can't access the school.


Yayifications, the search continues!

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