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Choosing Exotic Familiars?


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I just got the game and I was wondering if there was anyway to choose or influence what exotic familiar you get? I would like to try a game with a hawk or dragon or hedgehog but I just keep ending up with the fish, rabbit or lizard. The method of creating a new character till I get what I want is a bit tedious. So does anyone know of a way/trick to get a specific one? I wish they gave you the option to choose which exotic you got for the cost of an extra point.

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Can I turn off certain familiars? I really don't want a monkey or a hedgehog and I'm phobic of spiders. The names of the familiars I don't like are becoming recognizable much faster than the names of the ones I do like.


Every time I see the 'Nancy Japes' name I think, "Ugh, I got the monkey again." Then I have to recreate the character.


This time I saw that - I still have it open in another window - and I tried to cancel out of the dialogue. I can't. I can only hit 'close' which carries me into the game.

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No, although you have that possibility in the Mod Tools. At some point we'll resolve the problem with Choice for Familiars and give you the Ability to choose your own Exotic for 2 points. Until then...luck of the draw! :)



That sounds great, but are there any plans for additional familiars? For example I would really like the option of a fox familiar...

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There have been great suggestions for new Familiars on the forums (including a Fox), and we'll undoubtedly make more available in Year 2. Because of the artwork requirements, though, it's difficult to create more for Year 1- that said, there's nothing that prevents it, with all the needed pieces.


First thank you for the reply. I do understand that you might not be able to get new familiars in this first incarnation, though it would be greatly appreciated for one of characters I have in mind. However, I do wonder how you plan on to have additional familiars in Year 2, as I was under the impression that each year would be a stand-alone game. I could be misunderstanding something though.


In any case thank you again for the reply!

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The games are definitely not standalone. You will take your Character from Year 1, with every statistic and status intact into Year 2. If you wish, you can purchase new Familiars and pets in Year 2, to replace your current one. I can't say more than this. ;)


Oh I knew you'd be able to take your character, et al to Year 2. By "stand alone" I meant that year two would be a separate program/application instead of an add-on to the original, thus content from that one wouldn't necessarily be transferable to the original. Thus, for example, if we have to wait for Year 2 for a fox familiar that wouldn't necessarily mean we could start a new character in Year 1 with that type of familiar (barring a DLC for Year 1 released while you are working on, or after the release of, Year 2 :) ).

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