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Um, not that kind of preview. A "preview" function in the interface, not previewing the game. Like, when you open the game and pick an adventure, you get a sneak peek at the actual content of the adventure - so players can pick storylines they want to go for.


It might help showing the players the prerequisite for the adventure they unlocked as well, so they have an inkling of what it is gonna be - i.e. pick an adventure, and it shows you that you can play it because you are friends with Zoe Melis, that sort of thing.

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I think it would suite Prof von Rupprecht if in the Calligraphy room there is some hidden cheat sheet on the wall that he didn't remove to easier catch people who try to cheat.


Can we get someone more serious about exams announcing the 50% mid term exams then failure Vettor? Of the 6 mid term exams he did so he only managed more then 50% in Athletics! For my char Zoe Melis would actual the best pick for this as she is in his clique and really care for the exam.

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Maybe the liberate pheme should be used in a temporary bond reducing spell that you target on a familair.... Possibly a Mastery spell? (Given it's nasty nature) Otherwise I could see Negation working but Mastery seems to better fit for somethign nasty imo. Or Maybe Mastery could have the nastier version. Revision did take over some Mastery spells and phemes though.


The caster would have to overcome a roll VS the Familiars bond+ Negation parrent skill or Methods(not sure which).


Liberate is the opposite of Servitude, which boosts familiar bonds.


It could be used as a way to weaken an oponent, I assume a high bond has the ability to provide quite the boost to a wizard, especialy with a well trained skilled familair that's got a strong bond with the wizard.

Year 2 should probably be the year where Professors educate the young wizards about their familiars as the risk of serious familiar accidents and fire hazards might be increasing exponentially..


Anyway, it should probably be temporary, aimed at weakening a rival before or during combat.

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I think you'd expect that kind of effect from that Pheme, although as always, has to be put into a Spell to have its greatest effect.





What happens if you add it to a simple attack spell? would that work? Maybe add a duration Pheme.



Also, more advanced spells are created by adding more advanced and intricate phemes rather than necessarily just more of them? There seems to be progressively more difficult phemes of the same type. Wouldn't the next level of the same spell just requier you to replace some of the less advanced phemes? Would you have to replace all of them? I realize that the spell would get harder to cast aswell since the phemes will get harder for the wizard to form.

Noticed this in Mathews quest where the old wizard in one of the paths had a shinier lamp spell. Loved how he seemed unfamiliar with the Negation magic at the enterance though. Guess Negation wasn't his area of expertise. Guessing he worked glamours and revision given who his employer was.



Will we be getting any of that Arithmatic magic in Year 2? Forgot what it was called, Arithmancy? :P read about it in-game yesterday and already forgot it, I know we talked about it earlier in the forums but I can't find it. Would love to put those Vernin math classes to use somehow.... Or if it's advanced year 3, an Adventure in Y2 where you pull off some low level Arithmancy with plenty of preparation. Some of that increased spell shaping control and delayed spells sounded really cool. Or maybe as part of an otherwise all to difficult enchantment, if enchantment is about perfection then mathematicly planned perfection might be a way to help you get that enchantment right.. Just a few thoughts :) I want lots of shiny and interestign magic in Y2 :) And I'm looking forward to those daily fast cast spells that don't take whole callendar action slots :D and the ability to eat stuff and drink potions without using a whole action slot :P

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Please make sure skipping Schohanwitch class in year 2 not use the same system then skipping a normal class as it would be mega strange if i.e. Professor Rupprecht give you detention for skipping this class!

(Also somehow I don't think Schohanwitch would give detention)


The lore Charming of the Peer from Awareness 8 maybe should changed from "Your Relationship with one Student of your choice ..." to "Your Relationship with a random Student ..."

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Yeah, it's not in the same detention system...:)




Q2 - That, and also how you change your Border.


Q3 - Yep. :)

Wouldn't detektion be problematik for Schoanwicht, it raises more questions about where the student is. Maybe a forced demonstration of what might have been covered in the last class/s.

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I meant to say Detention, but my mobiles spelling correction decided to change the word.... I guess detention isn't a very commonly used word :D


I've also been thinking (dangerous stuff, I know) but maybe, Shohanwicht classes and detentions could be handled in the normalclass timeslots, because of the dimention or dimentional pocket or plane where the School is situated has a different time progression. Maybe 1 hour of class or detention would be more like 1 minute in Choris time. that would mean you could do your classes in the time alloted for bathroom breaks and noone at the Academagia or anywhere else would necessarily find enough time to miss you. Though on the otherhand the extra hours stay awake and "productive" and attentive at school classes might cost you two or three stress points making you progressively more like Lustus Venture depending on your stamina to to keep up with it and the amount of coffe you're consuming and other stay awake abilities and stuff...


With the extra timeslot for our character possibly being our intended "sleep time" which by itself might cost quite a bit of additional stress if you use it meaning you will be like a wakedness potion, and spell addict and squeezing all the clarity of mind and whatever restorative abilities from your familiar bond :P Just to keep up with a "Regular day" in your characters life.


This means other skills or potions and drinks that restore you somewhat will be come more meaningfull and valuable, but it also seems somewhat worrisome :P


Maybe not sleeping for a month should add a negative effect even if treated with magic and potions and powerdrinks, should create an event or Adventure where experience the severe sympthoms of sleep dissorder issues and will require recovery.., While doing nothing about the stress would put put you in the infirmary soon enough I'm sure.

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How about allow player character with wealthy enough parents, the secret background and good enough relationship with the parents the option for a personal teacher instead of visiting Schohanwitch Mo-Fr? As result the player can chose when to take the education, its significant better then daily school but also drop the biweekly money the player (can) get from the parents.


I bring this up because it turns out that I'm not the only one against the idea that Schohanwitch take this many fixed timeslots.


Edit: if the character is really extrem wealthy him self maybe he should be able to pay for this out of his/her own pocket but that still need a talk with the parents ^^

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I'm perfectly fine with Schohanwicht taking up weekday timeslots. It seems logical to me. I'm not against another method if it makes sense, but generally if you want to learn Gates without the advantage of what is probably the most abundant sources of Gates related documents and research materials, It should take a lot of effort to do. I'll bet in Y2, learning Gates' advanced skills will be a real chore to do, so, be mindful you practically get them handed to you with Schohanwicht.

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As told it should be just a option! Also it bring high level privat instruction into play at a place that is not direct related to the education of Academagia as some of our player chars actual would more likely would get this private instruction for all the magic but out of some reason instead visit Academagia.

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I think Schohanwicht is fine as it is.


It is afterall a School of Magic. Dedicated solely to one pillar but we know that mastering one pillar is not an easy feat anyway.


And I also think they will be ways in year 2 to learn Gates magic without going to Shohanwicht at all.

Some are already available in year 1 like a certain talking book... .


So for me it is a choice between attending a school dedicated to one pillar (Like Contu or Shoh) with the benefit of fast progression but the cost of liberty.

Or looking for alternates probably longer (timewise) and more auto-didacte and and open progression

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