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A few in game questions


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"It varies from year to year, but there are a few.  There's a class that basically covers what we'd call Algebra (Equations and Inequalities) - most years she teaches it, though Professor Monetario has been known to step in when the Arithmetic class proper is overbooked.  Some years she works with Professor Badcrumble on a Statistics, Probabilities, and Astrological Implications program; she's also generally the teacher of Financial Mathematics and Accounting classes.  She and Professor Vickery have also been known to give joint lecture series on farming and the economics thereof, oddly enough."

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Thank you for the Answer.

So no Calculus ?

Or is that one of Professor Monetario classes ?


Besides that.

How do Seminars work.

Is it like classes on the weekends for a limited Time ?

Or is it more like contu ?

Also a Hint who can visit what kind of Seminar ?

Can everyone visit the seminars or is it more guarded within the Colleges.

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"Yes to Professor Monetario and Calculus, though it should be noted that both professors with maths classes complain about being overworked and want Orso to bring in someone new one of these years.

(Orso being Orso, that kind of bureaucratic hassle ends up going to Briardi for review, and Briardi is notoriously budget-conscious.  So... yeah.  Hasn't happened yet.)

As for the seminars and irregular lecture series, they're obviously not structured like conventional classes - they tend to fall in the evenings and on weekends, and they're not generally graded.  In some cases they're invitation-only, in others they're open to the general public (either completely free or via ticket sales, largely depending on the venue and the people involved).  There are a few cases where seminars are basically command performances; the Captain or some other grandee wants to learn more about a subject, asks the school to make it happen, and brings in a private audience.  (Students are not usually allowed to participate in those.)

Most of the time, though, if a registered student of the Academy wants to drop in on a seminar, they can do it for free.  Sometimes it means arranging to get a ticket in advance, but that's the main hoop that needs to be jumped."

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On 1/23/2024 at 11:27 PM, Legate of Mineta said:

Durand: "Negation and Incantation" is the proposed first in a series of specialized seminars. 

So everyone can visit these.

I expected these to be college exclusive.


Also some more Hints on the potential class list ?

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You mentioned that some Abilities and Actions will be different because of the different Engine.

You also mentioned that you could Import Y1 into the Y2 Engine. And play Y1 with it.

In such a case would the abilities be different during Y1 in the Y2 Engine.

Was something like that tested.


And Nr.2 you mentioned that people would have to Import the Y1 data themself.

But we dont have acces to All Y1 data.

So how would that work ?

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If I  wanted to recreate Y1 in the Y2 engine

Playing Y1 in the Y2 engine. Not importing Y1.

1. It was mentioned that some abilities etc. (Especially the  Master spell etc.) Would be different in Y2 because the Engine works differently.

If I want to play Y1 in the Y2 Engine (not Import Y1 but play it) would these changes also be in Y1. Because you would play Y1 in the Y2 Engine.


You certainly can mod Y2- if you export all the content, you could 're-create' Y1 using the engine, yes

2. But as it stands now we the players dont have access to All the content of Y1. How would that be handled.

The same reason why no one can currently make a new mod with the newest Dlc.


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Not that important.

Can you give me a list of the five most Influental and/or biggest Guilds in Mineta ?

Could you join a Guild and become part of the Captains court or do would something be against it.

Maybe conflict of interest ?

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"If you asked a bunch of Minetans on the street which guilds were most powerful, you'd probably get a consensus that included the Shipbuilders, the Cloth Merchants, the Lawyers and Notaries, the Bankers, the Masons, and the Apothecaries (note that the Apothecaries would traffic in magical supplies, as well as non-magical medicinal drugs, as well as paint).  There are various artistic guilds that can collectively wield considerable influence, but are probably less formidable on their own.  Mineta being Mineta, guilds pertaining to more recent mechanical technologies are seen as basically foreign - or as a passing concern - and don't enjoy the same degree of respect.

And, yes, the Captain's court will certainly accept members of guilds, and will even generally respect their secrets - a cloth merchant isn't likely to be compelled to say where the guild is getting its silkworms from - but at the same time they're expected to be loyal to the Captain above all others.  In case of actual conflicts of interest, you'd better be unequivocally with the Captain... or else."

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"They're a very specialized guild.  They're well-regarded, and their members often have some very interesting friends - bookbinders are at least as likely to be creating commissions for private collections as they are to be putting out "mass market" Professor CogSpring stuff.

There are some interesting things if you have a history with them, yes."

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Can you join a Guild in Y2 (or an Apprenticeship/similar) ?

Can you join the drapers or bookbinders Guild ?

Especially if you have the Background for it ?

How often do Academagia students end up joining a Guild ?

You would think most end up in courts or something similar.

Can you give us one or two examples of such students who endet up joining a Guild.

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24 minutes ago, Legate of Mineta said:

but the Guilds encourage it. The reason is that it's a lot of work

How would that look like ?

How do you join a Guild / Apprenticeship?

Join in Y2 and do an Apprenticeship until you Graduate In Y5 ?

What is the difference between an Graduate from the Academagia, a Prodigy and someone who barely passed ?

Would you start at different ranks ?

are there specific Ranks in a Guild ?

How much work is it. Spend their weekend or evenings in the guild ?

do you have a mentor or is it like a class system ?

Is it just learning or would you have to spend working on projects too ?

I would guess you can only join one Guild and its for life?

Can you give us several examples of Guilds we could join in Y2.

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"Students joining guilds - particularly Vernin students joining guilds - is a common enough phenomenon that citing historical examples may be less instructive than talking about the kids in the main character's class.

The traditional route to guild membership, of course, is to apprentice with a master for several years, then do time as a journeyer, traveling around and getting work from local masters, and then finally getting someone to sponsor you so you can before the guild leaders and present a piece of work (a "masterpiece") that demonstrates that you deserve to be certified as a Master, whereupon you can set up your own shop with Guild accreditation and participate more broadly in Guild governance.  (The Mercenaries' Guild is a different matter entirely, but I think it's fair to say that a talented wizard who's willing to put in a couple of years on campaign with a reputable merc company can get a membership almost upon request.)

If you're in the Academy, particularly Vernin, and you're really good, you get some shortcuts.  You don't have to find a Master to sponsor your application; there's a list of alumni who will do that for you.  You don't necessarily have to venture too far afield for "journeying" work - there are doubtless dozens of masters around Mineta who would take a promising student on, and in later years you can do that in lieu of classes on campus.  Which means it's really all down to being able to create a masterpiece to win your way in.

Looking at the other kids in your year, then:

At the rate he's going, we'd guess that Caspar Pfeuffer would enter a artists' guild of some stripe within maybe two to five years of graduation.  He's talented, he's a dedicated and disciplined worker (when he's not getting distracted by girls), and he has attentive teachers - but he'll probably benefit from working in a studio somewhere where he's surrounded by people as passionate about the craft as he is.  When he gets to where he needs to be, whoever's Vernin Regent at the time will almost certainly grease the wheels so he can give an exhibition of his best work in the most flattering possible light.

Marc Sury, on the other hand, is already widely recognized for his craftsmanship, and he arguably served something like an apprenticeship with his father before he even came to the Academy.  By year one, he was already working on plans for his masterpiece behind the scenes; he may well be in the Jewelers' Guild by graduation.  (Or, if they prefer to go the traditional route and have him formally graduate first, within a few months of getting his diploma.)

Then there's Cordelia Troublepot.  Of the three of them, she could actually be the first to earn Guild membership - presumably with the Machinists' Guild - because (1) she as ambitious and even more obsessive than Marc, (2) she's aggressively networking with other people into clockworks and contraptions and exotic automata and she's making an impression, and (3) most importantly, the Machinists' Guild is a hotbed of "radical, Vilocian" thinking, and they're more open to exciting new talent that might improve their prominence in Minetan society.

All of that said, if you really want a specific point of contact, Dessimo Darivino - a former Bookbinders gastaldo (elected head of the guild) and current member of the consiglio (the council of advisors to the serving gastaldo) - was a Vernin boy in his time, and in his senior year at the Academy created a collection of Bognoli's "On the Lives of Nine Great Astrologers" that the Captain now keeps on display under glass.  To do it, he mastered papermaking, basilisk-leather tanning, magical engraving and typesetting, romantic illustration, and multiple techniques of lithography.  (And, of course, he intentionally hid one imperfection in every volume as a show of humility, in keeping with guild traditions.)"

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