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A few in game questions


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Are there more benefits for having a lot of money in Y2 compared to Y1?

Can you rent a place for the Summer /can you live off campus ?

Can you celebrate your birthday in a big Fashion?

Is Artifice and Enchant actually usefull ?

Because except for contu etc. There isnt a good reason to spend money.

Items you get through Adventures are better and free.

I only go Shop to identify items and sell off stuff i dont need

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  • 2 weeks later...

Modern stethoscopes, no, but the earliest incarnation thereof (namely a hollow tube of either paper or imported bamboo) does exist. It's discovery is credited to a Merillian doctor named Courvaise, and as a medical tool it has spread within specialist circles.

Second question no clue, but the first one I remember asking about before :).

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  • 3 weeks later...

For Rhi:

"Have a look at Uliva's portrait! :)"

For Metis:

"As a rule, it depends on the power of the spell, and on the caster's history with that particular magical pillar.  A wizard's magical essence or aura tends to be shaped by what they specialize in, and at a certain stage of one's magical progression that can have awkward consequences.  Someone becoming increasingly specialized in Incantation magic will retain traces from the creation of a column of fire for longer than a habitual Glamour mage who did a one-off, for example.

That said, eventually, one will have cast so many fire spells that the residuum of any single one will blend into the rest almost immediately.

All of that having been said, for most spells, most traces dissipate by the next sunrise or sunset (unless you have a really good Astrologer on the job - what we're talking about with "conventional" detection is more along the lines of Negation).  More powerful workings... maybe a week or two, as a baseline.  And then there are really epic feats that can be with you for the rest of your life - sometimes to the extent that even people without magical training might notice a certain glow about the eyes or strange smell in the air.  There's a non-trivial chance that somebody like Orso has to use Glamours just to keep from standing out in a crowd...."

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Could you give us a Hint what Core Classes in Y2 will be ?

Currently Known (?)

Aranaz: Orthography + Advanced History

Avila: Advanced Astrology

Durand: ?

Godina: ?

Hedi: ?

Morvidus: Familiar Handling

Vernin: Brew

Additionally each College can chooses between a Magic and Non Magic Elective


Am i Correct so far ?

Could you also maybe give a Hint for the still unknown Colleges and the Electives ?

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Alas, no. But, they did agree to give some hints...

"Avila: Badcrumble's has demanded a Literature credit, so her girls will be moderately well-rounded as individuals.

Durand: "Negation and Incantation" is the proposed first in a series of specialized seminars.  "A History of Magical Conflict" has been discussed as an offering from an unusual Professor.

Godina: Is the Regent a lunatic? Certainly, his interests can be unique.

Hedi: The college is well known for including curriculum on languages and customs.

Morvidus: An adjunct professor has suggested an "Introduction to Magical Medicine."

Vernin: Certainly, Heraldry will be of use to students in this college.

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3 hours ago, Legate of Mineta said:


Alas, no. But, they did agree to give some hints...

"Avila: Badcrumble's has demanded a Literature credit, so her girls will be moderately well-rounded as individuals.

Durand: "Negation and Incantation" is the proposed first in a series of specialized seminars.  "A History of Magical Conflict" has been discussed as an offering from an unusual Professor.

Godina: Is the Regent a lunatic? Certainly, his interests can be unique.

Hedi: The college is well known for including curriculum on languages and customs.

Morvidus: An adjunct professor has suggested an "Introduction to Magical Medicine."

Vernin: Certainly, Heraldry will be of use to students in this college.

I have assumed that Morvidus offers advanced familiar care for Y2. Am I correct?

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10 hours ago, Legate of Mineta said:


Alas, no. But, they did agree to give some hints...

"Avila: Badcrumble's has demanded a Literature credit, so her girls will be moderately well-rounded as individuals.

Durand: "Negation and Incantation" is the proposed first in a series of specialized seminars.  "A History of Magical Conflict" has been discussed as an offering from an unusual Professor.

Godina: Is the Regent a lunatic? Certainly, his interests can be unique.

Hedi: The college is well known for including curriculum on languages and customs.

Morvidus: An adjunct professor has suggested an "Introduction to Magical Medicine."

Vernin: Certainly, Heraldry will be of use to students in this college.

Thanks, good to Know.

That was way more than i expected😄

Being a little greedy: anything interesting about Aranaz ?

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And when im already asking.

Is it possible to get Favor with feats or Quests ?

A la : do this for me or reach a certain skill level until -Date- ?

In the Aranaz Sphinx adventure you already get favor for Stealing from durand

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Oh Thats so Mean ;)

Okay i have some theories about it


According to older Posts (if i read it right)

Each College has in Y2

1 – 2 (Semi) Fixed Classes + 1-2 College exclusive Electives

After each year the Fixed classes will decrease


  1. Due to the lack of a magical Focus, Aranaz has no exclusive Electives.

So as an Aranaz Student you have more Freedom in what you choose and become more of a Generalist. Or you only / Mostly study History


  1. Y2 was supposed to Focus more on your Influence on Campus.

There is already a Rumor that Sixt is involved in slightly shady operations and its pretty much Confirment that he conned his way to a Regent.

Maybe something happended during the Summer and so the Curriculum for Aranaz gets changed ?


  1. It is still undecided and has nothing to do with the Lore


  1. Maybe Sixt decided he wants to teach the Aranaz Student proper Magic and he offers some special Students better and maybe not so legal / Proper classes than normaly would be allowed.

    I mean it is implied with the Orthography Club/society (?) that Orthography was also nearly Banned and we dont know why.


  1. Something Something new Proffesors and the Focus is History after all.


I would be grateful for a Hint. What is the closes to the truth ?




Formal Invitation doesn't go away in Y2, mind you. You still have it. How it operates in Y2 differs, though.

Thanks, but i meant it a little bit different.

The Master spell (3d) is easier to unlock and use reguarly in comparison to the Invitation(2d).

So my Question is, if for example Calligraphy 16 would unlock an Action with a longer duration or maybe better general use.

You did mention that Control will be handeld differently, but will there be an (legal) Action which would come close to the Master Spell ?

With more consequences i would prefer to distance myself from Mastery a little bit.

If not, i would go all in and will attend the purple Academy.


Favors can come from Adventures, yes.

I meant it like more as an out of Adventures quests.



Thank you, I still Hope for a Release before the 15th Anniversiary


I also appologize for my abysmal English currently, Exams are in a few days and my brain is currently liquid.


Last Question for today: How will Y2 handel local Academies during the Summer ?

Do you have to pay for it ?

Do you have to work for your parents.

How will Parent interaction be handeld ?

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Dealing with ethics as they apply to the art of Orthography, the Far West Rune Soclety prides itself on its ethical working of problems more than its practical considerations of said issues The Far West Rune Society is, in fact, one of the main reasons that Orthography is still considered a 'safe' branch of magic, as opposed to being forbidden like Gates and Mastery.

After all, if a society such as this can be as accepting of this art even with their high ethical considerations, then perhaps it should not be assumed that all Orthographing is dangerous, deadly, or unattractive.


Why is The Reputation of Orthograhy  so Bad.

Why is it so dangerous ?

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"The reasons for the bad reputation are more historical than practical, and there's a whiff of fringe magical theory about it as well.  "Rune Magic" seems to be a relatively recent discovery, dating back some 1100 years, and it first attracted real notice in the Northern Rebellions - when it was used against the Imperial side.  According to the scholars of the time (since disproved), these were systems that were not consistent with the divine plan expressed in Phemes and classical enchantment, but were instead an alien system taught by extraplanar entities, and possibly meant to poison or fundamentally corrupt magic as it was then known.

Again, that hysteria is a thing of the reasonably ancient past, but somehow the practices taught in Orthography continue to seem subversive and even vaguely anti-Minetan (in the sense of being underhanded or improper).

If you're not a scholar, you might well consider "written magic" to be an oxymoron - magic is alive, magic is performed, magic is like a thunderstorm.  Or maybe it's a magic sword, or something intrinsically special.  But writing?  Scrolls and runes and whatnot just wouldn't seem to relate at all.

So, long story short, what the Far West Rune Society and its companion organizations are really doing is making Orthography seem respectable and normal and decidedly... well, Elumian."

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Will it be possible to work as an Journalist at the Mineta Times in Y2 ?

Are there Requirements ?

Do you have to work only once for Her or more often ?

the editor for the Mineta Times has decided to look for outside assistance this year in an effort to bolster the paper's accuracy and readership. If her plan works, she may be willing to hire additional reporters and editors in the coming years, and who would make a better candidate than someone she already knows, trusts, and… most importantly… has already pald?


Can you give me a Hint for 11+ Mastery Spells except Puppet Master ofc.

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5 hours ago, Legate of Mineta said:

3. There is something... political."

Good news, then, for those who like Catherine Chard and Emilia Strolin and Fleur, I assume.

@Legate of Mineta:

1. Has anyone ever been executed and/or sentenced to death (which are, I know, different things!) for studying reptiles at the Academagia?

2. Does Uliva know about the answer to the previous question?

3. Is there any tradition of Chards at the Academagia founding or participating in political clubs?

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