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11-point Realtionships


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What do you mean? There is another quest that increases the relationship max? Sorry but last question. What is the modbase 3? :wacko:

Every NPC Student only have one quest you could do and the one for Corradin don't give a Relationship Max increase.


With the ModTool and ModBase 3 you can have a look at everything that is there in DLC 10 and we expect a new ModBase with the release of DLC 15.

That means that there could be a change to this quest in the last 4 DLC but the chance for this is rater low.

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I don't believe that there is another quest giving the max relationship expansion - though I am going from memory. The "modbase 3" is part of a tool to create mods for Academagia, like the familiar mod or cheat mod in the Mods section (Not overwhelming number of mods but there are some really good ones). This however also makes it possible to browse some of the in-game content though it is slightly outdated. There should be an updated modbase coming with the next expansion if you were interested. (NOTE IT DOES TAKE SOME OF THE FUN OUT OF THE GAME IF YOU USE IT AS A CHEATSHEET - personal experience)Concerning Eins... and if it is a hint... I'm not sure. Eins have an unusual clique ability, that allows you to expand your relationship with other students - past their limit I believe. Though it is only temporarily. If memory serves there were some bug that allowed 16+ relationship that didn't really seem to fade. Not sure if it is there still... <_< I *think* they fixed it though.


Well, that's sad. Now I can't max the relationship. I tried 4 times, yes 4 times. I just tried cheats today, and it doesn't work either. This sucks. I also have to many people in my clique and don't not desire to get rid of them.


Every NPC Student only have one quest you could do and the one for Corradin don't give a Relationship Max increase.With the ModTool and ModBase 3 you can have a look at everything that is there in DLC 10 and we expect a new ModBase with the release of DLC 15.That means that there could be a change to this quest in the last 4 DLC but the chance for this is rater low.


Wait, so there is no way to max his relationship? He had more than one quest and I did them all without failing. That kinda bums me out. A lot. I really wanted to see what happened to my character and him in year 2...

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 4 months later...

If I recall correctly, eleven points will grant you the 'affection' emotion. It wasn't until I got the relationship to 12 or 13 that I got the 'love' emotion.


I know this is a bit old thread, but I've got two relations to 12, with Zoe Melis and Sheary Warrington, playing as a male Hedi. 'Affection' is present but no 'Love' emotion.


I wonder if more than one relation with a person of opposite sex can go over 10? I've completed adventures for several females while being at 10 to start with, but didn't get relation increases. Btw, can relations with an instructor be over 10, and what it would mean ;) ?

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More then one relationship can go over 10, but only certain characters have 'increase relationship maximum' in their adventure ends. It's hit and miss about who does and who doesn't.


Instructor relationships can't go over 10. I wish they could. I'd hang out with Sixt all the time. Enough pies and he'd let me escape detention, I'm sure of it!


...Yeah, right.

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  • 1 year later...

Are relationships above 10 likely to affect anything in future years? Also it's kinda weird when your emotion is suddenly 'Love' and you aren't sure which character that's relating to because you have three or four of them at 13ish.


I do a lot of adventuring trying to figure out both more about the characters and what exactly I want to go into Year 2 with, and a lot of good abilities have a relationship increase with a random student of some kind, or sometimes your choice of student, so you can end up with a lot of high relationships. Maybe I should do some wiki updating and at least give the skeleton of these adventures so other people don't have to work as hard as I do to figure them out.


Instructor relationships are difficult to raise and Favors are never the one you want, so it takes saving and reloading about a hundred times to get good use out of that. I like the Language professor whose name I forget!

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  • 1 month later...

So you can definitely get relationships above 10 with characters whose adventures don't give maximum increases! I currently have a 12 with Zoe Melis in my test save file, and I haven't even done her adventure. Astrology is potentially very powerful stuff!




Will continue dumb Astrology testing and let you all know if I figure out anything else interesting.

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yeah when you finish zoe adventure you get 2 point that raise the max limit, the same with Rui da Castaga. At 12 relationship you get the Affection emotion and if you reach 13 with someone of the opposite sex you should get the Love emotion but i never made it to 13.

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Yeah but I had Zoe at 13 from the Lychnus IV Astrology effect alone, and her adventure only gives a +2 maximum increase. It was sitting permanently at 13.


Not that it's very useful unless you feel like doing a LOT of work every time you start a new game. Astrology is complicated!

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