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11-point Realtionships


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You have to increase the relation Maximum first.

For some Students it will be increased if you finish theyr questline.

Aye, I did that; finished Prudence Cossin's questline, now our Relationship's at 11. Befriending doesn't seem to work though; should I try stronger stuff?




No comment, I believe so and yes. :)


EDIT: Just saw your post. You know, it's comments like this that make me hope Year 2's free/discounted for us Year 1 buyers :P

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Actually, I'm not entirely sure how I did it, but I've been able to repeat it on certain students. I know that completing the student adventure does increase the maximum relationship level for certain students, and I've also had additional relationship maximum increases. However, the game doesn't report do a very good job (yet?) of linking the reports to their triggers, so I don't really know what caused it. 13 is the highest I've gotten a relationship, though.


And personally, I'd forgo the discount on year 2 in favor of having earlier access to it.

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Actually, I'm not entirely sure how I did it, but I've been able to repeat it on certain students. I know that completing the student adventure does increase the maximum relationship level for certain students, and I've also had additional relationship maximum increases. However, the game doesn't report do a very good job (yet?) of linking the reports to their triggers, so I don't really know what caused it. 13 is the highest I've gotten a relationship, though.


Okay, I've just had it happen to Silke Niederstatter; she's at 12 relationship now. Is it random? Does it apply only to certain students? The mystery thickens! More investigation is needed!


(And by that I mean: Legate, can you please enlighten us about these matters? If necessary, please post in the Spoilers forums. I beg you, legate, you're our only hope :P )


And personally, I'd forgo the discount on year 2 in favor of having earlier access to it.


More than acceptable.

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I believe 13 is the maximum possible, but I'll have to check. It's not too easy to do. :)


Thanks man. Honestly, I'm just confused- Silke and Prudence were both at 10 Relationship before I did their quests, but post-Adventure they were, as above, at 11 and 12. As you can probably tell, the completionist nerd in me is going all ARGLEBARGLE at this.

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Not exactly. There are some points where you'll get a relationship maximum increase (3 Conversation often gets me one), and then some students (perhaps around a third?) give an increased relationship maximum at the end of their adventures.


And then there's Vincent Eins. He, er, can love your character very much. Very, very, very much.

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  • 8 months later...

Not exactly. There are some points where you'll get a relationship maximum increase (3 Conversation often gets me one), and then some students (perhaps around a third?) give an increased relationship maximum at the end of their adventures.


And then there's Vincent Eins. He, er, can love your character very much. Very, very, very much.


Vincent E is a player. JUST KIDDING.


Haha, I seriously thought there was something wrong when my characters' (not one but a few) kept on maxing the relationships. I sometimes ship Vincent E with my characters. XP

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  • 4 months later...

Not every NPC Student Adventure increase the Relationship Max. I.e the one for Corradin is one of the Quests that don't increase the Relationship max acording to modbase 3.


What do you mean? There is another quest that increases the relationship max? Sorry but last question. What is the modbase 3? :wacko:


I've said it before, I'll say it again:


"Poor Mr. Eins. ;)"


Is...that a hint? :unsure:

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I don't believe that there is another quest giving the max relationship expansion - though I am going from memory. The "modbase 3" is part of a tool to create mods for Academagia, like the familiar mod or cheat mod in the Mods section (Not overwhelming number of mods but there are some really good ones). This however also makes it possible to browse some of the in-game content though it is slightly outdated. There should be an updated modbase coming with the next expansion if you were interested. (NOTE IT DOES TAKE SOME OF THE FUN OUT OF THE GAME IF YOU USE IT AS A CHEATSHEET - personal experience)


Concerning Eins... and if it is a hint... I'm not sure. Eins have an unusual clique ability, that allows you to expand your relationship with other students - past their limit I believe. Though it is only temporarily. If memory serves there were some bug that allowed 16+ relationship that didn't really seem to fade. Not sure if it is there still... <_< I *think* they fixed it though.

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