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Library Discussion


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CJ mentioned we have 100 build points to add to the library. The guidelines for costs and such are in the Covenant section of the rulebook. I suggest people’s wishes are granted roughly equally, so that everyone (maybe with the exception of Freespace, since Gus wouldn’t have much interest in magic?) gets to decide on about 16 points. Since there are bound to be overlaps, maybe also give some kind of a priority list, and possibly some things you might be interested in if someone else was, and then we’ll optimize.


My first priority would be a lab text for the following spell. CJ: Could you check this out for over-muchkinism? It’s based on removing the +4 Unnatural bonus from The Incantation of Lightning, and is faithful to the guidelines, but the damage/level ratio is rather high. Another thing: can I even hit the dragons with this, since the target is Individual? If not, I'll have to rethink my dragon slaying stratagem:


Bolt From the Brume (CrAu 15) (Magnitude 3, so 3 build points)

R: Voice D: Mom T: Ind

A lightning bolt strikes at a target from a stormy sky, doing +30 damage to it. There must be a storm. There cannot be anything between the clouds and the target. Those near the target must make Size stress rolls of 6+ to remain standing.

(Base 5, +2 Voice)


[Edit: No, wait. Do I get any bonus for having this lab text, as I'm intending to enchant this effect rather than learning the spell? I could learn the spell for +3 similar spell bonus, but that would be a bit underwhelming.]


In addition to this, I would like to have Summae on Perdo and Terram. Baruch sucks with both, but would like to raise them before taking an apprentice. This will be painful without summae. Those things are expensive, though, and it doesn’t make sense to have crappy ones, so I would like to bandwagon with someone (or several) with my remaining 12 points to get a good Perdo or Terram summa at ~ 20 points (or in case several people would like those Arts, both).

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I personal think it would be great to have a Summae for all Art of last 5 in level and maybe 10 in Quality.

The 5 is a base requirement for taking a apprentice even if Class probably dont take one it helps the covenant in the long run.


Then a non Mutantum version of the level 15 InTe spell "Sense the True path" would be great. (except we also can learn and use this without the Virtue)

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I would like to request a Summae for Latin Lvl 6 quality ? (no idea what it does mechanically). The reason is my character has only 3 levels in latin with the reading specialization. Thankfully CJ is willing to give me the ability to read, but writing is going to take awhile. And, we should have at least a teach language book for the language we mainly use.

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Schwartzbart is right as such. The thing is, though, that we lack summae for 9 arts, which would be 135 bp at 5/10, and we only have 100 bp. Given that people will probably want to get some other stuff, as well, we'd have to choose between them anyway.


So those who would like to have summae should probably indicate which ones they would need the most, so we have something to go on. Whether we get them at 5/10 or 10/10 is another question; I'm slightly partial to Schwarzbart's suggestion at 5/10, although it's a little inefficient, since as B only needs summae up to level 5.

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Then I would suggest we leave 3 Form out of this and go for 5/10 a 15pts=90 Pts in the remaining.




Muto ´


Rego (tractus 11)






Mentem (tractus 11)



Because of the Mentem Tractus I think this is predistinated to left out for the Summae and then two other.

Maybe we need even keep out 4 then I would go for all 4 Technique + Terram but the techniques should have priority over the forms.

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@freespace Without Academic Education represented in Artes Liberales you can't read them as Read & Writing is part of this ability!

Also I doubt that Mages will hand out theyr precious books to a simple Grog as each book at this time is handwriten.

(Exception is a educated Grog who is copy them but this one would never be educated in fighting.)

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I figured something like that, but still I thought to ask.


I'm just trying to think up some good ideas, since gustbran most assuredly won't be using most of these things made for mages. :)

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After we know that we get 4 Vis a year I doubt any of the player want to cover up the payment of at last 20 Vis (I send how I get to this via PM) that will come up alone with the attack on the Head Quaesitore.

Then we also know there is also some theft he is involfed that probably will also have to be repaied with vis and will bring fines of at last 3 Vis with them.

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I doubt that it's going to be so cut and dry. There's a lot of things that could happen before he can be put to death. Hell, this is a role playing game and it can go like a roller coaster up and down.


I say just let the story unfold. I'm in it for the ride, and I still don't think Gustbran is 100% doomed yet. (though I admit it's the most likely)

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Your sure its a Herbam book?

Yes, CJ said I read the title as "The Gentle Art of Flowers: A Primer in Herbam".


Unless of course, this is a book about the mystery cult of FLOWER LORD.

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...I don't understand the situation I just read. So I will try to sort it out.


We "borrowed" two books :

"The Gentle Art of Flowers: A Primer in Herbam". owner : ? : Taken by Makara (if my memory is correct): held by Makara

-Unknown cult book- owner : Lucidia : Taken by Calpurnia : held by Makara

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The City has been updated - first post in that thread. Still lots for me to do, but the basic stats all there I think. Now you can tell me how you are spending those extra 250 Build Points :)

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I would rather spend the point to upgrade the library to include stuff like thief prevention, maintain book condition, secret compartment, etc., and just trade vis to buy book since we just need it good enough to raise our stat to 5 for apprentice.


Edit: I would like to have in game example design before I can draw our symbol on the right size and stuff.

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Well what is the symbol? Thats my question. I guss could be a flying city, or something else. Up to you chaps. :)


I'm pretty tired so will answer one more email then sleeo


cj x

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