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Hey all, a question... or... a few... concerning teachers, mainly.


Which of the teachers would you prefer to admit your guilt over a given crime (If in doubt then pick one and describe the crime that fits ^^ )


Which is your (or your favorite character's) favorite teacher? (Perhaps mention why)


Which class (real or imaginary) do you think Orsi would teach?


And who teaches potions?! (Feel free to give a random name :P )

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Tough questions here. :mellow:


1) Reasons to choose:

  • Finus Piaxenza - according to his bio, he does care about his students so he might be the number one choice if I caused physical harm (bleeding and such) to some of the students. Accidentally of course.
  • Lisle Aventyrare - she is likeable and a fun person so I might be more willing to approach her.
  • Tarvixio Sido - surely someone that experienced is a bit more understanding?
  • If you are one of his star athletes you might be more willing to talk to Leo Massioti.

For all the others. A lot of them appear really strict and the punishment might be really heavy. Some are just plain dumb choices, Sixt for example. Thibault Pluiete might be too young. Marlain Knoht and William Vickery might be too busy to really pay attention to your guilt and some might be second choices if we know more about them, example Baldassare Monetario.


2) My (or my character's) favourite teacher? *Chews bottom lip* Tough choice between

  • Oliver Storey - Since I am primarily Morvidus (We are not jerks!) I might feel more sympathetic towards him because I know why he needs to be so strict. Plus I know that some (real-life!) teachers are strict on the surface but so nice once you talk to them. *There is some sand in my eye right now*
  • Lisle Aventyrare - for her general silliness
  • (I'm saving this space if I find a third teacher I like)


3) Orsi might teach us the art of Hiding in plain-sight. :P But seriously, he might be teaching practical classes that involves teamwork, leadership and survival skills. Emphasis on survival skills.


4) Isn't professor Matain Leith teaching potion-making already? if we need to then lets name the head of all alchemy classes Dr. Professor Alexander Thoth. :P The reasons I will let you discover.


Most important thing I want to add is whether Year 2 will expand on the professors personalities, making my choices easier.

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Orsi. Definitely Orsi. He'd understand both the need for adventure and be sympathetic enough to not expel you. Besides, he'd consider you living and admitting as a worthy lesson. If you come out of it with an artefact or something that might help, all the better. Orsi's cool like that.


Favourite teacher would have to be Sido, but admitting anything to him would probably end up with facing a disappointed face, which would be worse than getting shouted at. I like the fact that he both teaches and talks about things in class that relate, yet are off the subject. He also seems to understand kids. Or think like one.


I imagine Orsi would teach some advanced magic of sorts. Perhaps combining them. Seems to be his specialty. Unless he really does go with the whole "Evading the law" class.


No clue on potions.

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To answer my own


I'd prefer to admit my guilt to... gosh this is hard...


Sixt, but I am certain to bring some form of bribe! (Of cause I am mainly Aranaz so that does play a part...) I don't think he would care much about the crime as long as the bribe scaled with it.

Orsi or Aventyrare, but only if it was a lighthearted prank turned sour. they could likely see the fun and help resolve whatever issues my student couldn't. But only for pranks! (You don't go telling Orsi you robbed the library blind that one time when the librarian fell asleep on the job...)



Favorite teacher?

Errus Viada, a history teacher that can make it interesting? sign me up. He even looks like he experienced it which is all the better!

Sido, 'cause he is so damn cool. Who doesn't like a teacher who was a bit of an adventurer?



Which class would Orsi teach?

Some kind of poly-pillar magic class I would think, either that or a small seminar on the value of field medicine :P



About potions, yeah I had forgotten about Leith! I even involved him in a random event and still I forgot about him :P Either way, I kept thinking Snape when I made the little questionnaire, which bothered me a bit...



Either way I hope to see more of them all in the second year, even if we don't have classes with most of them anymore.... Actually... I am just hoping to see year two soon :P

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YOur crazy! Prof Sixt is the one that lock in the people who get detention in a dark room.

But the final thing why I wouldn't even consider to admit anything to Prof Sixth was when I used the default exit on Not Even a Mouse Adventure 04.

So even if a char have him at 10 and the other Prof at -10 I would go to one of the Prof who hate me bevore going to Sixth.

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I would imagine that Orsi would be a good "enspell" teacher, which as Iunderstand it is the skill of combining several different pillars of magic to accomplish your goal.


I kind of like the event where you were conscripted to fix a professors disorganized office, and one of the options was enspell to fix everything with jsut one casting then get a few merit points and go play with your friends. That was a good one. Maybe it was Knoht. starting to forget.


That Enspell thing is probably year 2 magic though since it isn't provided by the regular year 1 classes.


I also like the event where my room was a mess and I could use enchant to fix it(bringing the cleaning equipment to life)... Now that's a skill I wish I had in real life... Seriuously, much more useful than throwing fireballs or silly illusions and such.

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I know the feeling. I wish I could enchant a broom, a mop and a bucket, just to clean a bit when I was out. It would be great, unless of cause every furniture I owned ended up on the street outside... I'm not sure how well buckets and such take to furniture getting in the way of their cleaning...

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I think I would admit my guilt to Polisena Briardi first. I get the feeling that she would be the kind of regent that would make you feel really guilty if she found out you had done something wrong but respect you more if you admitted it instead.


Briardi and Orsi are also my favorite professors followed closely by Sido. Briardi because she seems like the most ethical... or honorable. one of those. And, Orsi because he's reasonable and helpful. Sido just becuase his class would be really good.


A bit odd but I think Orsi would teach a class centered around going on adventures and expanding horizons sorta thing. Like personal growth type stuff.


and... potions... maybe... Prof. Rupprecht? Potions seem like a precise unforgiving process and Rupprecht always gives me detention

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  • 1 month later...

Who would I fess up to? Lisle Aventyrare, not for any sane sensible reason but because she's awfully cute and I'm a sucker for that :rolleyes:


Orsi was fairly strict in "The Sudden Commotion" but other times he was fairly relaxed in a "your heart was in the right place and I have a soft spot for the daring" kind of way so maybe him - unless it was something mean.


Favourite Teacher? Lisle :wub:


What would Orsi teach? Trouble - Creative Thought (although that's kindof Sido's territory, in senior years though he'd be teaching something heavy duty like advanced negation or some such - some of the teachers probably wouldn't be safe to teach year 5 students in the more "creative" disciplines.


Potion's Teacher? Matain Leith is supposed to be good at those isn't he?

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*Knoht Knoht*


"Who's there?"


"It's me Leoshi"


"ooooh is that my old essay did i win a prize"


"No but did you know Philippe's copying your ten-years old essay as his homework"




"I already vaporized him and everything he's wearing (accidentally)"


"Oh good, now can you help me with this experiment on how the names of herbs affect heat incantation"





Er, I mean Pachait is cool. He loves animals. Or Badcrumble. How can you not like a low-tea sipping semi-feminist who can change your fate and stars but instead drone on about Etiquette? Or de Canapiedra who can score a date so far up on the social chain that you are given the option to gawk. :P


I don't think Orsi will actually hold a Creative Thought class though. He'd just hole up and take a nap while hoping the students figure out a creative way to get official recognition for "satisfying the class requirements despite doing nothing with the instructor absent"

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Er, I mean Pachait is cool. He loves animals. Or Badcrumble. How can you not like a low-tea sipping semi-feminist who can change your fate and stars but instead drone on about Etiquette? Or de Canapiedra who can score a date so far up on the social chain that you are given the option to gawk. :P


I don't think Orsi will actually hold a Creative Thought class though. He'd just hole up and take a nap while hoping the students figure out a creative way to get official recognition for "satisfying the class requirements despite doing nothing with the instructor absent"



I tend to play guys, so I tend to feel that Badcrumble's automatically got her eye on me, it's not fair, I mean, it's not like I'm a trouble maker or anything :ph34r:


Hmm, Orsi, true, but then he might just drop them in some crazy situation to see how they do... Philippe, you were stoned by the Medusa after trying to steal the nymph statue - two demerits, Rui, dear god boy what did that chicken do to you - but creative mind, 5 points, Zoe, goodness girl get out more, a point for finding something constructive to do I suppose, Lambert, no, I just mean no, never again, we'll pretend it never happened, with luck you can persuade Rikildis not to print what she saw.

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