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Questions about your character(s)~


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I've been wondering for a while who everyone's favorite character to play as is? Where are they from? What sort of gear do you aim for? What about friends? Do you like a huge clique or a small one? Do you try and do all their personal quests? What familiar do you like best? What is your favorite college and pillar of magic? :3???

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Favorite character play as...I don't really have one, as I'm waiting for DLC 17 to start really planning out my "cast" of students. But of the wildcards (as I call them) it'd be Mary Jiltins, the ludicrous Godina girl. She was the first character that fully abused the class skipping bug, and man, did that make a difference.


Gear is pretty much whatever I can find, although...Miriam, I think, got the get-up that pushed her Negation parent skill to 17? Yeah. That Negation final, eh, well let's just say it's a good thing that destroying the grading curve isn't actually a thing as far as I can tell.


For Cliques I always keep them moderately sized to small, and I never make cross-college Clique (except my very first character, a Vernin kid in DLC 15 who Cliqued with Cordelia Troublepot and Durand de Thiomines). And I always do the quests for my friends, the only one that didn't was the Godina kid. She didn't complete Cirillo Laziosi's quest, but than the guy did invite himself into the Clique and Mary wasn't a great big fan of him. Why he thought I'd be a great idea to hang out with an ethical, Sync learning PC who Cliqued with Katja Quinnecht and Neso Ulleri I'll never understand.


Familiars really depend on the PC, I don't have a particular favorite as such, but if any it'd probably be Pamela. Minus the fact that she's a strain on my patience and, you know, kinda useless stat-wise.


Favorite college is easily Hedi. No politics or college rivalries to bother me, no great ambition (if the Merit race is anything to go by) to necessitate me sticking out my neck to forward the immediate long-term removal of contrary factors, and all the skills I need to do what I want to do while keeping my head down.


Favorite pillar, either surprisingly or not at all, is Mastery. If I'm going to be bending people to my every whim and will I'd prefer if it'd be done directly. Social niceties may make my pawns not feel like paws, but the effort is a distraction I'd rather bypass in favor of getting things done. And yes, that is as large a moral slippery slope looking down a sheer cliff as you'd think.

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I've been wondering for a while who everyone's favorite character to play as is?

Where are they from?

Till I made the mod that set the cost from most of the Hertiage to -1 I only played chars from Mineta


What sort of gear do you aim for?

Equipment that increase the skill or SS from the class the character have.


What about friends? Do you like a huge clique or a small one?

Only in the last 2-3 games I had clique with more then 2-4 NPC. But I still try to avoid to have more then 2 differen college in my clique.


Do you try and do all their personal quests?

Thats a must in my opinion


What familiar do you like best?

I love the story of the cursed rock but don't like to put my chars into the danger this gives.

(Only for the very vew chars where I plan to stay away from Mastery and Gate magic I would ever consider it)


What is your favorite college?

Because of the Adventures I prever to play Vernin and Morvidus but if Durand had better adventures this probably would be my favorit.


What is your favortie and pillar of magic?

Gate followed by Negation followed by Revision
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I guess I basically always play a very similar character. It's more that I'm iterating on that concept as more DLCs are released I guess. Probably kind of weird but whatever.


I pretty much play to the game's assumption and make an adventuresome nerd. I really enjoy the idea espoused in a bunch of the adventures that your character's special "thing" is not getting killed when they go and do ridiculously dangerous things. Adventures are my favourite part of the game, and I will admit I cheat shamelessly to be able to do more of them in a given year.


I typically play a Durand student, since my characters are usually full of their own self-righteousness. I might chafe somewhat with Durand ideals later on since my characters usually also believe that rules mostly just get in the way of helping people and having kickass adventures, but there you go.


My clique is something that I've refined through the years. I generally go with a couple of Durand students that are relatively content dense (typically Prudence and Durand) plus another content dense character from another college (I'm thinking Katja since if you remove the weird requirement that you be male for one of her adventures, she has 3 and 3 events on top of that). I like characters that have a sense of presence in the world and who I can get a good feel for, even in the relatively broad strokes that academagia draws its characters.


Familiar wise I like the platypus. I've tried other familiars and while they are inevitably more interesting and have better adventures (the platypus adventure is seriously dull), the platypus is just mega-cute and I cannot resist it.


Finally, pillar-wise I like much the same as Schwarzbart. Gates has a lot of cool content associated with it, negation is super handy, and revision is the school of magic that I personally would most like to know in real life. So yeah, there ya go!

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It never occurred to me to remove Katja's male requirement for her 3rd quest. She's always been one of my favorite students.


I typically always befriend/clique students who have at least 2 quests (or are at least very present in a quest of some sort) cause I like the idea of them doing stuff together. I like to try and stay within the same college though, so that narrows down choices a lot. :s


Right now I'm very conflicted with who my ideal student is. Skill-wise, Hedi would be the best college for her, but I love the Godina quests best, but Avila would give me the most freedom in terms of quests/time. I don't skip classes/cheat, so I'm really struggling with how to get everything I want done actually done.

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Metis I doubt your choice in the first year matters that much as we know we can change the college at the start of Y2 if the class skills of the other college you want to change to are high enough and you build up a great relationship with the new Regent.

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"I can't believer year 2 still isn't out yet!"


"Grandma! Its been 84 years, let it go!"




Sigh. ;_;


Anyway. Hedi has the best base skill set for my favorite character, I even mostly like the quests. (Though why they'd ask the daughter of sky pirates to be the innocent in the court of grace is beyond me. I'd skip the quests but.. 6 steps and 3 points of charm is to good to pass up.)


I also like Professor Ringraeyer, and Isabeau. They're some of my favorite characters.


Other characters I enjoy: Katja, Durand, Ana, Aaran, Rui, Professor Badcrumble, Professor Chastellian.


I've mostly made my peace with my main student being in Hedi. I may change my mind when the game hits Steam and gets its final update though.


Do you guys(gals?) have any quests you especially like? I like the Chimney Crows and Maestringer quests. (And of course the House in the Bog quest. Love Gates <3) I also like the 2 Glamour class quests, The Painting and Cheap Food and Rumors.

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Anyway. Hedi has the best base skill set for my favorite character, I even mostly like the quests. (Though why they'd ask the daughter of sky pirates to be the innocent in the court of grace is beyond me. I'd skip the quests but.. 6 steps and 3 points of charm is to good to pass up.)


I also like Professor Ringraeyer, and Isabeau. They're some of my favorite characters.


Other characters I enjoy: Katja, Durand, Ana, Aaran, Rui, Professor Badcrumble, Professor Chastellian.


I've mostly made my peace with my main student being in Hedi. I may change my mind when the game hits Steam and gets its final update though.


Do you guys(gals?) have any quests you especially like? I like the Chimney Crows and Maestringer quests. (And of course the House in the Bog quest. Love Gates <3) I also like the 2 Glamour class quests, The Painting and Cheap Food and Rumors.

That's...indeed a rather questionable decision on the Regent's part, but it could be worse. Not much worse, but it could be worse.


Favorite NPC for me...hmm, good question. Of the professors it'd either be Professor Sido or Professor Pachait. The former is probably obvious, but the latter because he's seriously the last person in Mineta that should be around children, much less teaching them. Where'd that come from, you ask? Well, example number one: Random Event Student - Isabeau 2. If you elect to go with the "I give up, go find a professor" option the resulting "success" text is this:

You run for the Menagerie, and find Professor Pachait leaning on a fence, staring affectionately out at a winged bull that appears to be dismembering a scarecrow with its teeth.


"Professor," you gasp. "A magic lion has grabbed Isabeau Glorieux out on the Rimbal fields!"


"Bloody marvelous!" he announces. "Let me just get some robes I don't mind bleeding on!"


"It... um... seems to be fairly tranquil," you add.


"All the same," he says. "Always best to be prepared."


Of the students...eh, probably old Durand. If only because, thanks to the Dance of Fools, every single character gets to interact with him at least once. In fact, Durand is still the once exception I've ever made in terms of cross-college Cliques - he was Cliqued with my first ever student, who was in Vernin.


As for adventures, well, call me biased, but actually A Day In Incantation. Professor Knoht knows how to keep a class interesting (if...painful).

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For choosing a College, remember that as years pass you'll become more and more restricted with how far you can study non-College related skills, so go with the College that best fit your final (intended) skills.

That sounds problematic, I really don't like choosing between great things :/


What Colleges will have what anyway?


Vernin has Enchant and Arithmatics as the obligatory Courses, does that mean they are the two things Vernin is good for?


Anyway, I do like Vernin quite a bit, and crafting stuff that lasts, and leaving a legacy seems like a worthy cause.


Revision feels like it should be a pillar for crafters and healers.

It as an obligatory for Morvidus though, sounds more like Vernin to me.







Anyway, I recall the Legate saying the College specific advanced skills could be learned even if you were at a different college but it would just be harder somehow. I'm guessing harder to aquire the starter.


At the same time I also Think we will run into time limitations if we want Everything. As long as you college got at least one of your favrite Advanced studies then we will likely be fine.

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I like playing as charming, persuasive magey-theif bard type characters whenever I can, so Hedi is the best bet skill wise. Just add music and poof! Very bard-ish IMO.


I could totally add glamour and music to almost any of the other colleges, but I also like taking Dialectic, Grammar, and Rhetoric as it goes with the charming persuasive arch-type. That leaves one class left for my Hedi girl. I'd take Athletics, but running almost maxes for me without any effort, and since I take the Blood Moon omen I can do Archery without Athletic class. I'd take Zoology but I have just enough time to learn most of what my character needs from Euneycia. So its generally a toss up between Revision and Negation, and typically I roll with Negation cause it seems really useful.


:s I still like the Astrology quests best though.

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I realise that this will probably seem super cheap and I am exposing myself as an arch-weirdo by saying this but I personally just remove the class requirements for most of those quests. The astrology adventures in particular don't really have anything to do with astrology other than mentioning you just came from astrology class. If the adventures have followups in subsequent years that make less sense I just won't do 'em.

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Yeah, there are some really amazing stories that are limited to either college or class.


The Vernin adventure involving the wall is so incredible that it's probably my favorite in the game. It's so important to the lore, with sighting a dragon, Mastery, Gates, The wall, scary enchantments that might kill you... Really, I'm going to be mad if my main Aranaz character doesn't get wind of that adventure chain in later years. Makes you wonder on what other kinds of life-or-death shenanigans really go on at the Academagia with the students on an individual level, that Orsi has to get involved in, yet never gets told to any of the other students.


I'm amazed that the school is still standing. Surely a lesser faculty would have collapsed under the strain.

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Yeah, there are some really amazing stories that are limited to either college or class.


The Vernin adventure involving the wall is so incredible that it's probably my favorite in the game. It's so important to the lore, with sighting a dragon, Mastery, Gates, The wall, scary enchantments that might kill you... Really, I'm going to be mad if my main Aranaz character doesn't get wind of that adventure chain in later years. Makes you wonder on what other kinds of life-or-death shenanigans really go on at the Academagia with the students on an individual level, that Orsi has to get involved in, yet never gets told to any of the other students.


I'm amazed that the school is still standing. Surely a lesser faculty would have collapsed under the strain.

A lot of the students likely get involved into far less adventures and dangerous stuff. My first students that pretty much didn't try any of the adventures and just focused on figuring out managing their lives and getting a good grade and skills mostly had fairly normal, incidents, the random type.

The random events seem mostly benign, unless you lack the skill needed and you get a bruise or stub your toe or get a reprimand.

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Dance of Fools is a good read IMO. It made me like Durand. He's one of my favorite students to befriend.


My Hedi student just has way to many quests on her plate and skills to raise while still getting top grades and not skipping classes. I almost made it with this playthrough. I'm worried about how much more content the last patch will add. I'm okay with cutting some stuff though I guess. We'll have to see.


Oh! I just read the keystone quest in the mod tools, it does sound very exciting.

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