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The Mad Scientist Thread


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Disclaimer: This should not be taken as a request thread. This is just a "If I could I would" thread


So after talking a bit with BCS on the kick starter page, I started to feel like I can't be the only one who wants to outfit their Belles in absolutely insane ways. So what kind of silly, over the top, unnecessary outfitting would you do?



Me I'd want to put 510mm cannons on the HMS rawalpindi. I mean, so what if their might be a slight potential for the real ship to capsize after firing? Just means you have to make sure those monstrous shells hit their mark.

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For silly, over the top, and unnecessary, I would have to go with hydrofoils.


And the wave motion gun is never silly or unnecessary. Like the classic little black dress, every fashionable Belle should have at least one around.

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Sadly, I do not own a labcoat. But I do have plenty of Dr Pepper!


Wellington99: Is it the MegaHouse one? I've got one too.


Yep, that exact one. Got it at Ohayocon last year along with three Girls und Panzer chibi figures (Kay, Katyusha, and Darjeeling), Black Lagoon and Black Lagoon: Roberta's Blood Trail both on Blu-Ray, and Jin Roh(?) on DVD. As well as some Magic cards.

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If Eldridge is in the game and she's obsessed with conspiracy theories she may quickly become one of my favourites.

(After she's been commissioned in '43, of course)

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Me I'd want to put 510mm cannons on the HMS rawalpindi. I mean, so what if their might be a slight potential for the real ship to capsize after firing? Just means you have to make sure those monstrous shells hit their mark.


But over the top and Silly? Man... The Texas with some of those 31 inch cannons. That's just stupid overkill.


I'll disclaimer as well that I love to write and as such characters have real existence in my mind. I'm also an empath - hell I practice psychiatry. The physical impossibility of what is described here aside, I can't help but think of the Belles and the ships of which they are the manifest personification. Their seaworthiness would be seriously hampered by so much weight placed so far above the waterline. In my mind I can't help but imagine a Belle that has been foot-bound, hobbling along doing the best she can in her crippled state. And to talk so blithely of capsizing them for one shot? Poor girl! And even the capsizing aside, their hulls aren't stressed for such things. It would be like one of us firing a shoulder-mounted 50 caliber with all the recoil it would involve. Ouch!


I'm not here to rain on anyone's parade. Have fun imagining things and I promise no more posts in this thread from me. But for me, the designers of these ships (not to mention BCS's staff!) put a LOT of themselves and their souls into balancing the various requirements using the technologies available at the time. Our girls are all unique with their glorious quirks *because* they're not perfect. I love my precious Belles and the ships that give them substance just as they are.




PS- Please don't flame me! :(

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I'm not here to rain on anyone's parade. Have fun imagining things and I promise no more posts in this thread from me. But for me, the designers of these ships (not to mention BCS's staff!) put a LOT of themselves and their souls into balancing the various requirements using the technologies available at the time. Our girls are all unique with their glorious quirks *because* they're not perfect. I love my precious Belles and the ships that give them substance just as they are.




PS- Please don't flame me! :(


No one is seriously expects this. It just a fun do something silly thread. No point getting mad or flaming about that, right?

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In my mind I can't help but imagine a Belle that has been foot-bound, hobbling along doing the best she can in her crippled state. And to talk so blithely of capsizing them for one shot? Poor girl! And even the capsizing aside, their hulls aren't stressed for such things. It would be like one of us firing a shoulder-mounted 50 caliber with all the recoil it would involve. Ouch!

No one ever said mad science was a kind science. ;)

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