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General Victory Belles Questions Thread


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  • 4 months later...

I'm sorry, but I don't use Discord and would appreciate updates here at times...

Sometimes I don't undedrstand why discord even exists in the first place. There are forums Here that can be used... Just.... yeah... I love the game and been playing for a few days, but I'm not going to get discord.

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It's easy to get quick updates on and so forth on the discord, but I don't think it would be a big ask to start up with the forums. Discord allows for quick communications, voice chats, and even channels locked to national picks

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heh.. yeah, I get it, but it still would be good to update here too...


And I've got two game accts, its helped me learn the game better and understand the mechanisms...

Anyway, I'm not sure if its possible, but a Commander collaboration with wargaming might help promote the game...

I love the little stories you have for the Belles... I never knew about Hans Lody or Camicia Nera; stuff like that is cool.

And I agree with Wellington


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The other thing I love, which maybe I'm biased about, is the whole War aspect. The war reports, actually affecting the timelines and such. Biased because I'm the UK's diplomant XD

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Yeah. So a relevent question:


Is there any reason behind the system that effectively makes Belles live forever? Is it more of a "who do I rescue?" choice than a choice usage?


As I see it, rescuing every ship means more resources used versus choosing to rescue only certain ones is more cost effective. Is this the basic strategy of this game; to pick and choose over just collecting everything?

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So, I've been playing the game...

I've noticed several cruisers are really hard to get, like grind 30 times or so...

One thing that's been on my mind recently is, considering how long this game has taken, were there any design influences on character art that were brought about by some of the other games?


I'm mainly looking at the Hood primarily, because she's iconic, and the AL representation of her is well known.

Also, is there a place in the game story I can read why the Belles are not entirely representative of both their ship and crew, like why they still need basically full crew to function etc?

From a story perspective, sometimes it is easier to write a ship girl as the embodiment of hull and crew; but at the same time, having crew to interact with can also help build a character idea up. There are examples of this on the spacebattles forum.

So did you want to explore this avenue of the ship girls being their hulls but not usurping their crews or is it more difficult to explain it than that?

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No, Belle designs were all done from historical references and thematic inputs related to history or her personality. In Hood's case, her art was completed before Azur Lane was ever released (!)

You can read more about the general process here:


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Thats an interesting process to read... When I was in school a few years back, I just started watching a naval historian hobby-ist who did various regarding naval history to roughly 1950.

And through Drachinifel, I came across one of his cohorts, a History professor who also did naval stuff on you tube... Both very informative in their own ways, and they research quite a bit.

But most of your research was done even before Drachinifel went into Naval history and youtube... Thats amazing how the people could pull that off...


I like the comment about the implications of the ship schematics being "unmentionable". I have a story where it is implied that everything below the waterline/waist is "unmentionable". :) Glad to see I'm not alone out there in that line of thinking.

So, Duca D'aosta... Her name is too long... That face does not belong on the battlefield... 

But thats the evoked emotion I think...

Fubuki, the face just seems too melancholic... Yes, I'm going thru her story.

So, one of the starter dds, Ikazuchi; I'm guessing she had some sort of balance issue in her first few years? Thats one of the reasons I can think of for the balance beam pose/act/hobby. Or is that somewhat related to what happened with Inazuma?

Reading through some of the nutshelled ingane bios of these Belles, its really interesting to see just how many ships were renamed or changed hands post war, and names. I hard something on it being considered bad luck to change a ship's name without proper  ceremony etc. No wonder I never heard of Camicia Nera before.

I did recall a reference to Perth being originally Amphion before transfer to Australia, so that didn't surprise me too much. Neither did her white toga once I figured out the reference. There's a lot of visual notes to be had with most of the Belles.

An auditory clip from Edinburgh makes me reply to her in my head "...Sure, if your buying drinks for the entire crew/fleet..." lol

I could go on and on, just about the dds and ships I've found...

Whats the revelation behind Maury's unique hair or is there one?

As an aside to Hood, I think the VB one is right alongside the AL one, and to be fair, I knew of the AL version before I heard of the VB one, so I think there'd be an interesting snippet to be had about the two meeting on the ship...

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So, I have a more pertinent question now that I've reached Hq30 and above.


How do I manage my ships?

Now with 3 fleets, and a looming yard limit of 50 or so, with 42 slots filled; there comes a question of do I "sink" a few ships on purpose or what? There's destroyers I'd love to get rid of, but dont really want them popping back up in the pickup queue...


So how do I manage it other than very slowly?

Also, what about running smaller than max fleets? I'd imagine that higher level one goes, the more all seven slots are important. Do I go around putting all the ships in the rescue line then choosing from that or what?

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Er.... Timeline changes?

That wasn;'t even my question....

By the way, really good update yesterday... Nearly hq35 on my Japan game.

Also, what happened with Perth's voice lines? Legal shenanigans?

I remember seeing a video where Perth was also voiced, but her voice lines aren't in the game? 

There are times I question how twisted the quagmire of IP and copyright laws have become...

I suppose its appropriate to mention how Naka's story dropped 3 Navy Lawyers for me last night; that was amusing.

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Ah, got it...

Pity, because Perth looks so.... silly and yet attractive...

Comparing her and Orion.... Yeah, I much prefer Perth's expressiveness...

I did offer up some suggestions for looking at media content creators on twitch/youtube for a possible voice actress... Not sure on the specifics of all that though...


So, you are aware that Leningrad's eyebrows are on her hat right? Is there a story behind that?

About riggings, if belles cannot go very far from their hulls, then why have rigging at all? Whats the point of the distance factor in the first place if you wanted them to have riggings?

I don't think it makes too compelling of story if the belles have rigging that doesnt seem to serve a purpose given the rather limited travel distance they can go from the hull.

Nashville's story certainly is unexpectedly brash... Very tempted to toss her into a battle by herself just to see her squirm and relent...

Is it me or are russian CLs very hard to get, just like US ones?

Edited by AdmHawklyn
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  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry for double post...

Anyway, I understand that there are questions that perhaps cant be answered for whatever reason, and certainly, the link you provided a while back only answered a small part of my question about why Belles retain their crew...

Sure we can paint  the question with a broad "because they just do" answer, but that defeats the meat of the question and in some aspects decreases creative thinking. In the game VB was patterned after, there is a fairly clear reasoning as to why certain aspects of the ships are... And because I've actually worked at one point as a phone surveyor type...


Would you say that having the crews still on the Belles is what makes the entity as a whole more sufficient or is it something to simply differ the Belles from the Morganas?


Anyway, I got the Vendetta dd, cute little boat; comparable in danger to Camicia Nera, sadly just a bit small, but she works for cruises and secretary ship.

I'm really enjoying the game, and some of the stories are really quite amusing and full of variety.

I also like the epitaphs for a number of the ships... Yes, ship dock limits are a challenge, and soon, I'll have to make another sideliner run, not something looking to doing, but having fewer ships to manage is better than too many.

Even if I have four fleets, I'll be creative and sometimes only send 3 or so ships on a cruise depending on my needs...


Anyway, has there been any thought to what happens after the Morgana threat is eliminated? I foresee a potential plot hole in the Belle story section at said point...

As the stories tend to make it seem like the player is only on the one ship with whoever the Belle is; this could make it difficult in the player romances a number of belles... I know I've seen an allusion to this somewhere here, but it bears repeating that there would be far more than just two belles fighting... There'd be 5", 6", 8", 15" gunfire and torpedoes everywhere... Yeah... Fleets of belles going at it with cries of "He's my Captain!" yeah....

As an aside to this, what of the crew of the belles that are romanced anyway? Wouldn't that kinda just make things a bit awkward in some aspects?

Hope things are going ok for the devs... Stay safe.

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Leningrad's eyebrows are a stylistic choice, anime-like, iirc


Belles IIRC need crew to operate at 100%. They can aim, fire, and sail but they can't reload, repair, or put out fires. They need crew to work.


As for the Morg threat, the game timeline ends in 1945/1946 when the threat presumably ends. Meaning that as it stands there's no idea of what happens, it's up to the players


Stories, it makes it easier when you only have to manage the captain, the Belle, and occasional 2-3 other misc crew throughout the story. It's a stylistic choice, otherwise the stories would be massive I'd imagine.

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I like longer stories though, at least from the reader standpoint....


I still think that a few Belles could interact with other belles in their stories... Shropshire and Henley for example... Sandwiches.

And Perth's story I'm holding off on until I find Houston.

W99, how long did it take you to find Hood's vestures? I'm looking at probably 5 days worth of hunting or so... at about 46ish %... I've been using the rose... Its slow.

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2 hours ago, AdmHawklyn said:

I like longer stories though, at least from the reader standpoint....


I still think that a few Belles could interact with other belles in their stories... Shropshire and Henley for example... Sandwiches.

And Perth's story I'm holding off on until I find Houston.

W99, how long did it take you to find Hood's vestures? I'm looking at probably 5 days worth of hunting or so... at about 46ish %... I've been using the rose... Its slow.

While I agree about the stories: Mobile data. All about storage space and it adds up quick.


They have had a Belle bash story, the Christmas one, which as 4 or 5 Belles interacting with one another. It's something that was hoped to keep on going. With the search for a publisher I'd imagine it would be a while before we got another.


Regarding Hood, a long time. I just rosed her and grinded other maps to slowly get her because of how many vestures she needs. Also, make sure you're prepped. Her rescue battle's notorious for being the hardest so far, it's pretty much a make or break.

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