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Where to read the lore?

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I've always been fascinated by the world of Academagia and I really want to read more about it. There is a whole library's worth of knowledge in the game with various history skills and research lore subjects, but the problem with that is.. well.. the font in the game actually hurts my eyes, so I can't do any extended reading.


I was hoping to use the mod tools to read, but the downloads are old and the official ones don't work. Kind people reuploaded them, but the asian website mirror also returns a 404. The wiki is useful for powerplaying, but I admit it is a lot of work to make pages upon pages of lore so I understand.


Any ideas?

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Here is a link to the DLC 15 mod base, currently the latest one. FYI: If the font in the mod tools is too small, you can hold Control and scroll up/down with the mouse wheel to increase/decrease the font size. Bad news is that this will not save so you'll have to do it every time, but it does work...at least for me. I also vaguely recall that working ingame to some extend, but I cannot remember how...

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Just the Japanese Chinese one. I'm testing it right now...


EDIT: Tested and it works. Press the second button that says "下载(148.3M)", than the grey one that says "普通下载" ("Download" and "Normal Download" respectively).


Weirdly enough it redirects me to a 404 page. Oh well thanks for trying to help, I'll wait for Steam release, I guess.

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Must be some country-specific setting or...something or 'nother. Oh well, you should only need the AMM to read lores in the mod tools. 'Course if you want to wait for the Steam release, that's also an option. The UI changes won't be exclusive to the Steam re-release, so no worries about having to re-buy the game either.

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