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What college and skillset is the best for adventuring?


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If I want to go exploring tombs, forests and the like, and get up to all sorts of shenanigans, is there a preferred College or skills that are required?

I remember reading few years back that Morvidus and Durand are great for exploration or at least oudoors, what about Godina, since it's got a focus on combat? And I think people usually say Aranaz is great for combos and having a strong varied skillset, right?

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It really depends. In terms of adventure exclusivity I think Morvidus or Godina will be a better bet than Aranaz or Durand. Skill wise Explore is of course a must, Patrol 5 IIRC unlocks a nice little adventure where you explore...basically an underground necropolis IIRC, eh...can't think of anything else, my chars tend not to be big on the whole "exploring" aspect. Classes wise I'm pretty sure History has a nice adventure or two...s'all I can remember off the top of my head, though.

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Don't forget Vernin who also have some nice unique adventure. I personal love also the special Adventure from Music and Astrology but they are more social ones.

In my opinion Negation is a must to learn for everyone focus on adventure even with me personal dislike of the adventure that you can do when you take Negation class.

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Vernin sepcial adventures:

2 about secret organizations that you can join

1 about a club that you can join once you finish some tasks

1 about ....



a magical ancient, betrayal at high level, encounter of an ancient mastery and gate mage and you even have to face a dragon



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Not bad, but +2 stress per use? Ouch.

Professor Valenta's Back Office cost no stress but only give 1 SS to random Arithmetic, Geometry and Engineering. But yes there is a other ability at the back office that cost 2 stress but not sure if that is worth it.


About college only adventure: From what I remember Avila will get some new adventure in DLC 17, that's why I would wait with play them till we get this DLC.

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Yeah but to be a Vernin you have to take maths. So.


Only basic arithmetic. Nothing outstanding.


You don't need to good at math to be in Vernin. You only have to be wealthy, creative or talented. (or all of that).

In short important and/or interesting.


For Mundanes, the academy has a list of lesser colleges available which promotes both equality and the growth of social skill of Vernin student that will help them interact with other regular people when adult.

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Well, with the current DLC you have a 50:50 chance of the Math class being in the afternoon so you never actually have to go to it...

Do people skip going to classes or what? Since if you have classes, you should attend at least 50%, right? And have some self-study to make up for what you've missed.

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Recently, yes. DLC 16 shipped with an old patch, so if you only skip the afternoon classes it won't increment your chance of getting detention for skipping. And yes, self-study to make up for it is necessary, but especially for classes like Glamour or Botany the difference between classes and self-study is...insane.

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Do people skip going to classes or what? Since if you have classes, you should attend at least 50%, right? And have some self-study to make up for what you've missed.

Depends on your playstyle I assume given that I never skipped classes when I played the game. Probably because I really only focused on developing skills for adventures and neglected class skills.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Do people skip going to classes or what? Since if you have classes, you should attend at least 50%, right? And have some self-study to make up for what you've missed.


Bizarrely, going to lessons is one of the worst ways to learn anything. Learning a skillstep in 2 skills is a fairly mid-range timeslot use, gaining 3 or even 4 is possible. Lessons teach nothing for 2 months, and otherwise at most 1 skill step. Some adventures go up well into the teens of skill-steps. Zoe gives 2 skill steps in 1 skill AND 2 study levels in a chosen subject for her power which kinda smacks lessons out of the park.


Under the current DLC I skip all afternoon classes - a picture of the result is posted somewhere (as an 'omg this dlc is broken' statement not as a boast). Although to be fair that character did well over 100 adventures during Y1.

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