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Fleet Names

Nel Celestine

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A fun little topic on the Discord came up and figured I'd share here.


A personal name for our fleets, like an order of knights or band of merry men so to speak.



For myself, I went with "The Black Knights". The symbolism being that Germany (or rather Prussia and it's prior states) had knights as well that the predominant color was black, the Iron Cross is black and to play off the fact that the allies are considered the "White" pieces for a chessboard of war so therefore the Germans would be the "Black" Pieces.


Translated, it becomes: "Die Schwarze Ritter"

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Being a premier Kriegsmarine Captain, I personally decided to go with the ever amusing, and completely serious: "Die Tasche Flotte." Since it's a well known secret that I plan to be the most recognized captain of Admiral Graf Spee, I thought the name highly fitting. Translated, it means "The Pocket Fleet."


For those who are unfamiliar, Admiral Graf Spee was a unique class of ship, classified "Panzerschiff" by the Germans, and "Pocket Battleship" by the British. By playing off the British name, I have a rather good title for a fleet, in my own humble opinion.

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I went with "Rocky's Roughriders", the name comes from two parts the first is of course Teddy Roosevelt's unit during the Spanish-American War and the other part comes from one of my favorite books "Star-ship Troopers" where the mechanized infantry had a tradition of naming their unit using the Commander's name and a nickname sharing a beginning letter. (examples: Rico's Roughnecks, Johnson's Juggernauts, etc). I wanted something both patriotic yet cowboy-esqe.

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As I'm going with the U.K., my current options are:


-Force H

-Special Service Squadron

-Force F

-Home Fleet


The first two are notable due to the presence of HMS Hood. The first and third both served alongside each other in the Mediterranean, with the third having Manchester. The last was the primary fleet used in WWII.


I'm also considering Task Force Excalibur

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Hmm.... interesting i think i'll go with


-Matriarch Naval Corps

-Ravage Defense Force

-Sentinel Armada

-Miracle Fleet


or I could just be silly & name it "My Harem" but I'd get shot if I use that.


lastly i found a "Fleet Name Generator" as i was searching some ideas for the names


[Question] how do real Navies make names for their fleets though I'm kinda curious?

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They usually wouldn't name fleets and just give them a designation. Examples would be 7th Fleet, Taskforce H, etc. But the crews or the media might give them a popular nickname if they have enough reputation.

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Of course, these will likely be translated into Russian during my playthrough, but for the sake of everyone who doesn't read Cyrillic the option's I'm deciding between are:


-The Shining Moon Fleet

-The Red Moon Fleet

-The Great Pan-Pacific Fleet


For context, I will start my first play-through as the USSR and expand to compose my fleet of Japanese and American Warships as well to supplement Russia's lower physical abilities.

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Depending on whether I'll play the British, the Japanese, or Russians, I will use the pre-war Polish name of such a group of warships from class ships:


- Dywizjon Kontrtorpedowców (The squadron destroyers)


- Dywizjon Okrętów podwodnych (Submarine Squadron)


Or refer to the names of weather phenomena.

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Hi ho!


On mobile games, during team-based events, i tend to call my teams "Cool Crew". It had a certain, unique ring to it.

So i did some research about the term "cool" - whether it could be used on 1939 or not.


It turns out that it did exist in the time as a Black English word. While present in African American culture, it was used in Europe as a slang word to describe an aristocratic affair of love or romance behind close doors or under an apparent "mask" (in general, closed to the general public). While mostly centered in Italy (which was called "sprezatura"), the term was also used in Brittish English, at least until 1950. One could even think that the african slaves in the early U.S. have learned from the british officers at british colonies in Africa before being sent to America.


In other words, it fits my Battle Belles situation (or, at least, fictional situation) like a glove!

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I'm starting in Japan, so I'm thinking

反モルガナ聯合艦隊 Han Morugana Rengou Kantai

Or anti-Morgana Combined Fleet. My Japanese isn't great though, so I could be wrong there.

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