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I "Kickstarted it"


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Academagia The Making of Mages came to steam and that removed my copy of the game and I RAAAAGED....

For 3-7 sec, then it hit me.

I can now "kickstart" a game that have given me more fun and headhurts then most civ, x-com and space station 13 games ever did.

Ill just buy it again. Well I know steam steals a bit from BCS, but hey it looks good in their books.

Its not many games that I have owned for this long that I would even think about buying again if it somehow got removed from my collection. Yay Arc.




Now for the salt harvest... Year 2\removing my copy\ y2\nice devs, mods and power users on the forums... ehhh or was that not a salt topic?

Well whatevaaa, thnx all and keep up the good work.

And If you do Kickstart y2 give me a yell. I want in on that action too ;)

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