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Question about Mr. Pebbles


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I never really bother with familiars in my games, except for when I will occasionally play Mr. Pebble's adventure. But in all of my playthroughs with Mr. Pebbles, at the end of the school year, he wanders off, and the Player resolves not to look for him (or it). But my question is whether this is avoidable if the player build a strong bond with the rock familiar. Even if it is unavoidable to lose one's rock familiar at the end of the year, what sorts of consequences will this have in Y2?

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Oh that bit of the end adventure isn't Pebbles leaving the PC behind or vice versa, it's just that Pebbles doesn't get a special "look for your Familiar" that's specific to a given kind of Familiar because he's too annoying for the PC to deal with.

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  • 4 weeks later...

The letter is from the owner of a curiosity shop. (mailed normally after the... rocknapping.) He isn't a mage. It's more of a souvenir than a useful object, but maybe, just... Maybe.. It might be something for Y2.


We'll see... hehehehe!

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