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Victory Belles Lore questions


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I've returned with more questions, this time as a follow-on to the information we got in the latest update. If Belles from salvaged ships like Thetis and Squalus could potentially manifest Belles, what about much bigger ships? Specifically, what might be the Belles thoughts on a certain famous WW1 battlecruiser that recently came to the surface in Scapa Flow, for the first time in 20 years? I have some good information on the salvage of SMS Derfflinger that indicate the raising took place late in August, potentially days before the Morganas appeared and Belles began manifesting. Though I lack specific dates for each stage of the salvage, it seems likely that the ship would be in the midst of free-floating an in preparation for drydocking on September 1.

As salvaged she is remarkably intact, her main battery turrets are all in place and have not fallen out of their barbettes. Even in death, she defiantly clings to her weapons! A diagram I have of the raising effort indicates that her bridge and funnels survived settling on the sea bottom, and her masts were the only significant causalities of that event. Even the original paint appears to have remained in photographs. There certainly seems to be potential there, but I'll leave it to the Belles to hear what they have to say on the matter. Given her service record in the Great War, she'd be a force to be reckoned with if ever she returned. 

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We've discussed Derfflinger in particular in rather extensive detail if you read back Scoot, the general issue with Derfflinger as we've determined it, is that she's not in commission. Squalus and Thetis both are, which is why they can manifest a Belle. The Belles probably can't give us a firm conclusion either way since "they" wouldn't know one way or another, and I think it's doubtful we'll get an OOC lore discussion on something like that, much as we all desire it. (Maybe a live stream or something. Community round table. Something. You know maybe?) 

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On 12/1/2018 at 9:26 PM, Käpt'n Korky said:

 I would like to know which U-Boot commander is the most favoured by the known U-Bootwalküren or if not favoured, the most inspiring? I believe the answer to that question could be useful to all captains.

Well as I explained, I meant all submarines, since to me all submarines are U-Boote, if I'm not overspecifying.
So I ask this question again but different. This time with less national subtext.

Who are non German submarine commanders that we as captains should or could look to as inspiration? Or which are favourite commanders of the non German submarine Walküren? Sorry, I'm so focused on subs, but regarding non German submarines I really wouldn't know where to start looking.

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  • 1 month later...

It's well known by now that a Belle is effected by her Death Day.  What about the Death Day of a Belle's namesake?  Or, if the ship is named after an event, the date of that?  If the event happens to be over a span of days (such as the Battle of Verdun) would the first or last day of said event be of significant importance to her?

In Update #98, it was evident that a certain Belle is skittish where the Ides of March is concerned.  Is that a real danger, or simply a touch of paranoia?

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Further on that, what about if a Belle is named after a city and that city becomes attacked? Would HMS Liverpool be affected if Liverpool the city was attacked by the Morganas?

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20 hours ago, Panay's Ghost said:

 If the event happens to be over a span of days (such as the Battle of Verdun) would the first or last day of said event be of significant importance to her?

There happened more at Verdun, than "just" the battle you think of. So what if you have a really historically busy place or person?

18 hours ago, Wellington99 said:

Further on that, what about if a Belle is named after a city and that city becomes attacked? Would HMS Liverpool be affected if Liverpool the city was attacked by the Morganas?

Liverpool is an unlikely target. Gets easily confused with Dublin. Believe me.

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2 hours ago, Käpt'n Korky said:

There happened more at Verdun, than "just" the battle you think of. So what if you have a really historically busy place or person?

The Guépard-class destroyer we've met specifically stated that her namesake is the Battle of Verdun (that I'm thinking of):  an event.  If she were named for Verdun itself, I would suspect (as I suspect with all location-named Belles) that unless and until the place is blown off the face of the Earth it has no last day and would then be counted among ships named after generic wildlife, weather conditions, adjectives and/or just given numbers (who don't worry about such things).

As far as historically busy or not, the common tradition is that a person gets a ship named after them posthumously.  Not all die as spectacularly as say, Hans Lüdemann or Sergey Kirov, but the common denominator here is that they have a date of expiration.

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22 minutes ago, Panay's Ghost said:

The Guépard-class destroyer we've met specifically stated that her namesake is the Battle of Verdun (that I'm thinking of):  an event.  If she were named for Verdun itself, I would suspect (as I suspect with all location-named Belles) that unless and until the place is blown off the face of the Earth it has no last day and would then be counted among ships named after generic wildlife, weather conditions, adjectives and/or just given numbers (who don't worry about such things).

As far as historically busy or not, the common tradition is that a person gets a ship named after them posthumously.  Not all die as spectacularly as say, Hans Lüdemann or Sergey Kirov, but the common denominator here is that they have a date of expiration.

I could find no hard evidence of her namesake being specifically the 1916 battle fought there. But I could find 5 other Battles or Sieges there and I specifically thought about the Treaty of Verdun from 843AD/1596AUC. But don't let my nagging distract you from that very interesting point you're raising. 
In Verduns case she could only be "at rest" from late December to late February. A horrible idea.

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On 3/19/2019 at 11:11 AM, Panay's Ghost said:

In Update #98, it was evident that a certain Belle is skittish where the Ides of March is concerned.  Is that a real danger, or simply a touch of paranoia?

About that specifically, I think it's less a real danger and more the Ides of March generally being unlucky or ominous. So not paranoia. But superstition. 

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  • 3 months later...

Perhaps some of the belles might share their thoughts regarding portrayals of belles (that is, ships possessing awareness/personality/a voice) produced before the general awakening of September '39?

For example, some of Admiral Hopwood's poems (The Old Way; The Auxiliary; The Figureheads), or (though not a warship) Kipling's The Ship That Found Herself.

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  • 1 month later...

thank you for answering my last question

this answers one lore question but raises another if our will can block or at least hide are self's. Points to a connection between Captain and belle wonder if a captain could communicate with a belle with there mind that would be one hell of a tactical advantage
included are some excerpts from the post update admiral meeting
thier identities have been removed for reasons of secrecy.
[ All I have to say is yes hugging ]
[I agree with that and this answers one lore question but raises another if our will can block or at least hide are self's points to a connection between Captain and belle wonder if a captain could communicate with a belle with there mind that would be one hell of a tactical advantage]
[ Permission to hug granted to all my Walküren ]

[Well there's a simple way to test that.

Think a very lewd thought at Belfast. If she reacts, then you can start working on refining the process for combat.]

[ Or think a lewd thought at Pola and if you get dick punched, you got it ]

[ I can imagine that's how it's descovered a captain is thinking something lewd and gets slapped or pounced on ]

[Gentlemen, I'm disappointed by your lack of mental discipline.

Also, thx for laz to kill us all by being left to drift in a lifeboat on the open seas.]

[ I find your lack of faith in are belles to find us Disturbing ]

[No, I can simply do math. 6 days in a life boat at least!

Belfast ain't the greatest navigator and Pola is probably full like a battle howitzer, as we say in my home village.]

[And do be fair if we were suddenly dumped in the middle of the Atlantic. I would fully expect one of the sub belles to rescue us the second who ever dumped us was out of sight

I can see it now Belfast and Pola disappear over the horizon and Nautilus surfaces. Nautilus: hay captain what are you doing in the Atlantic. Captain: being rescued I hope]

[ Also Pola likes kids books ]

[Pola is cute. And I think she is not all mean. I intend to put myself in the way of great personal harm to find her not mean side]

[ok we have had are first thoughts lets move on to discussing the initial results of project undone and project divinity]

the rest of the meeting is classified




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  • 2 weeks later...

To make things clear, I'll claim the couple of those that were from my own mouth during the meeting.  
1) All I have to say is yes hugging.

2) Pola is cute. And I think she is not all mean. I intend to put myself in the way of great personal harm to find her not-mean side.

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13 minutes ago, lazarusdw said:

For the record the reason I picked lewdness was it's a primal instinct which should be easier to communicate than actuall messages and images. Start with something simple and then expand on it. fear should also work but was deemed too dangerous. no need to put the captain at risk

I just want to point out, that laz's quotes are easily identifiable by his typical spelling errors.

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4 minutes ago, Käpt'n Korky said:

I just want to point out, that laz's quotes are easily identifiable by his typical spelling errors.

someone is a bit grouchy. but please ignore my spelling and grammer mistakes it's one of my main weakness can read fine know many words but if you asked spell them or put them in the correct order and i havent a clue

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58 minutes ago, Ninjapacman said:

To make things clear, I'll claim the couple of those that were from my own mouth during the meeting.  
1) All I have to say is yes hugging.

2) Pola is cute. And I think she is not all mean. I intend to put myself in the way of great personal harm to find her not-mean side.

So next update is Pola being after Ninja?

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10 hours ago, Käpt'n Korky said:

7 and I bet you a pack of ground horrifying tar.

I bet you a bottle of 20 years old port for 5 


4 hours ago, Ninjapacman said:

If it's more than 10 do I get a pack of ground horrifying tar for myself?  Medical reasons.

I'm willing to bet that if you do get hurt Pola will try and nurse you. I'll put up my rum ration as my bet

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7 hours ago, lazarusdw said:

I'm willing to bet that if you do get hurt Pola will try and nurse you. I'll put up my rum ration as my bet

I’ll take that bet.  The loss of my own run ration is very well worth the conditions of the loss.

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here are some more excerpts from a post update admiral meeting this time discussing potential post war situations and effects of belles on religion

mostly declassified


guys if at the end of the war people tried to scrap are belles what would be your thoughts
if you are apposed to scraping ask about the (redacted belle's captain eyes only)

CCI Korky09/02/2019
What is the (redacted belle's captain eyes only)?

A plan of mine to save everyone that fought with us from anyone who would see them harmed
(redacted belle's captain eyes only) interested @CCI Korky

CCI Korky09/02/2019
(redacted belle's captain eyes only)

(redacted belle's captain eyes only)

Seaman Shmuckatelli09/02/2019
Start the debate in the news/public of whether it’s morally acceptable to tear apart a conscious being
At the very least the American belles will have no problem staying afloat as museums that way
because the american public is very into discussing morality
“does it have a soul?” Obviously! it has free will!
That will satisfy the conservatives
Those wanting to scrap it to make way for better ships, point out there’s no guarantee the better/newer ships will even have belles, and the belles themselves are exponentially more powerful than their mundane sisters. this should appease them for at least as long as it takes to build a new ship and test the theory, which will allow time for the debate to spread to the public
If they do it fast, give them more experiments, such as giving a new ship the same name as an already-manifested belle, and see if either’s qualities change or mimic.
or if the belle transfers

Yes and that why one of the peaceful fall back options is for all Belle's the world over to clam asylum in the USA
Also no nuking are Belle's

American Belles are double extra safe.
Americans get violently attached to ships now.
The Chief Naval Officer's office received enough letters to name one of the new Ford class ships Enterprise that they could have pulled all the furniture out and filled it floor to ceiling. Literal millions of letters. Actual physical letters mind you!
Imagine what that kind of attachment would be like if Enterprise was a walking, talking, sentient being.

Enough to get her to the white house

The real issue with your question is, what does the world look like at the end of the war?
Britain considered that most worth of Royal Navy battleships for a museum ship, Warspite for that duty... and scrapped her any way. To my knowledge that was very much a part of the money involved.
Which is why Mikasa is the only British designed and produced battleship left to my knowledge.
Is post war Germany rubble like my grandparents crawled out of?
Did Japan get nuked and occupied, then rebuilt into a strong US ally against Communism? Or did the US and Japan end up as staunch allies after brutal fighting against the Morgana in the Pacific?

That I believe is up to us

I've already made my argument that the very existence of the Morgana and the Belles means a very significant change in the Japanese government, regardless of player interference or action.

Yes that scares me too

Japan I'd say the Belles are pretty safe too all told.

Yes considering their referred to as Kami aka god's

Don't overthink the word "god" in the context of Japan too much.
Spirit might be a better term in English, with Okami being gods.

I know spirit would be a better translation
See we are on the same page I was using god for political reasons

In those terms though. Think about how much support that would give traditionalists, as well as people who were pushing for what amounts to a Showa Restoration in the late 1930s.
Imperial loyalists would have a pretty serious string to their bow.

Seaman Shmuckatelli09/02/2019
But if we get a couple “Kami-sama”s then I don’t think Japan, if no longer forced to give their entire afloat navy as reparations, would give them for scrapping so easily
tradition is important

Wonder what the pope says about belle, Christian would useful

Back to Japanese Belles post war, local municipalities would rally to take care of the Belles is my belief. As extensions of the shrines connected to those places already. Mount Kongou for example, is of course, a mountain in the Kansai region.

Seaman Shmuckatelli09/02/2019
Even more so, a bigger question is raised: what of the crews? They probably, depending on the belle, think of her as a shipmate at the very least, and a minor deity at the high end.

Mount Kongou has a dedicated shrine. As most major terrain features do.
Thus the battleship Kongou is very much and very intentionally attached to that.
Even before Kongou manifests herself.

Seaman Shmuckatelli09/02/2019
Would you under any circumstances allow the government to—in no uncertain terms—dismember your crew chief? or Poseidon?

I still maintain that most religions would generally be pretty pro belle. Beautiful women appearing from nowhere to fight monsters from what appears to be the very depths of hell, bearing the name of sins?
The Pope will be all over that shit.

Seaman Shmuckatelli09/02/2019
I think most would have a word to give about that



I'd also imagine we have some pretty damn Catholic Belles.

I mean. Italy is a place. You'll be shocked to know they like Jesus there.


Seaman Shmuckatelli09/02/2019

There may be some religious extremists from some such as islam or judaism who may claim false gods, and believe the belles to be demonic



As a former crewman if my plane had been a sapient entity, and the Corps wanted to do anything but retire her to civilian service I'd be in the brig before the day was up.


Seaman Shmuckatelli09/02/2019

And I bet the 3 thousand men on USS Saratoga would do the same



I believe General Puller would approve.

("Take me to the brig! I want to see the real Marines." - General Lewis "Chesty" Puller, proving the Corps really has changed in 80 years.)



To be fair when the middle East shipping lanes get cut off by Morgana s I think their change their minds about Belle's



I thought we had heard what some religious groups were saying.

I think religion in general would get a pretty serious boost from the Belles.



And anyone apossing them would quickly change their minds after being shot at



Or they'd figure out what's what if they got a look at a Morgana.

The Nixen are supposed to be pretty terrifying specters to behold. I've always thought of their ships as a mix between the Borg, but scrap metal enthusiasts, and diesel punk zombies.



To be fair if you can see a Morgana you're being shot at by one


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  • 1 month later...

one last question about names we know that belles are limited in how far they can move from thier hulls. i was wondering if belles named after places could freely travel said place .i.e. if belfast docked in the port of belfast would she able to anywhere with the city.

second i have a question about submarine belles we know they can dive under water but how far under can they go. and can a sub belle operate outside of her hull while at depth would be a very useful skill to have. would make submarine rescue a lot easier or cutting through nets, then there all the possible civilian uses marine biology reserch Archaeology underwater investgations plus the fact belles could go to places human divers can't. and in call back to an old anwered question if you would'nt mind do pass on salmon that i think for a submarine belle civilian life would have a lot of opportunities so please don't discount it.

third question what are belles aircraft are they smaller virsion of the human one with it's own pilot or they some sort of energy construct that belles are able to control remotelly

forth we know belles have to be near there hull but if they cut a small piece off and carried it with them could they then go where they want as long as they kept that piece close


also if you would mind passing on a few letter i would use the post but a friend of mine a letter for rome italy ended up in texus for some reason,

dear U-29

i am terrible sorry you did'nt full transcript of the admiralty meeting. if you had seen the full transcript your see the reason that lewd thoughts were picked as a first attempt at telepathic communication. were reasonable we thought that trying to use pictures or sounds were to complicated for a first attempt at communication. that be why the test you did with belfast did'nt get the desired outcome (it did point to other ways that such a link could be proven will continue about that later). The admiralty dicided that simple feeling should be the start preferably ones tied to primal instinct. basic and simple was the thought to be the best start which leads to what one to we go for. to be honest most had very bad con, for instence fear could really mess up a captain leaving them a nervous wreck unfit for command. hunger was also discarded for similar reason. pain was considered minus accdents could work quite well. Then lewdness came up after some joke we could'nt find any real negatives, minor physical discomfort some embarrisment but no more than what pain would cause without any real risk to anyone.


now on to some observations of your test belfast did'nt pick up anything but you did'nt try the reverse of having the captain pick up on what belfast was seeing. with belles being the center of all powers that we may see results with belles trying to initiate the first telepathic communication again try to keep it basic and simple maybe focus on sentaion of your screws turning while thinking of the captain. I would love to here your thought on this

your's sincerely

Lazarus D Walking



Dear Nürnberg

I apologize in advance for the shortness of this letter I've been meaning to write to you and others but with not much to say i'd thought it best to wait but. I can wait no longer, first I thank you for answering my civilian life question it was heartfelt and sweet that your first thought was your ok with it if your useful which i'm sure you would be. all i've seen of you so far shows to be a hard working if not somewhat mischievous and I can't wait to meet you face to face and try some of your Lebkuchen

your's sincerely

Lazarus D Walking



Dear Leningrad

I recently reread your part in the poetry night i believe you were reading poetry by Anna Akhmatova i do hope you continue to share. I was also wondering if you have any recommendation for other russian poetry. I also apologize in advance if this question is to personal but some of us at the admiralty have been wondering about you personal. it about the connection belles have to thier names in your named after a place named after a person we were wondering if you feel any connection to the person in question. also what are your thoughts on Boise becoming a US senator and have you given a political career any thought if you do know thier people out there who would be willing to help to the extension they are legally alound to. of course it's only a crime if convicted i hope to hear from you soon.

your's sincerely

Lazarus D Walking

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Stone frigates. Avenue to investigate the Shintoist conception of Belles as the more visible, active end of an expansive Kami-continuum, or just legal sleight-of-hand from the Admiralty?

More particularly, HMS Diamond Rock. French island? British sloop? Ghost-hunting opportunity for U-29? Perhaps a Caribbean holiday scientific expedition is called for.

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