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Victory Belles Lore questions


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Probably the third option:  if land masses- no matter how tiny- can get a Belle that simply, there'd be no stopping the race to ship-ify every dinky island in every ocean, sea and lake.  ...And then there's the continents (spoiler: The Good Ship Europa would be a basket case)...


From my understanding of Shinto, any thing suitably sublime enough may become a home for a kami.

My suspicion is that if that thing can't be sunk, the kami residing in it isn't a ship's spirit.

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  • 3 weeks later...

belles name after places have a hyper awareness of that place when docked thier. that could be useful i wonder if USS Mississippi has the same kinda awareness when docked at Gulfport, mississippi?

2 my main point about belle subs max depth was about the belles themself not thier hulls which i think was answered but I also wanted to know if belles could operate outside thier hulls while at depth would be nice to know.

side not if thiers anything i can do to help 29 in her experiment about captian-Belle telepathic conection then i am willing to do so.

the anwers to the hull question was interesting going to do some testing of my own.


now the old question have been anwersed time for some new one

do belles mind using the equipment other nations?

do non navy captains bring anything new with when they take command?

have the belles had any impacted on culture be it music or art?

(I swear when i heared this song i thought they were singing about belfast )

what can a captain realisticly do against morgarners sinces one snuck aboard during hood interiew. i've personally taken to carring a limpet mine around on my person. also could you ask nagato to see if she can get some smoke bombs from [REDACTED]

Last question Nautilus talked about captain Nemo now i am sure she was just pulling are leg but the possablity can't be ignored. so can you ask HMS Ajax's if she feels any connection to War Rocket Ajax



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On 11/9/2019 at 4:48 AM, lazarusdw said:

What can a captain realisticly do against morgarners sinces one snuck aboard during hood interiew. i've personally taken to carring a limpet mine around on my person. also could you ask nagato to see if she can get some smoke bombs from [REDACTED]



The morgana in the interview seems to have been for the purposes of the interview, and lore-wise is likely not possible in universe.  Just in case though, I’m not sure why you’d carry a mine, as that seems rather impractical, or why you’d ask Nagato about obtaining armament.  I’m much happier carrying a saber to repel boarders and more than a couple personal firearms ranging in size from a hunting shotgun to a 1934 production of the absolutely adorable beretta 418.

With talk in the most recent Captains’ meeting surrounding how a belle can travel via turning parts of her ship into other land-based items such as cars (a theory in which I find no credibility) I find myself wondering, if I were to make a sword out of my belle’s hull, (melt a hull plate or fixing and forge it into a blade) would it have the power to strike and harm supernatural foes, such as Morgana?

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For myself, the 1911 pistol is a fine workaday weapon for dispensing justice, repeling boarders and at the very least offending a Nixen's frail temperament. I'm also happy to try out my 1897 pattern shotgun on them. A friend of mine at the Ordinance Department is trying to get me one of these new model M1 Carbines. Again not sure it would do much except annoy, but I'm sure that would be enough to give my Belle an opening to counter attack.

A sword is a must. No officer is properly dressed without his or her sword after all. 

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56 minutes ago, Ninjapacman said:

The morgana in the interview seems to have been for the purposes of the interview, and lore-wise is likely not possible in universe.  Just in case though, I’m not sure why you’d carry a mine, as that seems rather impractical, or why you’d ask Nagato about obtaining armament.  I’m much happier carrying a saber to repel boarders and more than a couple personal firearms ranging in size from a hunting shotgun to a 1934 production of the absolutely adorable beretta 418.

With talk in the most recent Captains’ meeting surrounding how a belle can travel via turning parts of her ship into other land-based items such as cars (a theory in which I find no credibility) I find myself wondering, if I were to make a sword out of my belle’s hull, (melt a hull plate or fixing and forge it into a blade) would it have the power to strike and harm supernatural foes, such as Morgana?

The mine was more for anti morgana work. I know a single mine is not going to greatly harm a morgana but hopefully it would give time and space, so as to maneuver to better position preferably behind a belle. 2 if there Japanese don't have a shinobi themed belle I'll be both disappointed and surprised, the smoke bomb has the same job as the mine just a different way to do it.  Your thoughts about turning hull pieces into weapons very interesting 

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  • 4 weeks later...
5 hours ago, lazarusdw said:

on a side note what kind of relationship do spee and sharnhorst have condisering that one is named after the other last incarnation commander. i'm just interested in the potential dynamic

Spee was, as commander of the whole squad, also commander of Gneisenau. So I'd guess AGS got a "close/trusted friend" status with both.

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  • 1 month later...

question drop

belles name after places have a hyper awareness of that place when docked thier. that could be useful i wonder if USS Mississippi has the same kinda awareness when docked at Gulfport, mississippi?

my main point about belle subs max depth was about the belles themself not thier hulls which i think was answered but I also wanted to know if belles could operate outside thier hulls while at depth would be nice to know.

do belles mind using the equipment other nations?

do non navy captains bring anything new with when they take command? 

what can a captain realisticly do against morgarners sinces one snuck aboard during hood interiew. i've personally taken to carring a limpet mine around on my person. also could you ask nagato to see if she can get some smoke bombs from [REDACTED]

 Nautilus talked about captain Nemo now i am sure she was just pulling are leg but the possablity can't be ignored. so can you ask HMS Ajax's if she feels any connection to War Rocket Ajax

leningrad was able to phase a cake through a door can this be done with other objects through diffrent materials

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I believe some of those questions have been previously answered, Laz.  Particularly the one about captains fighting a boarding event.  I also figure whether a belle minds using foreign equipment is rather up to the particular belle in question.  Kongo may not mind using british equipment, for example, but it’s possible she would hate to use French equipment.  A belle like Hiryu may be completely against foreign equipment whatsoever, whereas Nenohi may be happily inclined to use whatever from whoever.

I am interested in expanding upon the Non-navy captain question though, as it pertains to most of the player base.  Is equipment restricted on a parent nation basis, allowed as required as a general INPF rule, or are non-Navy captains strictly forced to abide by military regulations?

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  • 2 weeks later...

can you ask the belles about the force multiplier that we captains apear to be " Where Navy ships carrying SAs without designated “Captains of the Fleet” seem to be 8 to 15% more effective against the unknown fleets than ships without SAs, the presence of a chosen captain can double or even triple performance according to the metrics proposed by [REDACTED] "


second " It would be naïve to think that there would be no resistance to any changes to existing policy from our nation’s military manufacturers and their political allies " what if i want to fight them. i'm not saying i want to punch the people behind the Mark 6 exploder but i would.

follow up can a belles sense when she has defective equipment load or do they just work as intended even if they should'nt, as we know belles do have supernatural powers

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9 hours ago, lazarusdw said:

can you ask the belles about the force multiplier that we captains apear to be " Where Navy ships carrying SAs without designated “Captains of the Fleet” seem to be 8 to 15% more effective against the unknown fleets than ships without SAs, the presence of a chosen captain can double or even triple performance according to the metrics proposed by [REDACTED] "


second " It would be naïve to think that there would be no resistance to any changes to existing policy from our nation’s military manufacturers and their political allies " what if i want to fight them. i'm not saying i want to punch the people behind the Mark 6 exploder but i would.

follow up can a belles sense when she has defective equipment load or do they just work as intended even if they should'nt, as we know belles do have supernatural powers

I believe those first two questions were actually explained in the update... the latter is a good question though.  Would a mk 14 torpedo fired by belles not have to worry about a 70% dud rate and ridiculously high chance of circular runs?


On that matter, were a belle like Hood to acquire a different gun, say Nagato’s 405mm guns... would she have to rely on resupply from Japan or is she capable of hypothetically firing more easily acquired british 16” shells from the gun?

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2 hours ago, Wellington99 said:

Given what was revealed about Belles being able to mount any equipment, does this mean one could give Rawalpindi a set of 15” guns and she could operate effectively?

That was definitely answered a while there is a limit to what guns can be equipped with they didn't give a lot of details just that DDs can't use BBs guns which was kinda obvious. Pindi comes with 6inch guns so I would expect her to be able use any CL gun not sure about 8inch

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1 hour ago, Ninjapacman said:

I believe those first two questions were actually explained in the update... the latter is a good question though.  Would a mk 14 torpedo fired by belles not have to worry about a 70% dud rate and ridiculously high chance of circular runs?


On that matter, were a belle like Hood to acquire a different gun, say Nagato’s 405mm guns... would she have to rely on resupply from Japan or is she capable of hypothetically firing more easily acquired british 16” shells from the gun?

I know it was answered I just want more details

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Given the recent update, what's the state of classified materials? Or rather, how are nations reacting to the understanding that Belles from any other nation can intuitively understand, integrate, and utilize their most secret of projects? I ask because Japan in particular--and there are examples of this sort of thing from each major nation--took incredibly great care in hiding the type 93 "Long Lance" torpedo. They even went so far as to send divers searching for hours or days to recover a single torpedo after test firing. It worked well too, with some US admirals believing the Japanese torpedoes had almost identical performance to their own through 1943. Imagine their surprise or horror when an american or british vessel is photographed in harbor with some brand-spanking-new oxygen torpedoes!

So how do the nations react to the realization that any or all of their secrets may fall into the hands of the foes they're still at war with, and at any time? And to take that the other way, to what extent can a belle from a less developed nation integrate technology that is not known or understood to any of her designers or used on any of her sisters/colleagues? When Kuma was designed, Radar was a pipe dream for even the British. How well would she be able to integrate an american 1940 or '41 SC set as found on Atlanta or Helena?

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In a similar vein, how much cooperation is there actually between nations in regards to the INPF and Belles? I would imagine while majority want the Morgana threat dealt with, there's also going to be moments where maybe the Pride of the Royal Navy is refused entry into a German port, or Polish captains having a really hard time working alongside German and Russian captains due to, ya know. Some nations probably wouldn't readily give as much aid as others.

And what about intelligence? Crossing over in regards to classified materials, I wouldn't imagine that the British wouldn't still work to break the Enigma code, so would that get thrust into the open due to the INPF? "Oh hey we broke your guys' code btw".

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I assume they'd have to work extremely hard to compartmentalize some things. 

The Question:

I want to know if it's regular practice to post political officers and covert intelligence officers to Belle crews to ensure such things aren't getting "accessed" by various parties.

Baseless speculation you don't need to include if you use this for an update:

For example, I'm a Yank and will probably play one for my first play through in game. Let's say by hook or by crook my Jarhead ass enlisted in the 1930s and I ended up in one of the various Pacific postings for Marines. A fair few of those had regular visits or chances to run across Japanese warships and would have certainly been on the list of places about to be raided by Morgana 1 September, 1939. Albeit at mid afternoon or late evening since everything kicked off with the Schleswig-Holstein firing the opening bombardment of the war... by the European perspective. So it's perfectly reasonable for a Belle to pluck my sorry ass out of the water after getting blown out of a defensive position or my previous ride being sunk at her moorings with a "Get in Gaijin we have a war to win." on day one.

We've covered that previously. That's gonna be a *huge* clusterfuck for the Japanese government once they begin unfucking things. Japan *still* isn't terribly friendly to non Japanese but in the 1930s and 40s it was *really* not exactly welcoming. Seeing an American officer on the bridge of a Japanese warship as anything but a prisoner probably would have been terribly upsetting for certain individuals in the Japanese government. Would they deal? Depends on how much they want to keep the kami happy... and if they think they can get away with eliminating someone quietly without pissing her off.

For these nations I assume they'd deal partially by ensuring a captain of their nation remained as executive or first officer. Establishing a second radio room with one dedicated to INPF communications and another reserved *solely* for IJN communications (or whatever nation) with tight security would also let parent nations keep a handle on their assets and keep them in the loop... without letting cryptography assets into what nearly amounts to public consumption. Some Belles you'd just have to cut out of the loop entirely. Nurnberg for example would probably be fine to have a second Kriegsmarine commo shack with an enigma machine and dedicated Kriegsmarine sailors manning and guarding that post. She is unlikely to violate security and share that information with a foreign captain. Another Belle might not be assessed as being so reliable. 

Of course part of this is the idea about cutting Belles out of conventional forces with the INPF... but there's a lot of cracks in that as a solution. 

"Hey we've got this great new ship that's a secret from the world. Look at this beauty of a battleship."
"Gorgeous, what's her name?" 
"Yamato... is that a raid siren?"
"I see a lot of fog... most be those sea witches." 
The two IJN officers watch as the Yamato comes to life on her own volition and snaps her mooring lines, maneuvering to unmask her 46cm guns and engage.

Now the largest battleship made by human artifice, the pride of the IJN... is out of the war and serving with the INPF. That's a big example of a common problem. Various advanced Japanese destroyer types, even the Fubuki class special type destroyers that revolutionized the concept of destroyers in the 30s could provide all manner of useful information to the right parties. That's discounting some of the special weapons systems like oxygen torpedoes. Hell a guy being able to observe the ship's performance in combat from her deck, taking notes and sending it back to ONI (US) could have a massive impact on conventional engagements. "These Type 96 AA guns are fucking awful. Their deficiencies are thus..."

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Speculation leading to a question to answer one of  Urza's questions in the thread for the update. (164 for later reference):

Theoretically, Belles know how they work. they know everything about themselves from their top speed to the range of their guns and the amount of shots they can fire continuously before overheating.  Perhaps the "Captain of the Fleet" drastically improves a belles potential by being a man who can interact with the crew and has an incentive to keep the ship and all men on it afloat. Naturally belles have been smart enough to figure out naval tactics out on their own, but they aren't necessarily empathetic to the crews on board in a way the skipper would have to be. A belle cannot act on any ambitions she has without a crew loading the guns and working the radios. 

So what I'm thinking about is the Morganas' effects/auras. I Imagine captains are chosen in part because of these. Most, if not all, naval crews have shown vulnerability to the Morganas' effects. As stated earlier, a Belle cannot fight without her crew, so this would be somewhat infuriating for a belle without a Captain. But perhaps a Captain of the Fleet is chosen because he does not lock himself in his stateroom or jump ship at the sight of a terror-class battleship. Perhaps he stands tall while the crew all collapses hunting down an Asphyxiation-class submarine, and maintains the level head required to disengage and finish it off another day. 

So the question if used for an update is: 
To what extent are Captains affected by Morgana auras? 

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