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Victory Belles Lore questions


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As a question for Fubuki and Nenohi, since your subclasses, the Akatsukis and Shiratsuyus, are closer than most, do you consider your subclasses as Sister’s as well?  Would Fubuki consider akatsuki to be a sister and would Akatsuki consider the same?

TL;DR, do belles consider closely related subclasses to be sisters?

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Two more questions for the list arising from Espero’s story.

Firstly: can a belle be risen from a scrapped ship If the ship is rebuilt, and if so, at what point does it stop being the same girl?  Perhaps if you stop the scrapping of Florida in 1931 once the turrets were removed, would she be different the way a sunk belle returns different, or can you just plop the turrets back on and have classic good ol’ Florida back?


Secondly, The US navy had a habit in the late age of sail or taking pieces from the hull of an obsolete warship being scrapped and using them in the construction of a new ship to save on material cost and time, then calling it a rebuild of the old ship to mask the tactic.  Would such a tactic produce the same belle on said new ship?  Ergo, if we used hull plates from the Atlanta-class USS Atlanta, presuming she wasn’t sunk at Savo, to build the Cleveland-class USS Atlanta, would there be the same belle? (presuming for the sake of argument that the Atlanta class and Cleveland class were more similar than they actually are)

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17 hours ago, Ninjapacman said:

[...]at what point does it stop being the same girl?  Perhaps if you stop the scrapping of Florida in 1931 once the turrets were removed, would she be different the way a sunk belle returns different, or can you just plop the turrets back on and have classic good ol’ Florida back?

Secondly, The US navy had a habit in the late age of sail or taking pieces from the hull of an obsolete warship being scrapped and using them in the construction of a new ship to save on material cost and time, then calling it a rebuild of the old ship to mask the tactic.  Would such a tactic produce the same belle on said new ship?  Ergo, if we used hull plates from the Atlanta-class USS Atlanta, presuming she wasn’t sunk at Savo, to build the Cleveland-class USS Atlanta, would there be the same belle?

I'm so glad you asked and join the ancient ranks of one of the oldest documented practical philosophical problems known to Europe: 

Is the ship of Theseus still the ship of Theseus? Welcome to the Theseus Paradoxon!

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  • 1 month later...

here are some new question and some old ones that i'd luke more details about

new questions

can a belles sense when she has defective equipment load or do they just work as intended even if they should'nt, as we know belles do have supernatural powers

Nautilus talked about captain Nemo now i am sure she was just pulling are leg but the possablity can't be ignored. so can you ask HMS Ajax's if she feels any connection to War Rocket Ajax

leningrad was able to phase a cake through a door can this be done with other objects through diffrent materials

leningrad hinted at that the captain can sense a belle is this a common ability and can the captain develop more


old question that were anwersed but i'd like more detail

belles name after places have a hyper awareness of that place when docked thier. that could be useful i wonder if USS Mississippi has the same kinda awareness when docked at Gulfport, mississippi?

my main point about belle subs max depth was about the belles themself not thier hulls which i think was answered but I also wanted to know if belles could operate outside thier hulls while at depth would be nice to know.(how does a belle compare to a human diver)

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  • 4 weeks later...

ok new letter to U-29


Dear U-29

thank you for responding to my last letter. i find myself enjoying are discussions which is why i write with hopefully more interesting subjects to discuss. With that in mind I'd like to talk about some belle's unique power and if captain can have them too. When Leningrad was meeting Wichita, Lenin said the captain could sense if a belle was on board. Unfortunately, most of us have not had a chance to personal meet you or your kin. We are waiting for the go ahead from department codename black chicken. So, there are thing we can’t know like the fact we may be able to develop the ability to sense belles. Do know if there are another thing, we may learn to do. 


 It's just that some captains upon hearing that some captain can sense belles. so, they assumed they could develop similar abilities resulting in them trying to phase through doors and getting concussions in the processes, or phase thier clothes off and have said clothes catch fire. It's really beginning to annoy are doctors and the logistics department isn’t happy over the rate at which we are burning through uniforms. So, do you know if it’s possible for us to develop such abilities please do tell.  

Now for the second topic in the past I've asked about how well a belle’s body handles underwater now I know your equal to in some regards and vastly superior others. Do believe that submarine belles could be fantastic repair ships, let's say a big German capital ship gets hit by an air dropped torpedo jamming her rudder, could a submarine belle with the right tool fix said rudder quicker than human divers. Also, this could make a huge different to submarine rescue or navigating a mine field. Please respond as quick as you can  

yours sincerely 

Admiral LDW 

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Dear Chiyoda 


I hope this letter finds you well, I write because it's been said you doubting yourself thinking that you lack bravery. Which personal I find absurd you have your own will and now that you have manifested the ability to do anything you want. Yet you’re here fighting with everything you have against whatever the hell morganas are.  


if you want to do more then do so, I believe you still have the potential to grow even more powerful. But please don’t forget you are more than just a weapon and it’s ok to be you. Perhaps you could use your artistic talents to boost morale or work with Dunkerque to raise funds for a Nobel cause. 


Your faithfully 

Admiral LDW   

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Dear Nautilus 


I write to you because I have questions that you are unique positioned to answer. 

I recently learned that belles can sense flaws in their equipment and was wondering.  

What do you think about the mark 14 torpedoes as I've heard it’s had no live fire tests of any kind. 

I will not send you out with weapons of dubious functionality so I'd love to hear your thoughts. 


Also, I remember you talking about captain nemo were you joking. Because I have a theory about trying to make fictionally ship real through the power of names. If a belle can have a connection with a fictionally version of herself. Then that means if let's say someone makes a film about a submarine called Nautilus and give that film version homing torpedo. Would you know about that torpedo and could know how to make one  


Your faithfully 

Admiral LDW

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  • 1 month later...

Because I haven’t done this in a while, I’ll just think of a lore question right now to push Laz out of the spotlight.😉


Often ships are given reporting names in the papers, which allow the news to publish exploits without breaking secrecy or pissing off the military.  How much of a say do the belles have in their own reporting names?  Do the papers pick for them and hope they don’t suffer the wrath of a warship misnamed?

Also in regards to names, sometimes in the interest of secrecy, ships operating with other countries (specifically US ships operating with Britain in the early war, and vice versa) were given fake names to hide their true home country.  Considering how belles seem to have an innate connection to their actual namesake, how much would USS Robin take on a connection to that name?

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that's an excellent question. which i will now expand on. is it possible to change a belles name and if so would anything happen, for i have been wondering about belles named after places, belfast said she had a limited hyper awareness of the city. so if a belle had her name changed to Atlantic would she gain a limited hyper awareness of the Atlantic Ocean.


and the spotlight is mine once more fight me ninja 😉


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32 minutes ago, lazarusdw said:

side note i was recently watching Victory Belles Kickstarter Actress Reel. could we have a second one

That’s a great idea.  Put together a reel with a couple of the hundred or so belles revealed since the first reel.  There should be some high end voice acting on those belles.

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6 minutes ago, Ninjapacman said:

That’s a great idea.  Put together a reel with a couple of the hundred or so belles revealed since the first reel.  There should be some high end voice acting on those belles.

it would be nice to hear them. could also replace the First Look! let's hear the belles say thier line

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One more question to fight the good the fight against lazarus’s spotlight, and speaking of spotlights, we are aware already that belles are to a certain degree, media personalities.

 Do their home countries choose which belles become highlighted in the media, does the INPF have a say, or do belles tend to choose for themselves?

I know it’s not difficult to make a capital ship like hood or Kongou famous, but what if a destroyer like Stewart wanted to be the face of the fighting fleet back home?  Does she get a say or would she be undermined for a more powerful ship like Nevada to carry the banner?

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you know i have been wondering about the media presents that belle's have. note that a few weeks ago they were making there own flash fan film. and what belles are actively participating in the media like film radio or newspapers. for instance if La motte-Picquet used her photography skills to act as a war correspondent

the spotlight is still mine your move ninja

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On 6/25/2020 at 11:09 PM, Ninjapacman said:

[...]Do their home countries choose which belles become highlighted in the media, does the INPF have a say, or do belles tend to choose for themselves?[...]

Instead of an answer... 😂🤣

On 6/26/2020 at 11:21 AM, lazarusdw said:

[..]the spotlight is still mine [..]

 You Anglos and Yankii and your superficial goals. 😘

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I think there was a topic where you could ask questions like the one I'm about to ask, but I couldn't find it, so I'll just leave my question here...


Could we know what other navies are getting Belles? So far we've got the Big 7 plus Spain, Poland, the Netherlands and, If I remember correctly, Australia... But what about other nations of Europe or Asia? Like Romania, Yugoslavia, China or Greek ships that actually served in the Hellenic Navy and aren't just Greek in name! (I have a feeling that with that comment I earned the hate of an entire class of the Royal Navy).

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  • 3 months later...

What is the relation between Belles and floating Dry Docks?  I have a personal theory that at the very least, the ones with names and classes have belles, sleeping or otherwise.  Girls like USS Dewey or USS ARD-1 do a lot for the fleet, and USS Artisan even more so.  Without these forward repair bases that performed more than 7000 repairs during the course of the war, ships would have had to return far greater distances home and been out of operational use much longer.   More importantly. since they repair or heal you belles, do you call them "Doc"?

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  • 1 month later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Something occurred to me recently and I can’t recall if it’s been answered at all: do a belle’s simple needs affect or reflect her vessel’s state? For example, Many belles have been shown to be quite interested in cooking and eating. Does the quality or quantity of the food they eat have any effect on their range or speed? Or vice versa, does a belle get hungry when she’s running low on oil or coal?


I imagine it would solve quite a few of Japan’s (for example) problems with certain vessels or operational tempo if they could fuel their belles with rice sans high grade fuel oil...

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And another I can’t recall, but which probably has been answered: Are ships the only vehicles to manifest belles? Many aircraft were named and given quite the lively histories and personalities. Would there be a chance for them to manifest?


Edit: or cars or tanks? Planes is a more likely and more convenient example but I’ve known items with histories like that as small and simple as daggers. Is one to say Excalibur, should she exist, wouldn’t have a fighting spirit or manifestation of her own?

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